Monday, May 22, 2017

便秘 Constipation


服用500毫克或以上維他命C 同樣具有輕瀉作用。如果服用超過2000毫克,建議使用緩衝型維他命C。
每日1至3次,每次服用500毫克 泛酸能直接刺激腸道功能,解決便秘煩惱。泛酸也對肌膚有保濕作用,女士們立即體現一下吧!

It is healthy to have at least one bowel movement daily. If the food you consumed stays in your body for too long, it would be rotten and toxic. So what can you do if you come across constipation?

Eat veggies and whole grains.
If you are eating too little fiber, eat more veggies and whole grains. Start the day with a bowl of whole-grain cereal. 

Stay hydrated. 
Unless you want to try pushing out hard little rocks, you want to stay well hydrated. Sodas and sugar will make the problem worse. Tea works and has a mild laxative effect to boot. Keep a glass of water on hand and check in with your mouth and lips every so often. If they are dry, you’re dehydrated and it's time to drink.

Recommended Supplements
For symptomatic relief, there are several natural laxatives that are healthy.

The mineral magnesium draws water into your bowel, helping to loosen the stool. You can take up to 800 milligrams (mg) a day for a few days here and there. Most likely your constipation problem will be solved.  You can also take 200-400 mg every day  and your whole body will feel better.

Vitamin C 
In doses over 500 mg, vitamin C can have a laxative effect. If taking over 2,000 mg a day, use a buffered vitamin C.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)
Pantothenic acid 500 mg 1-3x day directly stimulates bowel function. Pantothenic acid has moisturizing effects on the skin as well.  Ladies you want to try?

Sunday, May 14, 2017

指甲外觀變化告訴我們什麼? What Are Your Fingernails Trying to Tell You

指甲上有平衡溝槽或線條,可能暗示疾病已經破壞了指甲生長 - 這通常由糖尿病、循環系統疾病、營養不良或高燒引起。

服用優質多種維他命補充劑。如果需要,可添加額外的生物素(每天250-1,000 mcg)和鈣質。

Changes in the appearance of fingernails can mean many things. The following are some nail changes which may be associated with different illnesses.

Color and texture changes:
White/pale nail bed can indicate anemia.
White dots or marks on the nails can indicate zinc or other nutritional deficiencies.
White nails can indicate liver disease.
Yellow nails can indicate respiratory or nail fungal infection or any illness that slows nail growth.
Thick or misshapen nails can indicate a fungus, similar to "athlete's foot."
Horizontal grooves or lines across the nail can indicate Illness has disrupted nail growth — usually caused by diabetes, circulatory disease, malnutrition or high fever.
Pitting can indicate psoriasis.
"Spoon nails" that curve into the nail bed and make a small cup or depression can indicate iron deficiency anemia.

Weak or Splitting Nails
Get outstanding overall nutritional support with a good powdered multivitamin. If needed, add extra biotin (250-1,000 mcg a day) and calcium.

Nail Fungal Infections
Rub tea tree oil on your fingernails morning and night. Tea tree oil is a natural antifungal. 

Friday, May 12, 2017

認識腎結石 Get To Know Kidney Stones








每日多飲清水能幫助清洗體內可能形成腎石的晶體。 一項研究顯示,60%的腎結石患者,透過大量飲水,能有效消除腎石或控制腎石形成。

Kidney stones are one of the most common urinary tract disorders.

How Kidney Stones Form
Stones commonly form in kidneys or related parts of the urinary tract as a result of disease, infections, or difficulties with mineral metabolism or excretion.

Most stones are formed from oxalate.

When a stone erodes tissue, blood appears in the urine. When one lodges in the ureters (the tubes that carry urine from the kidneys to the bladder), severe pain—very severe pain—in the lower abdomen and groin results.

Other complications may include obstruction to urine flow, persistent kidney infections, and progressive tissue damage with loss of kidney function. Most stones are passed in the urine, but others require medical treatment.

Are Kidney Stones Hereditary?
Kidney stones tend to run in families, and four of five patients are male, usually between the ages of 20 and 30.

How Do You Prevent Kidney Stones?
Conventional medical treatment to prevent kidney stones may include dietary calcium restriction (although this is controversial), diuretics, and sometimes pharmaceuticals to slow uric acid formation.

Kidney stones can also be removed surgically, while a noninvasive technique uses narrowly focused acoustic shock waves to break up stones.

Complementary and alternative medical treatment of kidney stones (particularly prevention) may involve the use of certain dietary supplements, including magnesium, vitamin B6, potassium, and citrates.

Magnesium & Vitamin B6
Both magnesium and vitamin B6 are used by the body to convert oxalate into other substances. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that a B6 deficiency can lead to an increase in kidney stones, relating to elevated urinary oxalate.

This doesn’t mean that you need to be vitamin B6-deficient in order to benefit from supplementation. Research shows a reduction in elevated urinary oxalate following supplementation in some people who are not necessarily B6-deficient. Many studies demonstrate that supplementing with magnesium and/or vitamin B6 significantly lowers the risk of forming kidney stones, and even helps reduce the incidence of recurrences.

Suggestions for doses of magnesium and vitamin B6 in the treatment of kidney stones vary. Common recommendations include 200 to 400 mg of magnesium daily. Magnesium citrate may be the best form, since citrate itself reduces kidney stone recurrences. Take magnesium with meals.

Recommendations for vitamin B6 range from as low as 10 to 50 mg to as high as 1,000 mg daily for those with elevated urinary oxalate. At the higher level, supplementation should be monitored by a physician.

Potassium reduces urinary calcium excretion, which is important since increased levels of urinary calcium also add to the risk of kidney stones. Those who eat high amounts of dietary potassium appear to be at low risk of forming kidney stones. Fortunately, most Americans get plenty of potassium in their diet, but if a healthcare provider recommends potassium, the citrate form—as with magnesium—may be best.

Citric acid is a natural substance found in citrus fruit. Research suggests that citric acid in the form of mineral citrates (a mineral combined with citric acid) may protect against kidney stone formation.

If you suspect you have kidney stones, see a doctor immediately. If, on the other hand, you want to prevent the recurrence of kidney stones, any of these dietary supplements may be useful and are advisable.

Calcium Confusion
Although most kidney stones are caused by calcium oxalate, calcium is still important to prevent osteoporosis, especially in women. Furthermore, low dietary levels of calcium have been shown to increase the risk of getting kidney stones since there’s less calcium available to bind with oxalates.

In fact, research shows that dietary calcium actually helps prevent kidney stones. At the same time, calcium supplements have not proved protective against kidney stone formation, perhaps because they were not taken with meals to prevent oxalate absorption.

If you have a family history of kidney stones, take calcium supplements with meals. Those with a personal history of stones should only take calcium supplements on the advice of a healthcare professional.

Drink Up
An important measure for helping to wash out formed crystals that may form stones is a high fluid intake. In one study, a high fluid intake and elimination of “dietary excesses” controlled stone formation in 60 percent of patients with kidney stones. But what you drink is as important as how much liquid you consume. Grapefruit juice increases the risk, while both coffee and tea may decrease it. Cola drinks are implicated as a possible kidney stone culprit as well.

扯鼻鼾 Snoring

當喉嚨組織在放鬆狀態下開始振動並在睡眠中發出聲音時,就會扯鼻鼾。如果扯鼻鼾情況嚴重,則可能導致失眠、破壞睡眠質素並引起煩躁。 幸而有許多簡單有效的天然補救措施可以舒緩這問題。 胡蘆巴 胡蘆巴是一種很好的天然療法,可防止因消化問題引起的扯鼻鼾。胡蘆巴對睡眠呼吸暫停也有效。 維他命C...