早餐,從凌晨4點至中午 - 排泄和維持身體運作期
- 大清早可先吃一些水果例如蘋果(連皮吃),梨,木瓜,香蕉....等。
- 可自製水果沙冰。將一些清水或新鮮椰子水加入攪拌器中,然後加入你喜愛的水果。例如:香蕉,芒果,木瓜,無花果,不同種類的苺,桃子,棗,杏,椰子肉。要注意有些帶酸性水果包括橙,蕃茄,檸檬和草莓,會引致爆發皮膚疹。可於沙冰中加入2湯匙打幼的亞麻籽或鼠尾草籽一起飲用; 都可同時加入其他補充劑一起飲用例如綠色混合飲料,未加熱的有機椰子油或益生菌。
午餐從中午至晚上八時 - 消化期
晚餐從晚上8時至上午04時 - 營養轉化
西芹 - 每次可使用二棵。西芹有助利尿和幫助二氧化碳排出體外。當中的鈉含量將能中和體內的酸灰分(酸性食物殘留物)。
歐芹 - 半大束。極高的營養成分。對於身體各機能有清洗和增強體質。
胡蘿蔔 - 兩個中等形狀。由於大部分的植物性化學成份位於紅蘿蔔頂部,請不要切掉,反而可切除綠芽部份。
胡荽葉 - 1/4束。具有清除體內水銀,鉛,鎘等重金屬的能力。
羽衣甘藍 - 2〜3片葉。一種營養非常豐富的蔬菜。其中一款能對抗癌症的蔬菜。芥藍是所有綠葉蔬菜中含最豐富類胡蘿蔔素(類胡蘿蔔素能強力對抗癌細胞)。羽衣甘藍的鈣含量很容易被轉化,使其成為對抗關節炎,骨質疏鬆症,障礙性骨質流失和皮膚健康的良藥。
青瓜 - 半條。有助利尿(幫助清除體內多餘的液體,因為它可以促進排尿)。都可有助清洗血液。
Eczema (dermatitis): A particular type of inflammatory reaction of the skin in which there is erythema (reddening), edema (swelling), papules (bumps), and crusting of the skin followed, finally, by lichenification (thickening) and scaling of the skin. Eczema characteristically causes itching and burning of the skin.
Eczema and Diet - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner
It is highly recommended that all the food we consume should be from organically grown sources .
Timing of Eating - Follow the natural Body Cycle, you should eat in compliance with the body's metabolic cycle .
Natural taste - Slightly flavourings and use natural herbs to add flavors.
Breakfast, from 4am to noon - Elimination and maintenance period
The cells are dumping waste products, and manufacturing and/or repairing cells. Choose foods for breakfast that allow your body to continue the process of elimination and maintenance.
Can eat some raw fruits in the morning: apples (eat the skin also), pears, papayas, bananas....etc.
Make a fruit smoothie. Add into the blender with some spring water or fresh coconut water, some of your favorite fruits. Examples: bananas, mangos, papayas, figs, different types of berries, peaches, dates, apricots and coconut meat. Some fruits, especially more acidic ones, are known to set off outbreaks of eczema. These fruits include oranges, tomatoes, lemons and strawberries. Add to your smoothie two tablespoons of flax seeds or chia seed freshly ground in a coffee grinder and the following super food supplements: green drink mix, organic unheated coconut oil or probiotics.
Lunch, from noon to 8pm - Digestive period
The body's metabolism is geared towards digestion. Since digestion of foods demands a tremendous amount of energy, it would make sense to eat the biggest meal our body can digest between noon and 8pm.
For cooking use either fresh, unheated coconut oil. For cold preparation, use extra virgin olive oil. Veggies are either lightly steamed or raw.
Suggested lunch meals:
Salmon and vegetable
Halibut and vegetable
Brown rice, boiled eggs and vegetables.
Sweet potatoes and vegetables.
Potatoes and vegetables.
sprouted grains with avocado, tomato, cilantro, and/or olives.
Vegetable soup and five grains bread
Large salad with an assortment of vegetables with added raw nuts or soft raw goat cheese. Make your own fresh salad dressing, (my favorite recipe is a mix of raw almond butter, apple cider vinegar, fresh lemon, tamari sauce, maple syrup, cumin powder, garlic powder, and some fresh assortment of herbs).
Steamed green beans with boiled potatoes and a small salad
Miso soup, brown rice and steamed vegetables
Sauted mushrooms in coconut oil with tamari sauce for taste mixed with brown rice and a small salad.
Mashed potatoes using coconut milk and butter, with sauted mushrooms in tamari sauce and a small salad.
Dinner, from 8pm to 4 am - Assimilation period
The body is mobilizing nutrients and directing them to the cells.
A glass of vegetable juice at night is the most important meal to help you heal from eczema quickly. Make sure you drink a 16 to 24 oz. dark green veggie juice every night .
Some recommended vegetables for nightly juice:
Celery - two stalks. Celery gives the body a natural diuretic effect and aids in the elimination of carbon dioxide from the body. The sodium content will neutralize acid ash (residue of acidic foods) in the body.
Parsley - 1/2 bunch. Extremely high in nutrients. An excellent cleanser and potentiator of all bodily functions.
Carrots - Two med. size. Because most of the phytochemicals are located at the top part of the carrot, don't cut the top off, instead leave the hat part, but discard the green shoots.
Cilantro - 1/4 bunch. Has the ability to remove mercury, lead, cadmium and other heavy metals from the body.
Kale - 2 to 3 leaves. A very nutrient rich vegetable. One of the best cancer fighting vegetables found on our planet. Kale is the richest of all leafy greens in carotenoids (powerful anti-cancer agents). Kale's calcium content is easily assimilated, making it a wonder food for arthritis, osteoporosis, bone loss disorders and skin health.
Cucumber - 1/2 cucumber. A great diuretic (helps remove excess fluids from the body because it promotes urination). Excellent as a blood cleanser.
**An apple can be added to sweeten your juice.