Tuesday, November 01, 2011
印度草藥有關於肝膽疾病的一些有用資料 Diseases of the liver and gall bladder
The liver is a Pitta organ and the site or origin of many Pitta(infectious and inflammatory) disorders. Most liver disorders such as jaundice and hepatitis are typical Pitta diseases. Such Pitta disorders as ulcers and hyperacidity have their origin in wrong function of the liver and gall bladder. Pitta literally means bile. Excessive bile production or congestion in the flow of bile usually indicates high Pitta. In ayurveda, the liver is the seat of fire and easily heats up, causing various inflammatory diseases. The subtle enzymes, the bhutagnis, are located in the liver. They transform digested food particles into the forms of the five elements needed to build up the tissue for the five sense organs in the body.
Moreover, the liver is the site of most Pitta emotions. Negative Pitta emotions are irritability, anger, jealousy and ambition; positive ones are courage, confidence, enthusiasm and will power. Disturbance in these emotions can cause liver dysfunction.
Care of liver
There are many good, generally bitter, herbs for promoting the flow of bile, cleansing the blood, detoxifying the liver and relieving high Pitta. These include common Western herbs like gentian, barberry, dandelion and goldenseal.
Turmeric and barberry in equal parts are very good for cleansing liver energy and preventing emotional stagnation. Adding gotu kola to them calms the liver and mind, and helps counter additions to sugar, fat and alcohol, which impair liver function. Aloe gel is an excellent liver tonic. It has both cleansing and building properties.
The most specific Ayurvedic herb for the liver is Bhumyamalaki(Phyllanthus). Modern clinical studies both in India and the West show that as a single herb it is effective in most liver disorders. So for it appears to be the only substance that can treat hepatitis B in carriers, thus arresting the spread of the disease.
Mild spices such as coriander, fennel, cumin, turmeric, cyperus, mint, lemon and lime help promote liver energy and improve appetite in conditions of sluggish or congested liver. They can be used as spices in cooking or taken as teas before or after meals. Many green herbs-dandelion, nettles, chickweed, and comfrey leaf- are good for cleansing the liver; chorophyll in general is good for this purpose. Cooling nervine herbs include gotu kola, skullcap, passion flower, sandalwood and bhringaraj.
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