三果實 (Triphala):三果實能加強消化力,也有溫和通便作用,含印度醋栗、訶子和油欖仁三種果實成分。三果實的排便作用不會產生依賴性,並促進消化道健康。
姜黃(Haridra, Turmeric):姜黃具有抗過敏、抗炎和抗細菌感染的性質。姜黃用於皮膚感染和過敏非常有效。
茜草 (Manjishtha):茜草有助排毒清血,能有效對抗強光造成的斑點、皮膚粉刺和黑斑。茜草能保護皮膚細胞免受感染。
香膠樹(Shuddha guggula):香膠樹有助降低血液中的膽固醇水平。香膠樹對調節脂質代謝非常有效,故能控制體重和減少身體多余脂肪。
刺毛黧豆 (Kapikachhu,Mucuna Dopa):刺毛黧豆有助改善情緒和發揮壯陽作用。 它也有助於增加精子數量。
Triphala: Triphala strengthens weak digestion and exerts gentle laxative action through extracts of Indian Gooseberry, and Chebulic and Berlleric Myrobalans. Triphala is non-habit forming, and helps ensure that the digestive tract works at the optimal level.
Bael: Bael has digestive, anthelmintic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Bael is useful in treating diarrhoea, dysentery, and worm infestations.
Haridra: Haridra offers anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. Haridra is useful in skin infections and allergies.
Manjishtha: Manjishtha helps detoxify blood and treats sun spots, pimples, and dark spots effectively. Manjishtha protects the skin tissue from the damage caused by infections.
Shuddha guggula: Shuddha guggulu helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Shuddha guggulu have a well-established role in regulating lipid metabolism thus support weight control and body fat reduction.
Punarnava: Panarnava helps reduce the misery of urinary tract infections(UTIs) in susceptible women. Punarnava supports a healthy urinary system.
Kapikachhu: Kapikachhu helps improve mood and exerts aphrodisiac qualities. Kapikachhu helps boost sperm count.
Gokshura: Gokshura helps improve male sexual desire and performance. Gokshura increases blood flow to penis, thus improves the quality of erection.
Tagara: Tagara promotes sleep in people with sleep disturbance. Tagara helps calm nervous unrest and emotional troubles. Tagara is safe for long-term use and non-habit forming.
Meshashringi: Meshashringi helps reduce one's craving for sweet foods. Meshashringi helps in lowering blood sugar levels, and is useful for prodiabetics, diabetics, and obese diabetics.
Vasaka:Vasaka provides respiratory comfort with mucolytic, bronchodilatory and expectorant properties.
姜黃(Haridra, Turmeric):姜黃具有抗過敏、抗炎和抗細菌感染的性質。姜黃用於皮膚感染和過敏非常有效。
茜草 (Manjishtha):茜草有助排毒清血,能有效對抗強光造成的斑點、皮膚粉刺和黑斑。茜草能保護皮膚細胞免受感染。
香膠樹(Shuddha guggula):香膠樹有助降低血液中的膽固醇水平。香膠樹對調節脂質代謝非常有效,故能控制體重和減少身體多余脂肪。
刺毛黧豆 (Kapikachhu,Mucuna Dopa):刺毛黧豆有助改善情緒和發揮壯陽作用。 它也有助於增加精子數量。
Triphala: Triphala strengthens weak digestion and exerts gentle laxative action through extracts of Indian Gooseberry, and Chebulic and Berlleric Myrobalans. Triphala is non-habit forming, and helps ensure that the digestive tract works at the optimal level.
Bael: Bael has digestive, anthelmintic, and anti-inflammatory properties. Bael is useful in treating diarrhoea, dysentery, and worm infestations.
Haridra: Haridra offers anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. Haridra is useful in skin infections and allergies.
Manjishtha: Manjishtha helps detoxify blood and treats sun spots, pimples, and dark spots effectively. Manjishtha protects the skin tissue from the damage caused by infections.
Shuddha guggula: Shuddha guggulu helps lower blood cholesterol levels. Shuddha guggulu have a well-established role in regulating lipid metabolism thus support weight control and body fat reduction.
Punarnava: Panarnava helps reduce the misery of urinary tract infections(UTIs) in susceptible women. Punarnava supports a healthy urinary system.
Kapikachhu: Kapikachhu helps improve mood and exerts aphrodisiac qualities. Kapikachhu helps boost sperm count.
Gokshura: Gokshura helps improve male sexual desire and performance. Gokshura increases blood flow to penis, thus improves the quality of erection.
Tagara: Tagara promotes sleep in people with sleep disturbance. Tagara helps calm nervous unrest and emotional troubles. Tagara is safe for long-term use and non-habit forming.
Meshashringi: Meshashringi helps reduce one's craving for sweet foods. Meshashringi helps in lowering blood sugar levels, and is useful for prodiabetics, diabetics, and obese diabetics.
Vasaka:Vasaka provides respiratory comfort with mucolytic, bronchodilatory and expectorant properties.