Wednesday, October 24, 2012

阿育吠陀印度草藥生活方式帶您輕松入睡 Get a Good Night’s Sleep: The Ayurvedic way







Get a Good Night’s Sleep: The Ayurvedic way
Many people have sleep problems. Without adequate sleep, we are at risk for many diseases. Ayurveda, an ancient science of healthcare, offers sage advice in the slumber department.

Dosha Sleep Styles First, it is important to understand the typical quality of sleep experienced by each dosha (energy type).
Vata individuals tend toward interrupted sleep. This is due to their nervous and anxious nature, and most insomnia tends to originate from a vata imbalance. This vata-type insomnia can stem from excessive thinking and worrying as well as hypersensitivity to people and surroundings.
Pitta individuals may get moderate to little sleep, but it is sound. An example would be the efficient owner of a large company who functions well on four hours of sleep and a power nap. A pitta-type insomnia, though, can result from unresolved emotions like anger, resentment, and jealousy.
Kapha individuals tend towards heavy, prolonged, and excessive sleep, which further exacerbates the sluggishness of their natural constitution. Kaphas rarely experience insomnia. They will derive health benefits from purposefully shortening their sleeping time and not napping during the day.

How much is enough?
Ayurvedic practitioners often recommend between six and eight hours of sleep a night. A kapha may need less, while a vata may need more. When aiming for longer sleep, it is important that it be had before sunrise to be in harmony with nature. A vata-dominant person could also nap in the afternoon if overwhelmed or depleted. Most Ayurvedic lifestyle recommendations include instructions to be in bed by 10 pm, asleep by 11 pm, and up by 6 am. How do we make that happen?

Aids to Slumber
Ayurveda recommends setting aside time in the evening to quietly review the day. This practice helps to release the tensions and concerns of the day and to empty the mind of bothersome thoughts. Yoga asanas are valued, but no stimulating or aerobic poses should be done. Oil massage of the head—especially with grounding sesame oil—followed by a warm bath promotes a sound sleep. Applied to the feet of a vata-dominant person, the sesame oil anchors and calms. Follow by a warm bath for best results. For some vata-dominant types, heavier food for dinner helps. In Ayurveda, that means whole grains, root vegetables, dairy, and boiled rice with milk and ghee. The last meal of the day should sustain you until breakfast but not cause gastric distress. Singing, chanting, listening to calm music, and placing oneself in joyful circumstances are good preparations for sleep. Pitta-aggravated insomniacs may benefit from using soft natural botanicals to calm their irritation before bed. The bed must be conducive to sleep and free of disturbances by animals or children. The room should be cool and dry, comfortable and uncluttered, with as few electronic lights, noises, or vibrations as possible. Leave the television and computers outside the bedroom. Many people get disturbed by the evening news. Avoid this influence before bed, along with stimulating music, movies, and video games. Read something calming or inspiring, or listen to music for a few minutes. Prayer and meditation are the preamble to sleep for many. Prayer is where you do most of the talking, meditation is where you are listening! If, with all these lifestyle recommendations, you still need help with peaceful slumber, Ayurveda recommends drinking warm milk. If dairy intolerant, use warmed rice, coconut, almond, or other nut milks. To this, you can add a pinch of nutmeg and/or gotu kola.

Herbal Remedies Ashwagandha (one to four capsules) taken with warmed milk and a bit of raw sugar helps the body cope with stress and leads to deep, untroubled sleep. Medicated bhringaraj oil applied to the scalp or hairline calms the mind and excessive mental activity. Jatamansi and valerian herbs can also sedate and work for some. Chamomile tea is a good standby for all three doshas. You may need to experiment to see what works best for you. Sweet dreams!

Friday, October 19, 2012

氨基酸與運動健身 Amino-Acid and Fitness Connection








Amino-Acid and Fitness Connection
For decades, athletes (especially bodybuilders) have used amino-acid supplements as ergogenic aids (something that increases muscular work capacity) and to help meet athletic goals.

Essential Amino Acids
An essential amino acid is one that your body needs but does not manufacture; you must obtain it through diet. When essential amino acids are present in the diet, the body is able to make an adequate supply of nonessential amino acids. One study finds that when people take 6 grams of essential amino acids in the right proportions one or two hours after resistance training, the result is an increase in muscle protein synthesis. When they’re taken before weight training, the increase in muscle protein synthesis is even greater. When used in the right proportions and taken at the right times, essential amino acids can significantly increase muscle protein synthesis.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids
The branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)—leucine, isoleucine, and valine—maintain muscle tissue by preventing breakdown during exercise. They’re commonly used by athletes to ensure a quick recovery after a workout. BCAAs also supply energy to the heart and skeletal muscles. Several studies suggest that supplementation with BCAAs has an ergogenic effect in people who exercise, including an increase in lean body mass. Research also shows that highly trained athletes using BCAAs are able to avoid the significant loss in body weight and decrease in peak power experienced by those not taking them. Even untrained individuals using BCAAs experience a significant increase in fat-free mass and grip strength.

Arginine has several important roles in your body. Its most popular use as an ergogenic supplement is its ability to augment nitric oxide levels, possibly helping to enhance your performance. Nitric oxide increases blood flow to working muscles, which in turn leads to increased oxygen transport and delivery of fuel to skeletal muscle. Supplemental arginine is thought to augment nitric oxide production, leading to an increase in blood flow.

Ornithine is  derived from the breakdown of arginine. It helps build muscle and reduce body fat, especially when combined with the amino acids arginine and carnitine. Ornithine is also needed for the formation of citrulline, proline, and glutamic acid, three amino acids that help supply energy to every cell in the body.  Ornithine is often combined with arginine as a muscle-building supplement.

There is no magic pill that works without exercise to promote muscle growth and improve performance. But when combined with a healthful diet, amino acids may help you achieve your sports-nutrition goals.

Friday, October 12, 2012

幫助注意力集中的營養補充劑 Supplemments to help you stay focused.


必需脂肪酸是值得重視的補充劑。兒童和成年人如果缺乏足夠的必需脂肪酸,經常會有皮膚乾燥、脫髮、指甲變脆、上臂皮膚不平滑,同時伴有過敏、口渴或小便頻繁等癥狀,這些也是患有ADHD病人的普遍癥狀。研究表明,兒童注意力缺乏癥可能是由於缺乏奧米加-3脂肪酸,這些包括EPA和DHA。最近的一項安慰劑對照臨床研究發現,75名兒童服用奧米加-3和奧米加-6必需脂肪酸後注意力缺乏癥的癥狀得到明顯減輕。3至6歲兒童建議每日服用250毫克EPA和DHA混合配方,7歲至11建議服用 500毫克,12歲以上可服用1000毫克。

脂肪酸構成了大腦大部分結構,但腦部也依賴適當礦物質才能正常工作。這些重要的礦物質又以鈣和鎂最為重要,它們有助大腦發揮各種作用,同時安定人心。具體來說,飲食中缺乏鎂與多動癥、自閉癥和兒童抑鬱癥等關系密切。 著名醫生和作者Carolyn Dean醫生說:“西醫或許會為這些孩子處方利他林Ritalin或百憂解Prozac等藥物,但更天然的選擇是考慮補充足夠的鎂。“ 注意力缺乏癥孩子可能需要額外補充礦物質,因為他們一般腎上腺素水平偏高礦物質消耗較大。建議每日補充檸檬酸鎂。




An assortment of herbs and supplements feed and calm the brain and body, and help enhance attention. These, in combination with a few simple but crucial dietary guidelines, can start to shift the balance from mental seesaw to steady equilibrium. 

Essential fatty acids deserve our full attention. Kids and adults who aren’t getting enough EFAs often have symptoms that include dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, or small raised bumps on the upper arms, accompanied by allergies, thirst, or a frequent need to urinate—many of the same symptoms as those suffering from ADHD. Research shows that children with ADHD may be particularly deficient in omega-3 EFAs such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). A recent placebo-controlled study of 75 children treated with omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs showed “meaningful reduction of ADHD symptoms.” Try a blend of EPA and DHA at 250 mg for ages 3 to 6; 500 mg for ages 7 to 11; and 1,000 mg for those 12 years and older. 

While fatty acids make up the bulk of the brain, proper brain function also depends on a handful of important minerals. Of these calcium and magnesium are the main movers and shakers, while at the same time having a calming effect. Specifically, a magnesium-deficient diet has been linked to ADHD, autism, and childhood depression. “Instead of reaching for Ritalin or Prozac for kids, consider whether they’re getting enough magnesium first,” says Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, and author of The Magnesium Miracle. Hyperactive kids may need extra amounts due to higher levels of adrenalin. Try to take magnesium citrate daily. 

Kids and grownups who want better focus and concentration can explore traditional remedies such as ginkgo (G. biloba), which improves the flow of blood to the brain and central nervous system, enhancing memory and mental function. Ginseng boosts attention and helps the body cope with stress. In a recent open trial, children 3 to 17 years old who were already on ADHD medication were given a proprietary blend of American ginseng and ginkgo; 74 percent showed improvement within four weeks. The ancient Ayurvedic remedy gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is used to heal and rejuvenate the brain, and has been shown to improve concentration in rats. Valerian root extract has demonstrated powerful results without side effects, particularly for boys with hyperactive behavior; it also helps with insomnia. And several studies suggest that Pycnogenol, an extract of French maritime pine bark, may be effective in treating ADHD. In a recent study, children 6 to 14 years old given 1 mg per kg of body weight each day showed “a significant decline in hyperactivity and inattention compared to baseline and to placebo,” according to a report in HerbClip, the journal of the American Botanical Council. 

The amino acid gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA) can help calm the body without side effects; try 750 mg daily. Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) helps adults with concentration, learning, and memory by improving the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. 

VITAL VITAMINS: Finally, for all-around support, a multivitamin and mineral complex will supply you and your kids with the necessary nutrients for overall health and well-being. In addition, vitamin C with bioflavonoids serves as a general antistress remedy for adults and children.

扯鼻鼾 Snoring

當喉嚨組織在放鬆狀態下開始振動並在睡眠中發出聲音時,就會扯鼻鼾。如果扯鼻鼾情況嚴重,則可能導致失眠、破壞睡眠質素並引起煩躁。 幸而有許多簡單有效的天然補救措施可以舒緩這問題。 胡蘆巴 胡蘆巴是一種很好的天然療法,可防止因消化問題引起的扯鼻鼾。胡蘆巴對睡眠呼吸暫停也有效。 維他命C...