Thursday, December 28, 2017

紅眼症(結膜炎) Conjunctivitis


過敏反應 - 瘙癢是主要症狀。很可能雙眼都受到影響,而淚水分泌通常是清澈的。過敏性結膜炎可能會突然來襲,快來快去,也可能性質溫和但持續一段長時間。

病毒感染 - 小許瘙癢,但眼睛疼痛、輕度泛紅(或呈現粉紅色)和流眼水等症狀更為明顯。它可能由一隻眼開始,但很容易會傳播到另一隻眼(所以要小心處理,避免觸摸未受影響的眼睛)。眼水分泌通常是清澈而量大。有時需要三個星期症狀才會完全消失,並可能因呼吸道感染或感冒而再度復發。

細菌感染 - 眼部分泌濃稠的黃綠色粘液,伴隨著疼痛。

有毒物質 - 通常是眼部不小心接觸了化學品而產生的急性反應(成因明顯,應立即處理)。

過度刺激 - 佩戴隱形眼鏡入睡或淚水分泌不足都是造成眼部過度受刺激的主要原因。


對於長期過敏性結膜炎非常有效,每日補充 3000毫克或以上MSM補充劑,對治療過敏反應非常有效。




Often called "pink eye" or "red eye," conjunctivitis is a painful and/or itchy redness of the whites of one's eyes. It is most commonly due to an allergic reaction or an infection. This is different from bleeding into the white part of one eye, called a "subconjunctival hemorrhage," which leaves part of one eye bright red, but causes no discomfort or vision change.

Conjunctivitis can be caused by:
Allergies — Itching is the dominant symptom. It is more likely to affect both eyes, and the discharge/watering from the eyes is usually clear. It may hit suddenly, or be mild and ongoing.

Viral — Though there may be some itchiness, the pain, mild redness (more pink) and watering are more prominent. It may start in one eye, but easily can spread to the other (so be careful not to touch the unaffected eye). The discharge is usually clear and watery. It may take three weeks to resolve and may occur along with a respiratory infection or cold.

Bacterial — This is associated with a puss-like yellow-green mucus discharge along with pain.

Toxic — From an acute chemical exposure (usually obvious and should be immediately treated).

Irritation — Falling asleep with your contact lenses in or having inadequate tears to support the use of contact lenses.

Recommended Supplement
For long-term allergic conjunctivitis, treating allergies with the supplement MSM 3,000+ milligrams (mg) a day.

Other useful supplements:
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita). Helps fight infection.

Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare). Helps fight infection.

Marigold (Calendula officinalis). Soothes irritation.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

生蛇點算好 Shingles






維他命 B12每日5000毫克,分開數次服用。



Postherpetic Neuralgia follows a rash called “herpes zoster.” Often called “shingles,” it is caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. The first time you get chickenpox, the virus remains in your nerve endings even after the chickenpox is gone. This usually causes no problems. If the virus re-activates in one of the nerve endings, however, it causes a rash (small blisters) all along the distribution of that nerve. The rash of herpes zoster is characterized by being painful and being in a line totally on one side of the body. If it extends past the midline of your body, the rash is probably coming from something else. If the pain persists after the rash is gone, continuing for weeks to years (over one year in half of elderly patients), it is called "Postherpetic Neuralgia (PHN)." The pain tends to be burning, electric, or deep and aching. Elderly are most affected by PHN. It can severely disrupt one’s life, but fortunately can now be effectively treated in most cases.


Once a new painful rash (not itchy) that fits the description of shingles, immediate treatment with prescription antivirals for ten days is highly recommended.


Beginning treatment early on in a shingles attack (within 48-72 hours) is critical. The recommended dose is 1,000 mg of valacyclovir(an antiviral agent) three times a day for a week to 10 days for shingles.

Recommended Supplements

Acute shingles can be helped with the following supplements:

Vitamin B12

B12 sublingual tablets (5,000 mcg a day dissolved under the tongue) can be helpful.


Lysine 2,000-2,500 mg/day may help starve the virus.

B complex

Take a good B complex vitamin to help support nerve healing.

Medication reminder

In addition to these supplements, it is most important that you take the prescription antiviral noted above.

Wednesday, December 06, 2017

安眠的天然補充劑 Some natural sleep-aid supplements







Those who want to explore herbal sleep aids—and especially those who want to wean themselves off sleeping pills—have many options to consider. Valerian root, for example, is a natural sedative whose use dates back to ancient Greece. In recent years, its effectiveness has been supported by research. In addition to valerian root, many other nutrients can also improve sleep, including gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA (a naturally occurring chemical that dampens brain activity), and L-theanine (an amino acid found in green tea leaves that induces brain waves connected to relaxation).

One of the most popular herbs for sleep is lavender, which has been used throughout history for healing and relaxation. There is scientific evidence to support what the ancients knew. A Thai study found that smelling lavender helps us relax by slowing down our heart rate, decreasing our blood pressure, and lowering skin temperature. Other studies have found sleep quality improved in a room scented with lavender or when lavender oil was sprinkled on pajamas or pillows. And in Germany, lavender tea has been approved by their equivalent of the FDA as a treatment for insomnia.

Some tips
Before bed, take a hot bath with Epsom salts. Have pajamas, nightdresses, even T-shirts dedicated to sleep. Sometimes a cup of chamomile or lavender tea is warm and comforting before going to bed. 

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

白血病先兆 Leukemia Symptoms: Know the Signs

經常發燒、疲憊不堪,甚或有關節疼痛和淋巴腫賬等不適。 這些症狀表面上看有些似流感或其他感染的跡像,但這些也是白血病患者常見的症狀。白血病的其他症狀包括容易出血或瘀傷、反复流鼻血和皮膚出現小紅點等。

一般而言,白血病屬於人體血液組織的癌症(骨髓是其中一種血液組織)。 白血病的體徵因癌症類型而異, 在某些情況下,白血病早期可能沒有明顯症狀。

由於許多白血病症狀比較模糊,可能由其他疾病(癌變或非癌變)引起,所以必須盡快讓醫生對其進行評估。 一個及時而準確的診斷意味著更早可以開始治療,挽回一命。

You’re feverish and fatigued. Your joints ache, and your lymph glands have swollen. Sounds like you have signs of the flu or any number of infections. But they’re also common leukemia symptoms.  Other symptoms of leukemia are easy bleeding or bruising, recurrent nosebleeds and tiny red spots in your skin.

In general terms, leukemia is cancer of your body’s blood-forming tissues, such as the bone marrow. Signs of leukemia vary, depending on the type of cancer you have; in some cases, leukemia causes no symptoms early on.

Since many leukemia symptoms are vague and may be caused by other conditions—cancerous and non-cancerous—it’s important to have them evaluated by your physician. A prompt, accurate diagnosis means an earlier start to treatment that may save your life.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

舒緩耳鳴的補充劑 Supplements for Tinnitus









2. 聖羅勒


3. 生薑


Tinnitus means sizzling or ringing sounds in the ears, which can be constant or intermittent. It can occur in one or both ears.

It may be caused by age-related hearing loss, an ear injury or infection, exposure to loud noise, high altitudes, upper respiratory infections, earwax blockage, vitamin and mineral deficiencies, ear bone changes, or diseases like high or low blood pressure, diabetes or a circulatory system disorder.

This annoying condition can interfere with daily activities and cause difficulty hearing, working, concentrating and sleeping. There are a number of natural supplements to reduce ringing in the ears that are very effective.

1. Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is considered the best herbal remedy for tinnitus. It plays a key role in improving blood circulation, which in turn improves the ear functioning and reduces ringing sensations.

Plus, this herb has antibacterial and antifungal properties that can treat any underlying infection that may be contributing to the condition.

Take 120 to 240 mg of standardized extract daily for six weeks to get positive results.

2. Tulasi (Holy Basil)

Tulasi is another good natural remedy for treating tinnitus. Its antibacterial properties can kill the bacteria that may be causing the problem. Plus, this herb can give you relief from ear pain.

3. Ginger

Ginger is also used as a cure for tinnitus. The medicinal and healing properties in ginger help improve blood circulation, get rid of pathogens, and fight free radicals. Plus, it has aspirin-like properties that can help reduce pain accompanying tinnitus.

Sunday, November 19, 2017

鼻竇炎 Sinusitis

根據最新研究指出,鼻竇炎與真菌感染關係密切。真菌感染會引起鼻塞,造成鼻腔和鼻竇腫脹閉合,最終導致鼻竇炎。人體內,無論任何管道被阻塞(如闌尾、膽囊等),都會導致繼發性細菌感染 - 鼻竇也不例外。病發時,鼻腔粘液會變成黃綠色,多數人這時候會去看醫生。醫生很多時會處方抗生素以消除細菌感染,這樣你短期內會感覺好了一些。不幸的是,抗生素會導致鼻腔內的真菌(酵母菌)感染惡化,誘發更多的腫脹和堵塞,再導致更多的細菌感染。這就是為什麼鼻竇炎通常會變成慢性鼻炎。 Mayo Clinic Proceedings報導的一項有趣的研究指出,以前“真菌過敏被認為只涉及少於10%的病例......然而我們的研究表明,真菌可能是幾乎所有這些問題的原因,它不是過敏反應,而是免疫反應。”


為了剷除鼻竇感染的根源,治療真菌/念珠菌感染至關重要。鼻竇炎(甚至慢性鼻炎)通常在接受治療6-12週情況會明顯改善。大蒜(Allium sativum)具有抗真菌特性。益生菌如嗜酸乳桿菌和雙歧桿菌也有助於恢復鼻粘膜細菌的正常平衡。一些研究表明黑接骨木果中的化學物質或有助於減少包括鼻竇在內的粘膜腫脹,並有助於緩解鼻塞。

桉樹油能產生一種奇妙的帶滲透性的揮發物,不會像薄荷油那樣具有刺激性。桉樹油芬香,幾個世紀以來一直用於擴張呼吸道、縮小鼻腔腫脹和減少粘液分泌 - 效果快速也不會令人昏昏欲睡。



Fungal infections cause a stuffy nose, eventually causing the nasal passages and sinuses to swell shut. In the body, any time something gets blocked (e.g., appendix, gallbladder, etc.), it results in a secondary bacterial infection — and the sinuses are no exception. When this happens, your nasal mucus turns yellow-green, and you go to the doctor in pain. They give you an antibiotic, which knocks out the bacterial infection and sometimes leaves you feeling better. Unfortunately, the antibiotic worsens the underlying yeast infection in your nose, causing more swelling and blockages and, therefore, more attacks of bacterial infections. This is why sinusitis in the U.S. usually becomes chronic. An interesting study reported in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings noted that previously “fungus allergy was thought to be involved in less than 10% of cases... our studies indicate, in fact, fungus is likely the cause of nearly all of these problems and that it is not an allergic reaction but an immune reaction.”

Colloidal Silver Nose Spray
Another very helpful over the counter treatment for sinusitis is colloidal silver. It is an anti-infectious agent against both viral and bacterial infections.  Use 1 to 2 sprays in each nostril twice a day for 6-12 weeks.

Check for candida
To get to the root of sinus infections, and eliminate them, treat the underlying fungal/Candida infections. Sinusitis, even chronic, usually responds dramatically to yeast treatment for 6-12 weeks.  Garlic (Allium sativum) has antifungal properties. Probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium may help restore normal balance of bacteria in the nasal mucous membranes. Some evidence suggests that chemicals in elderberry may help reduce swelling in mucous membranes, including the sinuses, and help relieve nasal congestion.

Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus oil provides a wonderful penetrating vapor that does not have the tendency to irritate like menthol. Eucalyptus smells great, and has been used for centuries to clear stuffy airways, shrink nasal swelling and reduce secretion of mucus — fast and without causing sedation.

Nasal rinses
Nasal rinses using 1/4-1/2 tsp of salt per cup of lukewarm water will wash billions of bacteria down the sink so your body doesn’t have to fight them.

Avoid antibiotics
Sinus infections likely exist in what are called “Biofilms.” Antibiotics turn short term sinus infections into chronic ones.

Friday, November 10, 2017

草藥排毒:牛蒡與沒藥 Herbal detox: Burdock and Myrrh

牛蒡的使用歷史悠久,用於排清肝臟毒素和滋養血液。 服用後,它有發汗的特性,也會增加小便次數。 牛蒡是其中一種最有效的排毒藥草。





Burdock (Arctium lappa) has been an important ancient herb used for cleaning the liver and building the blood. If taken internally, it could get you sweaty and urinating. Think of burdock as a toxic elimination herb.

Helps with: acne, diabetes, eczema, psoriasis and it has anti-cancer properties.

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) has long been used as a cleansing agent due to its effective antifungal and antiseptic properties.

Helps with: aromatherapy, athlete’s foot, yeast, colds, cuts, oral care, hemorrhoids and sore throats.

The resin (the sticky substance) is used.

Thursday, November 09, 2017

降糖之星:肉桂與丁香 Spices for Diabetes: Cinnamon and Cloves





丁香是來自一種熱帶常綠喬木的花蕾。研究表明,糖尿病患者每日服用丁香,有助減少血液中葡萄糖水平。根據Alam Khan博士2006年發表的研究,當食用超過30天,丁香具有將平均血清葡萄糖從12.5度降低至8.3度的潛力。



With rates of diabetes rising and no cure in sight, many patients are turning to natural remedies for support in managing their condition. Amoung these, cinnamon and cloves have been well-documented in research for their glucose-lowering effects.


Cinnamon originates from bushy green trees native to Sri Lanka. The inner layers of the tree bark are dried to cultivate cinnamon. With biological properties similar to the hormone insulin, cinnamon has the ability to lower post-meal blood sugars, according to research published by the American Society of Nutrition in 2007. In addition, the use of cinnamon at meals decreases insulin resistance and enhances the effects of gastrointestinal hormones responsible for satiety and decreased gastric emptying rates, according to the American Society of Nutrition in 2009.


Cloves come from a flower bud of a tropical evergreen tree. Research promotes the use of cloves for patients with diabetes for the glucose-lowering impacts experienced when consuming cloves on a daily basis. When consumed for more than 30 days, according to research published by Dr. Alam Khan in 2006, cloves have the potential to lower an average serum glucose from 12.5 mmol/L to 8.3 mmol/L.

Heart Health Benefits

For people seeking to use cinnamon and cloves for their glucose-lowering impacts, an additional heart health benefit exists. The use of cinnamon and cloves for more than 40 days leads to a reduction in triglycerides, LDL cholesterol and total cholesterol in patients with type 2 diabetes, according to research published by the American Diabetes Association in 2003.

Monday, October 23, 2017

何謂鼻炎? What Is Rhinitis?





蠶蟲酵素 Serrapeptase 是有效對付鼻炎的天然補充劑,能徹底消除發炎症狀和收乾粘液分泌。這大大舒緩了炎症反應和細胞組織的各種不適,讓身體的自身免疫系統能正常地應對和處理外來刺激。

It is an inflammation of the nose, resulting in the generation of large amounts of mucus. Its common symptoms are stuffy nose, runny nose, and sneezing. The discharge from the nose can come through the front of the nose. It can also drain through the back of the nose, a condition called post-nasal drip.

The most common kind  is allergic rhinitis, which is usually triggered by airborne allergens. In addition, allergic rhinitis may cause other symptoms, such as sneezing and nasal itching, coughing, headache, fatigue, malaise, and cognitive impairment.

What Causes This Condition?
Various factors include:

Allergies frequently produce a runny nose. In these cases, the discharge will be clear or occasionally white.
Infection causes nasal discharge. This will be a purulent discharge most commonly colored yellow or green.
Irritation to the nose can cause discharge. This discharge is most commonly clear or white; many people experience it when exposed to nasal irritants.
Many individuals exposed to cold air or smoke will have nasal discharge. This is known as Irritative Rhinitis.

Serrapeptase helps immensely as it clears out all of the inflammation and mucus. In addition, by clearing away this problem inflammation and tissue, it enables the body’s own immune system to deal more easily with irritation.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

擊退流感 Fight the Flu




黃芪 Astragalus: 增強免疫力。

紫錐花 Echinacea: 在流感開始時最有用。免疫力提升劑,也能抗病毒和抗炎。

黑接骨木 Elderberry: 含有抗病毒蛋白質;可用於治療流感和其他病毒性呼吸系統疾病。

尤加利油 Eucalyptus: 具有抗病毒和免疫力提升作用,有效舒緩鼻塞。

大蒜 Garlic: 可減少鼻塞,緩解上呼吸道症狀。

薑 Ginger: 在印度草藥學(阿育吠陀)和中醫藥中非常重要的草本用藥;促進發汗,舒緩流感引起的寒戰感、發燒和頭痛等。

蜂蜜 Honey:有效舒緩呼吸道感染症狀。喝一杯熱檸蜜,迅速緩解咳嗽和發燒不適。

檸檬 Lemon:具抗病毒特性;富含維他命B和C;檸檬汁可以殺死細菌並防止病毒傳播。

甘草 Licorice: 緩解喉嚨痛和咳嗽不適;也能提升免疫力。

橄欖葉 Olive leaf: 提取物具有抗流感病毒的活性。

牛至油 Oregano oil: 用於咳嗽和其他上呼吸道症狀,味道辛辣但效果奇佳。

茶樹油 Tea tree oil: 用於香熏療法,可減少流感症狀、抵抗感染、減少發燒;也強化身體免疫系統。

Do you have the flu? If your symptoms include chills, high fever, sore throat, dry cough, sneezing, runny nose, weakness, body aches, muscle pain, nausea, and headache . . . the answer is yes.

A number of botanical remedies as below can offer relief.

Astragalus: Strengthens immune system.

Echinacea: Useful at onset of flu. An immune stimulant, it’s also antiviral and anti-inflammatory.

Elderberry: Contains antiviral proteins; useful for treating flu and other viral respiratory disorders.

Eucalyptus: A strong decongestant with antiviral and immune-stimulating properties.

Garlic: Can reduce nasal congestion and ease upper respiratory symptoms.

Ginger: Important in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine; promotes sweating; ginger preparations are useful for chills, fever, and headaches that accompany flu.

Honey: Effective for treating respiratory flu symptoms. In a cup of hot water with lemon, honey eases cough and fever.

Lemon: Antiviral properties; rich in vitamins B and C; lemon juice can kill germs and keep viruses from spreading.

Licorice: To soothe sore throats and coughs; also stimulates the immune system.

Olive leaf: Extract exhibits antiviral activity against flu.

Oregano oil: Useful for coughs and other upper respiratory symptoms.

Tea tree oil: Used in aromatherapy, tea tree oil may reduce flu symptoms, fight infection, and reduce fever; also stimulates immune system.

Friday, October 13, 2017

消滅暗瘡!Stop the Spots!

暗瘡是一種皮膚疾病,通常毛孔被堵塞後發生,終導致稱為青春痘、白頭、黑頭或囊腫等皮膚感染。 暗瘡常見於青春期開始時,但許多成年人也發生這情況,尤其婦女在月經期間問題特別顯著。研究發現暗瘡也與遺傳因素有關。

多種天然成分皆可幫助控制暗瘡爆發。 茶樹油已被證明是非常有效的天然抗痤瘡劑,試試稀釋一滴茶樹油在面霜裡,或直接用棉花棒將茶樹油塗於患處,效果明顯。具抗菌特性的茶樹油能有效減輕皮膚發炎的情況。




Acne is a skin disorder that occurs when pores get clogged. This eventually causes small infections known as pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, or cysts. Acne usually begins during adolescence but many adults experience it too—especially women during their menstrual cycle. Heredity also may play a part.

Spots Be Gone
Fortunately, there are natural ingredients that can help control acne outbreaks. Tea tree oil has been shown to be very effective natural anti-acne agent. Try diluting one drop in your facial cream or oil, or apply it straight to a pimple with a cotton swab. The antibacterial tea tree oil can help reduce inflammation.

Calendula can help if skin is oily and plagued with blackheads.

Herbal ingredients like lavender, and chamomile can help reduce inflammation and redness and may prevent future breakouts.

And while it may seem strange to apply oil to blemished skin, sweet almond oils can help maintain a natural moisture balance.

Friday, September 22, 2017

時刻保持頭腦清晰 Keep your mind sharp

人體的大腦相當於電腦的中央處理器,身體需要提供源源不絕的營養和能量以維持腦部正常運作。選擇正確的食物可以幫助修復腦細胞,並提供足夠營養以製造神經遞質,這些神經遞質便是控制學習能力和記憶力的基石。 營養學家建議飲食中包含“大腦食物”,這些包括深海魚類、莓果類、羽衣甘藍、雞蛋、牛油果和海藻類食物。相反,如果僅進食不良食物 - 糖、反式脂肪等 - 會令你感到虛弱、焦慮和沮喪。


The brain is the body’s equivalent of a computer’s central processing unit. It needs an endless supply of power to run properly. Eating the right types of foods can help repair brain cells, supply the building blocks of neurotransmitters that control how you learn and remember. Consume the bad stuff—sugars, trans fats, etc.—and you can be left feeling groggy, anxious and depressed. Nutritionists recommend a diet high in “brain foods” such as fatty fish, berries, kale, eggs, avocado and sea vegetables.

Many of the foods we eat don’t adequately supply key nutrients, such as citicoline, it may be wise to add a supplement to your everyday routine.    Citicoline is nature’s way of keeping the brain’s energy-producing centers firing.  Citicoline is a naturally occurring nutrient found in the brain. It has been clinically studied to support mental energy, focus, attention, and recall.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

冬蟲夏草 Cordyceps

冬蟲夏草(Cordyceps)有助於抗衰老。如能配合適量運動和採用有益於心臟的飲食習慣,冬蟲夏草更有助降低低密度膽固醇並同時提高高密度膽固醇(健康膽固醇)水平。 此外這種真菌也能有效降低血糖水平,對糖尿病人尤為有益,並減少患心血管疾病的危險因素。 蟲草對心律不正、乙型肝炎、肝硬化和慢性疲勞等都有明顯功效。美國著名自然草藥醫師 David Winston 推薦這種適應性草藥作為改善免疫功能,改善慢性支氣管炎症狀增強肺功能,也對退行性腎臟疾病有保健功效。

其實,不一定患病才需要使用冬蟲夏草。 1993年,中國運動員在服用這種藥用真菌後,打破了多項游泳和田徑世界紀錄。

Cordyceps (C. sinensis) helps fight aging. Combined with rigorous exercise and a heart-healthy diet, cordyceps can help lower LDL (lousy) cholesterol while boosting HDL (healthy) cholesterol. This fungus also appears to lower blood sugar levels, making it useful in diabetes, a risk factor in cardiovascular disease. Cordyceps also appears helpful for people with arrhythmia, hepatitis B, cirrhosis, and chronic fatigue. Herbalist David Winston recommends this adaptogen herb to normalize immune function, improve lung function in chronic bronchitis, and as a kidney tonic in degenerative kidney disease.

You don’t need to be sick to use cordyceps, though. In 1993, Chinese athletes broke world records in swimming and track after taking this medicinal fungi.

Thursday, September 07, 2017

學童營養所需 Nutrition Basics For School-Aged Kids


美國的艾爾森˙漢恩(Elson M.Haas M.D)醫生認為“服用補充劑就等於為防止營養不足買了保險” ,這些營養也有助學習和改善心情。


Omega 3魚油:蘊含必需脂肪酸,能改善注意力和幫助集中精神,並能舒緩過敏、哮喘和降低受感染的風險。 建議選用含有DHA和EPA配方的魚油補充劑。


鎂:可以舒緩因營養不足而引致的注意力缺乏、壓力過大和暴力傾向等問題。 身體需要足夠的鎂以製造去甲腎上腺素,去甲腎上腺素是重要的神經遞質,負責過濾不必要的外來刺激。


In addition to a diet of whole foods, a daily multivitamin/mineral supports your child's growth and development.

It's "insurance to prevent nutritional deficiencies," says Elson M. Hass, MD, and it supports learning and mood too.

Other supplements to consider:

Omega 3s: These essential fatty acids support focus and concentration and may reduce the risks for allergies, asthma, and infections. Look for omega-3 supplements in a formula that contains both DHA and EPA.

Astragalus: This herb is useful both as an antiviral and for its long-term immune-boosting effects.

Magnesium: Can help with attention, stress, and aggression issues related to low nutrient status. Magnesium plays a key role in the production of noradrenaline, a neurotransmitter that may be responsible for filtering out unimportant stimuli.

Probiotics: Help restore balance to the gastrointestinal tract, especially following a round of antibiotics. Aids immunity.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

小紅莓預防尿道感染 Cranberries do prevent infections




New research from Canada adds weight to the belief that cranberry products can prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Substances in the berries appear to inhibit bacteria that are frequently implicated in complicated UTIs, and to reduce the bacteria’s production of an enzyme that contributes to the virulence of infections.

The findings also point to the potential for cranberry derivatives to be used to prevent bacterial colonization on medical devices such as catheters.

參考資料 Sources:
“How Cranberries Impact Infection-Causing Bacteria,” McGill University, 7/15/13

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

天然鼻敏感救星 Natural Allergy Relief

使用天然的抗過敏草本藥物預防過敏非常有用。 最近有一項關於黑茴香籽(Nigella sativa)舒緩鼻敏感的研究值得和大家分享。 研究結果表明,經過兩週的使用,黑茴香籽有助減少鼻粘液充血和瘙癢、流鼻涕和打噴嚏等過敏症狀。我們仍然需要更多的研究,但這研究結果對使用植物性物質對抗過敏有非常鼓舞的作用。

Natural interventions for allergies can be very useful. Recent research has looked at the use of Nigella sativa (black seed). The results showed that by two weeks of use, N. sativa could reduce the presence of the nasal mucous congestion and itching, runny nose, and sneezing attacks. More research is needed, but this could be a promising botanical for allergies.

參考資料 Reference:
“Herbal Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis: The Use of Nigella sativa” by S. Nikakhlagh et al., Am J Otolaryngol, 9-10/11

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

戰勝疲勞 Fight Fatigue


當你感到心神遲鈍時,人參(Panax spp)是草藥好幫手。中國人參使用了數千年,不僅能提高能量,還能改善性慾,調節血糖水平,保護肝臟免受毒素侵害。花旗參(P. cinquefolius)也有類似功效。

刺五加 Eleuthero(Eleutherococcus senticosus)是人參的近親植物,臨床研究證明可以提高能量水平。長時間工作或需要輪班工作的人士補充刺五加能迅速讓身體更有活力和體質得到平衡。這草藥更可以幫助喜歡運動提升耐力、增強體力,同時也能幫助身體在劇烈運動後能恢復得更快。

紅景天(Rhodiola rosea)已被證明能提升身體能量和活力。由於服用後很快便能感受藥效,對那些需要快速補充能量的人來說,紅景天特別有用。紅景天也有助持久提升身心能量。

Being in constant battle mode can result in reduced energy levels that leave us feeling burned out. Before you reach for another cup of coffee, consider stimulating plant-root adaptogens that can give you an energy boost without the caffeine.

Ginseng (Panax spp.) is the go-to herb when you feel sluggish. Used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine, Asian ginseng (P. ginseng) not only boosts energy but can also improve libido, regulate blood sugar levels, and protect the liver from toxins. The same is true for American ginseng (P. cinquefolius).

Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is a close relative of ginseng and has been shown to boost energy levels. People who work long hours or atypical shifts may feel more energized and balanced when supplementing with eleuthero. This herb can be helpful for athletes, as it boosts endurance and increases stamina while also helping the body recover faster after strenuous activity.

Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) has demonstrated its ability to boost energy and vitality. Because of its fast action, it is especially helpful for those who need a quick pick-me-up. It also provides long-term physical and mental energy.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

風濕性關節炎 Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)




- 非甾體抗炎藥(NSAIDs)
- 類固醇 Corticosteroids
- 改善抗風濕藥物(DMARDs)
- 免疫抑製劑
- 生物製劑









Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is inflammatory and results in hot swollen joints. It is an autoimmune disorder that causes the body’s immune system to attack the joints. Infections are likely common triggers for this attack.

The American College of Rheumatology has defined the following criteria for rheumatoid arthritis:

Morning stiffness lasting over 1 hour
Arthritis and soft-tissue swelling in over 3 of 14 joints or joint groups
Arthritis of hand joints
Symmetric arthritis
Subcutaneous nodules
Rheumatoid factor at a level above the 95th percentile
Radiological changes suggestive of joint erosion

At least four of these criteria need to be met for a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis.

The following drugs are used to treat RA:
-Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
-Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs)
-Immune suppressants
-Biologic agents

As most of them are prescription drugs we will recommend you to seek the advice of your doctor and pharmacist before starting any of the medication above.

In addition to those, add the following recommended supplements:

Multi-nutrient pills/powder
Many other nutrients, including pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, boron, copper, zinc, and selenium have been found to be deficient in those with rheumatoid arthritis, and supplementation with these can be helpful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.

Fish oil
Fish oil: Up to 16 fish oil capsules, or 2-3 tsp of fish oil daily.

Willow Bark and Boswellia
Willow Bark and Boswellia 1-2 tabs 3 times a day.

Take Curcumin 1 tablet 3 times a day

MSM 3,000+ mg a day.

The importance of exercise:
Regular exercise, consisting of aerobic exercise, strengthening exercises, and flexibility or range-of-motion exercises, can help to maintain joint motion and strength. Exercise also helps you relieve pain and maintain a proper weight, which takes pressure off your joints.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

認識乳癌(乳腺癌) Learn about breast cancer


礦物質碘 Iodine






黑升麻 Black Cohosh

營養豐富的十字花科蔬菜,例如白菜、西蘭花、羽衣甘藍和花椰菜等提供了稱為DIM(二吲哚甲烷)的天然化合物,有助減少炎症並提高免疫力。 DIM也可以優化激素代謝,男女均適合服用。

Breast cancer is the 2nd most common cancer killer after lung cancer. Fortunately, natural remedies may improve outcomes and decrease the toxicity of treatment.

Influence of nutrition
High iodine intake cultures (e.g., Japan) have 70% lower rates of breast cancer than low iodine countries like the U.S.

Vitamin D
Women with a higher vitamin D intake may be a quarter less likely to die from breast cancer than women with lower levels.

Recommended Supplements
Though larger studies are needed, early experience showed these nutrients may decrease breast cancer growth or risk.

Iodine (Tri-Iodine has 12.5 mg tablet. Take 1-4 tabs a day — if taking more than 1, do so under a holistic physician’s supervision as it may block thyroid function).

Vitamin D
2,000 units a day (unless you have high blood calcium from bone metastases).

Coenzyme Q10
Coenzyme Q10 chewables 200-400 mg a day. In 1 study, it helped shrink breast cancer metastases.

Black cohosh
For hot flashes from estrogen blockers (e.g., Tamoxifen), use black cohosh. It does NOT raise estrogen levels.

Cruciferous vegetables
Supplements deriving from nutritionally dense cabbage, broccoli, kale, and cauliflower provides a compound called DIM (diindolylmethane), which reduces inflammation and boosts immunity. DIM also optimizes hormone metabolism, especially helpful as people age.

Friday, July 14, 2017

解決痔瘡煩惱 Natural ways to relieve hemorrhoids

在Google 的關鍵字搜尋裡,有關“痔瘡”這字眼的查詢名列前茅,可想而知痔瘡多麼困擾我們的生活。

如何才能避免痔瘡發生? 天然的方法比西藥治療更為有效。 以下幾點可作為參考:

假葉樹butcher’s broom有助舒緩靜脈曲張和痔瘡腫痛,改善靜脈細胞彈性。


According to Google Zeitgeist, which tracks and analyzes more than 1 trillion online queries, “hemorrhoids” topped the list of health complaints.

How do you avoid hemorrhoids altogether? It turns out that natural remedies are the most effective. Follow these steps for relief.

Eat high-fiber foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, psyllium in water).
Drink plenty of fluids.
Exercise regularly.
Take bioflavonoids which are thought to decrease inflammation.
Try butcher’s broom. It has a long history of treating hemorrhoids and varicose veins by toning the integrity of veins and shrinking swollen tissue.
Triphala, which is an Ayurvedic compound of three fruits, is a well-known “bowel tonic." It relieves constipation without being a harsh stimulant.  

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

放暑假去旅行去得健康的秘訣 Traveling Naturally: Tips to Keep Your Trip Healthy


水:帶備一個水壺必不可少! 在整個旅程中盡可能灌滿水壺,不時舌尖感受一下嘴唇,感覺有點乾就盡快飲水。保持水分充足,玩得開心又放心。

免疫補充劑:出外旅遊能品嚐各地美食,一樂也。但最好謹記幾點:避免食太多多糖、多鹽或乳製品和小麥。帶備少量免疫補充劑也很重要,例如多種維他命。 維他命B雜有助平靜心情,維他命C和E都具有很高抗氧化和增強免疫力的作用,而益生菌有助於消化食物,並有助提升免疫功能。



What are the products no traveler should leave home without? 

Water: A water container of some type is essential!  Refill it as much as possible throughout your journey. This will keep you hydrated.

Immune Support/ Supplements: Stay healthy by avoiding excess sugar, salt, dairy, and wheat. Pack immune support specific supplements such as a multivitamin. Vitamin B is great for calming, vitamin C, and E are both high in antioxidants and boost immune support, and probiotics help with food digestion and support your natural immune system. 

Dealing with jet lag: Melatonin is the 100% drug-free way to get to sleep faster and stay asleep longer so you can wake up feeling refreshed.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

護肝排毒最重要 Cleanse Your Body

排毒計劃還應包括高纖維補充劑,以確保身體有能力掃除堵塞腸道的污染物。 洋車前子富含可溶性和不溶性纖維,沒有依賴性,是最好的選擇。
維他命 B6

Body cleansing can help fortify your body, giving you more energy, a radiant complexion, healthier hair and nails, and improving your overall health.

Start with a green superfood that’s rich in chlorophyll, detoxifying antioxidants, and other nutrients.

Your detox plan should also include a high-fiber supplement to make sure your body is sweeping away the debris that’s clogging your intestinal tract. Look for both soluble and insoluble fiber from psyllium.

Dandelion root tea is the premier herbal tea because it has a long history of gentle, effective liver cleansing and decongesting.

Other liver-protecting supplements include the following:
milk thistle
NAC (n-acetyl-cysteine)
vitamin B6

Monday, June 19, 2017

認識黑升麻 Black Cohosh


最初的研究相信黑升麻對婦女的主要作用可能與它含有植物類雌激素化合物有關; 然而,現今更多研究顯示,其作用在很大程度上歸因於草藥中含有大量血清素受體激活劑(serotonin receptor activators)。




Black cohosh is a native American herb used primarily by women seeking relief from menopausal or menstrual disorders.

Its effects in women were initially thought to be due to the presence of estrogenic compounds; however, they may be due in greater part to the herb's serotonin receptor activators.

Two early reviews concluded effectiveness and safety for black cohosh for the alleviation of menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, profuse perspiration, sleep disturbances and depression.(1,2)

Black cohosh is not just for perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. It can be used by younger women who have undergone surgical removal of their ovaries, and by those experiencing menstrual disorders. (3) Its general ability to help relieve pain makes it useful for men as well.

1 Liske E. Adv Ther. 1998 Jan-Feb;15(1):45-53.
2 Lieberman S. J Womens Health. 1998 Jun;7(5):525-9.
3 McKenna DJ et al. Altern Ther Health Med. 2001 May-Jun;7(3):93-100.

Friday, June 16, 2017

長時間使用電腦或智能手機對眼睛不利 Adverse effects to your eyes of prolonged use of computer or smartphone


視網膜色素上皮(RPE)是在視網膜週邊和外圍的色素細胞層,其有助滋養視網膜神經組織。 RPE含有大量的類胡蘿蔔素葉黃素、玉米黃質和內消旋玉米黃質。這些天然色素能形成一副“專門吸收藍光的生物太陽眼鏡”!



Computer or smartphone monitors emit strong blue light.  Blue light induces photochemical stress that damages cells in the eyes’ retina which can lead to their destruction.

The retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) is a layer of pigmented cells next to and outside of the retina that nourishes retinal nerve tissue. The RPE contains a high amount of the carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin. These pigments have been characterized as forming “a kind of biological sunglasses that absorb blue light

Of all the carotenoids that are absorbed by the human body, only lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin accumulate in the macula, an area at the center of the retina responsible for central vision. In addition to their blue-light filtering property, these pigments have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, all of which help protect against age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a leading cause of vision loss in older men and women.

While one can’t avoid exposure to blue light these days, protecting oneself may be as simple as adding lutein, zeaxanthin and meso-zeaxanthin to one’s supplemental regimen. 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

如何面對精神壓力 How to Manage Stressful Thoughts










-鎂 (Magnesium)
-L-茶氨酸 (L-theanine)
-香蜂葉 (Lemon Balm ; Melissa)
-B雜維他命 (Vitamin B Complex)



-聖羅勒 (Holy Basil ; Tulasi)
-睡茄 (Ashwagandha)
-維他命 C
-磷脂酰絲氨酸 (Phosphatidylserine)

Stress is often the result of negative or overblown thoughts. Our minds can effortlessly warp situations and make them seem way more stressful than they actually are.

So, next time you’re faced with a stressful situation, ask yourself these questions.

Can this wait?
We create stress when we feel we have to get things done quickly. Chances are, whatever it is, it CAN wait. Stress = urgency.

Five years from now, will this matter?
Is this “important matter” really going to make a difference in a few years? How does it relate to the bigger picture in your life? This “problem” might actually be rather small, if you really think about it.

Am I living one day at a time?
Sometimes we get stressed out because we’re thinking too far into the future. The future can wait and so can your plans. It’s actually MUCH less stressful to live in the moment.

Life style changes

Eating right, sleeping right, and exercising are the basics against stress.

Supplements to Help Manage Stress

A number of supplements can have a big impact on minimizing stress. Taking them regularly can really make a difference in how your body responds to circumstances:

Lemon balm
B vitamins

Our adrenal glands modulate the stress hormone cortisol and the “flight or fight” response in our body.

Here are a few supplements that support healthy adrenal activity:

Holy Basil
Vitamin C

Sunday, June 04, 2017

工作疲勞頸梗膊痛有辦法 Important Supplements to Take for Shoulder and Neck Pain



Vitamin B-5, or pantothenic acid, is called an anti-stress vitamin, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Vitamin B-5 plays a part in the manufacturing of stress-related hormones. These hormones are produced in the adrenal glands that sit above your kidneys. Pantothenic acid is also necessary in making red blood cells and nerve functioning. Maintaining both of these systems may insure faster healing of sore neck and shoulder muscles.

Poor posture due to bone deficiencies may be a cause of pain in the neck and shoulder region. The journal "Spine" states that vitamin D deficiency is a major cause of osteomalacia, a common metabolic condition affecting bone mineralization. Adequate supplementation of vitamin D in the diet appears to alleviate the condition, the study concludes. Vitamin D works with calcium in your body to produce strong bones; that may help correct posture and lessen the strain on aching shoulder and neck muscles.

Maintaining strong neck and shoulder muscles may help in preventing pain in that area. Vitamin C plays a role in synthesizing collagen, the framework for muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Regular exercise such as yoga, taichi and etc may also improve your neck and shoulder strength.

Thursday, June 01, 2017

褪黑激素真的有助睡眠 Melatonin Really Helps You Fall Asleep





Take a melatonin tablet (or liquid melatonin) and a pleasant and unmistakable drowsiness makes its presence known in a matter of minutes.

And while one can easily fall into a deep and peaceful slumber, melatonin's effects are mild enough to allow one to change one's mind and stay awake, or choose to sleep without worry of being unable to rouse oneself in the event of an emergency.

Nor is melatonin addictive or have any of the other potentially dangerous side effects attributed to sleeping pills, tranquilizers and sedatives.

Sleep with melatonin is restful and refreshing.  It may be necessary to consume another dose if one wakes three to four hours after taking it, due to the hormone's short half-life in the body. Delayed release tablets are suggested in these situations. 

Monday, May 22, 2017

便秘 Constipation


服用500毫克或以上維他命C 同樣具有輕瀉作用。如果服用超過2000毫克,建議使用緩衝型維他命C。
每日1至3次,每次服用500毫克 泛酸能直接刺激腸道功能,解決便秘煩惱。泛酸也對肌膚有保濕作用,女士們立即體現一下吧!

It is healthy to have at least one bowel movement daily. If the food you consumed stays in your body for too long, it would be rotten and toxic. So what can you do if you come across constipation?

Eat veggies and whole grains.
If you are eating too little fiber, eat more veggies and whole grains. Start the day with a bowl of whole-grain cereal. 

Stay hydrated. 
Unless you want to try pushing out hard little rocks, you want to stay well hydrated. Sodas and sugar will make the problem worse. Tea works and has a mild laxative effect to boot. Keep a glass of water on hand and check in with your mouth and lips every so often. If they are dry, you’re dehydrated and it's time to drink.

Recommended Supplements
For symptomatic relief, there are several natural laxatives that are healthy.

The mineral magnesium draws water into your bowel, helping to loosen the stool. You can take up to 800 milligrams (mg) a day for a few days here and there. Most likely your constipation problem will be solved.  You can also take 200-400 mg every day  and your whole body will feel better.

Vitamin C 
In doses over 500 mg, vitamin C can have a laxative effect. If taking over 2,000 mg a day, use a buffered vitamin C.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)
Pantothenic acid 500 mg 1-3x day directly stimulates bowel function. Pantothenic acid has moisturizing effects on the skin as well.  Ladies you want to try?

Sunday, May 14, 2017

指甲外觀變化告訴我們什麼? What Are Your Fingernails Trying to Tell You

指甲上有平衡溝槽或線條,可能暗示疾病已經破壞了指甲生長 - 這通常由糖尿病、循環系統疾病、營養不良或高燒引起。

服用優質多種維他命補充劑。如果需要,可添加額外的生物素(每天250-1,000 mcg)和鈣質。

Changes in the appearance of fingernails can mean many things. The following are some nail changes which may be associated with different illnesses.

Color and texture changes:
White/pale nail bed can indicate anemia.
White dots or marks on the nails can indicate zinc or other nutritional deficiencies.
White nails can indicate liver disease.
Yellow nails can indicate respiratory or nail fungal infection or any illness that slows nail growth.
Thick or misshapen nails can indicate a fungus, similar to "athlete's foot."
Horizontal grooves or lines across the nail can indicate Illness has disrupted nail growth — usually caused by diabetes, circulatory disease, malnutrition or high fever.
Pitting can indicate psoriasis.
"Spoon nails" that curve into the nail bed and make a small cup or depression can indicate iron deficiency anemia.

Weak or Splitting Nails
Get outstanding overall nutritional support with a good powdered multivitamin. If needed, add extra biotin (250-1,000 mcg a day) and calcium.

Nail Fungal Infections
Rub tea tree oil on your fingernails morning and night. Tea tree oil is a natural antifungal. 

Friday, May 12, 2017

認識腎結石 Get To Know Kidney Stones








每日多飲清水能幫助清洗體內可能形成腎石的晶體。 一項研究顯示,60%的腎結石患者,透過大量飲水,能有效消除腎石或控制腎石形成。

Kidney stones are one of the most common urinary tract disorders.

How Kidney Stones Form
Stones commonly form in kidneys or related parts of the urinary tract as a result of disease, infections, or difficulties with mineral metabolism or excretion.

Most stones are formed from oxalate.

When a stone erodes tissue, blood appears in the urine. When one lodges in the ureters (the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder), severe pain—very severe pain—in the lower abdomen and groin results.

Other complications may include obstruction to urine flow, persistent kidney infections, and progressive tissue damage with loss of kidney function. Most stones are passed in the urine, but others require medical treatment.

Are Kidney Stones Hereditary?
Kidney stones tend to run in families, and four of five patients are male, usually between the ages of 20 and 30.

How Do You Prevent Kidney Stones?
Conventional medical treatment to prevent kidney stones may include dietary calcium restriction (although this is controversial), diuretics, and sometimes pharmaceuticals to slow uric acid formation.

Kidney stones can also be removed surgically, while a noninvasive technique uses narrowly focused acoustic shock waves to break up stones.

Complementary and alternative medical treatment of kidney stones (particularly prevention) may involve the use of certain dietary supplements, including magnesium, vitamin B6, potassium, and citrates.

Magnesium & Vitamin B6
Both magnesium and vitamin B6 are used by the body to convert oxalate into other substances. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that a B6 deficiency can lead to an increase in kidney stones, relating to elevated urinary oxalate.

This doesn’t mean that you need to be vitamin B6-deficient in order to benefit from supplementation. Research shows a reduction in elevated urinary oxalate following supplementation in some people who are not necessarily B6-deficient. Many studies demonstrate that supplementing with magnesium and/or vitamin B6 significantly lowers the risk of forming kidney stones, and even helps reduce the incidence of recurrences.

Suggestions for doses of magnesium and vitamin B6 in the treatment of kidney stones vary. Common recommendations include 200 to 400 mg of magnesium daily. Magnesium citrate may be the best form, since citrate itself reduces kidney stone recurrences. Take magnesium with meals.

Recommendations for vitamin B6 range from as low as 10 to 50 mg to as high as 1,000 mg daily for those with elevated urinary oxalate. At the higher level, supplementation should be monitored by a physician.

Potassium reduces urinary calcium excretion, which is important since increased levels of urinary calcium also add to the risk of kidney stones. Those who eat high amounts of dietary potassium appear to be at low risk of forming kidney stones. Fortunately, most Americans get plenty of potassium in their diet, but if a healthcare provider recommends potassium, the citrate form—as with magnesium—may be best.

Citric acid is a natural substance found in citrus fruit. Research suggests that citric acid in the form of mineral citrates (a mineral combined with citric acid) may protect against kidney stone formation.

If you suspect you have kidney stones, see a doctor immediately. If, on the other hand, you want to prevent the recurrence of kidney stones, any of these dietary supplements may be useful and are advisable.

Calcium Confusion
Although most kidney stones are caused by calcium oxalate, calcium is still important to prevent osteoporosis, especially in women. Furthermore, low dietary levels of calcium have been shown to increase the risk of getting kidney stones since there’s less calcium available to bind with oxalates.

In fact, research shows that dietary calcium actually helps prevent kidney stones. At the same time, calcium supplements have not proved protective against kidney stone formation, perhaps because they were not taken with meals to prevent oxalate absorption.

If you have a family history of kidney stones, take calcium supplements with meals. Those with a personal history of stones should only take calcium supplements on the advice of a healthcare professional.

Drink Up
An important measure for helping to wash out formed crystals that may form stones is a high fluid intake. In one study, a high fluid intake and elimination of “dietary excesses” controlled stone formation in 60 percent of patients with kidney stones. But what you drink is as important as how much liquid you consume. Grapefruit juice increases the risk, while both coffee and tea may decrease it. Cola drinks are implicated as a possible kidney stone culprit as well.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

蘇格蘭新健康指引:應該每日補充維他命D All Scots advised to take vitamin D says new health guidance



大多數人體內的維他命D是由陽光對皮膚的作用產生。 但現在使用防曬霜非常普及,往往阻止皮膚產生所需要的維他命D.
缺乏維他命D可導致骨軟化症 - 引起嚴重的骨痛和肌肉酸痛。

Scots should consider taking vitamin D supplements all-year round, but particularly in autumn and winter, according to new health advice.

The vitamin is crucial for the production of healthy bones and low levels can lead to rickets in children.
Topping up vitamin D levels could also help prevent multiple sclerosis.

For most people, the bulk of their vitamin D is made from the action of sunlight on their skin.  However the use of sunscreen prevents the creation of vitamin D in the skin.
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteomalacia - causing severe bone pain and muscle aches.

For example, people whose skin receives little exposure to the sun, or who always cover their skin to go outside, should take the supplements throughout the year.

Asian people should also consider the supplements all-year round.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

天然防蟲的精油 Essential oils for bug protection

茶樹油是最天然的驅蟲劑。 如果被蟲咬傷,它也可以幫助減少瘙癢感。

Tea tree is a natural insect repellent. And it can help reduce itching if a bite does occur.
Citronella keeps ticks, houseflies, and mosquitoes at bay.
Lemon oil and eucalyptus oil are effective against mosquitoes. They also deter sandflies, ticks, and midges.
Neem oil will help keep mosquitoes away.
Lavender at a 30 percent dilution can repel ticks.

Tuesday, April 04, 2017

類風濕關節炎需要的補充劑 Supplements for patients with rheumatoid arthritis






乳香(Boswellia serrata)。 Boswellia在印度草藥中一直用於治療關節炎。





These supplements may help relieve inflammation and pain:

Omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce inflammation.

Vitamin E. One study suggests that taking vitamin E, along with standard medications for rheumatoid arthritis, may help reduce pain (but not inflammation) better than standard medications alone.

Gamma linolenic acid (GLA). Found in borage oil, evening primrose oil, and black currant seed oil, may help reduce pain, stiffness, and swelling.

Folic acid. People who take methotrexate for RA may need additional folic acid because methotrexate makes it hard for the body to absorb folic acid.


Boswellia (Boswellia serrata). Boswellia has been used traditionally to treat arthritis in Ayurvedic medicine.

Ginger (Zingiber officinale), may reduce joint inflammation and pain.

Green tea (Camelia sinensis) standardized extract.

Cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa) standardized extract. May help reduce inflammation.

Devil's claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) standardized extract. May reduce inflammation.

扯鼻鼾 Snoring

當喉嚨組織在放鬆狀態下開始振動並在睡眠中發出聲音時,就會扯鼻鼾。如果扯鼻鼾情況嚴重,則可能導致失眠、破壞睡眠質素並引起煩躁。 幸而有許多簡單有效的天然補救措施可以舒緩這問題。 胡蘆巴 胡蘆巴是一種很好的天然療法,可防止因消化問題引起的扯鼻鼾。胡蘆巴對睡眠呼吸暫停也有效。 維他命C...