過敏反應 - 瘙癢是主要症狀。很可能雙眼都受到影響,而淚水分泌通常是清澈的。過敏性結膜炎可能會突然來襲,快來快去,也可能性質溫和但持續一段長時間。
病毒感染 - 小許瘙癢,但眼睛疼痛、輕度泛紅(或呈現粉紅色)和流眼水等症狀更為明顯。它可能由一隻眼開始,但很容易會傳播到另一隻眼(所以要小心處理,避免觸摸未受影響的眼睛)。眼水分泌通常是清澈而量大。有時需要三個星期症狀才會完全消失,並可能因呼吸道感染或感冒而再度復發。
細菌感染 - 眼部分泌濃稠的黃綠色粘液,伴隨著疼痛。
有毒物質 - 通常是眼部不小心接觸了化學品而產生的急性反應(成因明顯,應立即處理)。
過度刺激 - 佩戴隱形眼鏡入睡或淚水分泌不足都是造成眼部過度受刺激的主要原因。
對於長期過敏性結膜炎非常有效,每日補充 3000毫克或以上MSM補充劑,對治療過敏反應非常有效。
Often called "pink eye" or "red eye," conjunctivitis is a painful and/or itchy redness of the whites of one's eyes. It is most commonly due to an allergic reaction or an infection. This is different from bleeding into the white part of one eye, called a "subconjunctival hemorrhage," which leaves part of one eye bright red, but causes no discomfort or vision change.
Conjunctivitis can be caused by:
Allergies — Itching is the dominant symptom. It is more likely to affect both eyes, and the discharge/watering from the eyes is usually clear. It may hit suddenly, or be mild and ongoing.
Viral — Though there may be some itchiness, the pain, mild redness (more pink) and watering are more prominent. It may start in one eye, but easily can spread to the other (so be careful not to touch the unaffected eye). The discharge is usually clear and watery. It may take three weeks to resolve and may occur along with a respiratory infection or cold.
Bacterial — This is associated with a puss-like yellow-green mucus discharge along with pain.
Toxic — From an acute chemical exposure (usually obvious and should be immediately treated).
Irritation — Falling asleep with your contact lenses in or having inadequate tears to support the use of contact lenses.
Recommended Supplement
For long-term allergic conjunctivitis, treating allergies with the supplement MSM 3,000+ milligrams (mg) a day.
Other useful supplements:
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita). Helps fight infection.
Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare). Helps fight infection.
Marigold (Calendula officinalis). Soothes irritation.
過敏反應 - 瘙癢是主要症狀。很可能雙眼都受到影響,而淚水分泌通常是清澈的。過敏性結膜炎可能會突然來襲,快來快去,也可能性質溫和但持續一段長時間。
病毒感染 - 小許瘙癢,但眼睛疼痛、輕度泛紅(或呈現粉紅色)和流眼水等症狀更為明顯。它可能由一隻眼開始,但很容易會傳播到另一隻眼(所以要小心處理,避免觸摸未受影響的眼睛)。眼水分泌通常是清澈而量大。有時需要三個星期症狀才會完全消失,並可能因呼吸道感染或感冒而再度復發。
細菌感染 - 眼部分泌濃稠的黃綠色粘液,伴隨著疼痛。
有毒物質 - 通常是眼部不小心接觸了化學品而產生的急性反應(成因明顯,應立即處理)。
過度刺激 - 佩戴隱形眼鏡入睡或淚水分泌不足都是造成眼部過度受刺激的主要原因。
對於長期過敏性結膜炎非常有效,每日補充 3000毫克或以上MSM補充劑,對治療過敏反應非常有效。
Often called "pink eye" or "red eye," conjunctivitis is a painful and/or itchy redness of the whites of one's eyes. It is most commonly due to an allergic reaction or an infection. This is different from bleeding into the white part of one eye, called a "subconjunctival hemorrhage," which leaves part of one eye bright red, but causes no discomfort or vision change.
Conjunctivitis can be caused by:
Allergies — Itching is the dominant symptom. It is more likely to affect both eyes, and the discharge/watering from the eyes is usually clear. It may hit suddenly, or be mild and ongoing.
Viral — Though there may be some itchiness, the pain, mild redness (more pink) and watering are more prominent. It may start in one eye, but easily can spread to the other (so be careful not to touch the unaffected eye). The discharge is usually clear and watery. It may take three weeks to resolve and may occur along with a respiratory infection or cold.
Bacterial — This is associated with a puss-like yellow-green mucus discharge along with pain.
Toxic — From an acute chemical exposure (usually obvious and should be immediately treated).
Irritation — Falling asleep with your contact lenses in or having inadequate tears to support the use of contact lenses.
Recommended Supplement
For long-term allergic conjunctivitis, treating allergies with the supplement MSM 3,000+ milligrams (mg) a day.
Other useful supplements:
Chamomile (Matricaria recutita). Helps fight infection.
Fennel seed (Foeniculum vulgare). Helps fight infection.
Marigold (Calendula officinalis). Soothes irritation.