Tuesday, December 18, 2018

常見的眼部不適 Common Eye Conditions


1.眼睛乾澀。當眼睛未能產生足夠淚水分泌, 成因有很多,包括身體缺少水份,身體發熱, 攝取過多咖啡因 ,血液含糖分過高, 更年期不適或受藥物影響等。 與此同時, 如果身體缺乏維奧米加3奧米加7 非飽和脂肪酸 與維他命D和A等, 亦會造成眼睛乾澀。當然現代人長期使用手提電話或電腦,或者是更重要的成因。

2.青光眼。 青光眼可造成視覺神經受損,嚴重可導致視力減弱甚至失明。多數青光眼病例是由眼壓增加引起的,眼壓增加導致視神經纖維被破壞而影響視力。然而,約有25%病例在眼壓正常時仍會出現青光眼症狀。 研究顯示, 這種情況與眼壓無關,實際上是自身免疫系統導致神經病變(自身免疫系統相互攻擊並損害視覺神經)。

3.白內障。 表徵是眼球混濁 ,導致視力模糊。這是最常見的退化性眼部疾病,通過手術可矯正視力。

4.黃斑部退化病變。當黃斑部(眼睛正後方視網膜的主要聚焦區域) 退化並停止運作 ,病人逐漸喪失用於觀察細節的能力,是50歲以上人士最常見的眼部退化問題。

5.糖尿病視網膜病變。 糖尿病人由於血糖水平長時間處於高水平而引起的視網膜毛細血管破壞(即眼睛中最微細血管)。如果不及時治療,可導致永久失明。

6.圓錐角膜病變。 主要症狀是眼角膜變薄 ( 這問題年青人尤為常見)導致各種視力問題,包括近視、視力模糊或影像重疊、散光和對強光過敏。

7. 眼球折射光不正常(主要由眼球形狀改變引致):

- 近視(近視) - 接近的物件看得清楚,遙遠的物件看起來模糊;
- 遠視(遠視) - 接近的物體看不清楚, 遙遠的物件反而看得清晰;
- 散光 - 視像變形而且模糊;
- 老花 - 隨年齡增長, 眼部晶片硬化和括約肌失去彈性,導致遠視(近距離物體難以看清楚)。

最常見的眼部營養補充劑包括葉黃素、玉米黃素、維他命b雜和胡蘿蔔素等等, 銀杏葉提取物除了補腦, 對改善眼部問題也很有幫助。

The following are the most common eye conditions, please spend some time to read :

1. Dry eyes. This problem occurs when eyes are unable to produce enough tears (complex mixture of water, mucus, and fatty oils). Possible causes may include dehydration, central heating, caffeine, excessive sugar in the blood, hormonal imbalance during menopause, some medications, and especially deficiency of omega 3, omega 7, vitamin D and A.

2. Glaucoma - damaged eye’s optic nerve leading to a vision loss and blindness. It is believed that most cases of glaucoma are caused by an increased pressure in the eye which gradually damages the nerve fibres that are essential to vision. However, in about 25% cases glaucoma develops when eye pressure is normal. There is evidence that this non-pressure related damage to the optic nerve is actually a form of an autoimmune neuropathy > (own immune system attacks and damages the optic nerve).

3. Cataract - clouding of the lens that often blurs vision. It is the most common age-related eye problem. It is usually treated with a surgery.

4. Macular degeneration – when the macula (the sharp focusing area at the back of your eye) begins to break down and stop working. The result is a gradual loss of the central, ‘sharp’ vision that you use for seeing detail, It is the leading cause of vision loss in people over 50.

5. Diabetic retinopathy - caused by chronic high blood sugar levels which damage retinal capillaries (smallest blood vessels found in the eye). If left untreated it will gradually lead to a permanent vision loss.

6. Keratoconus - thinning of the cornea (most prevalent among younger people) which leads to various vision problems including near-sightedness, blurred or double vision, astigmatism, and increased sensitivity to light.

7. Refractive errors (mostly caused by changed shape of the eye):

- Near-sightedness (myopia) - faraway objects look blurry;
- Far-sightedness (hyperopia) - near objects are not clear;
- Astigmatism – images are stretched out and blurry;
- Presbyopia – an age-related hardening of lens and loss of elasticity leading to long-sightedness (difficulty to clearly see close objects).


1.) Lutein and zeaxanthin are primarily found in green leafy vegetables, with kale and spinach. Lower concentrations of both nutrients are also found in orange- and yellow-coloured fruits and vegetables.

Friday, December 07, 2018

薑黃素使癌細胞凋亡 Curcumin Starves Cancer Cells to Death

薑黃素是一種天然多功能多酚, 由於有更多研究顯示薑黃素能預防和治療癌症, 薑黃素日益受到科學界重視。





根據根黃素的多種作用機制, 科學家清楚地表明薑黃素應該可以作為任何綜合性癌症化學預防方案的核心要素。

Curcumin is a powerful, multi-functional polyphenol that is gaining increasing recognition for its cancer chemopreventive properties.

A new study shows that curcumin sharply restricts cancer cells’ ability to extract energy from glucose in the blood.

This mechanism is especially appealing for cancer chemoprevention because it would target the great majority of cancers.

Previous studies also show that curcumin can reduce inflammation, prevent chemical stress, shut down cancer-promoting pathways, and interfere with malignant cells’ growth and development.

This confirms previous studies showing that curcumin has specific effects against colorectal, breast, prostate, lung, and liver cancers.

These multiple mechanisms of action make it clear that curcumin should be a central element of any comprehensive cancer chemoprevention regimen.

1. Available at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=curcumin+and+cancer. Accessed September 21, 2018.
2. Bianchi G, Ravera S, Traverso C, et al. Curcumin induces a fatal energetic impairment in tumor cells in vitro and in vivo by inhibiting ATP-synthase activity. Carcinogenesis. 2018 Sep 21;39(9):1141-50.

Monday, November 26, 2018

苦艾的用途 Brief introduction of Wormwood uses

苦艾是一種味道非常苦澀的植物, 因此而得名。 苦 艾作為藥用草本歷史悠久 。它對於肝臟、膽囊和消化系統都有滋補作用,其活性成分更具有殺菌作用。對於那些消化不良的人仕,艾草具有顯著的舒緩作用。艾草可以增加胃酸和膽汁分泌,改善消化和加強營養物質的吸收。經常服用,可以幫助身體回復健康和充滿活力,對應長期患病後的康復期尤為重要。

苦艾的葉子和花芽可以用作驅蟲劑、抗炎藥、防腐劑、解痙劑、抗腫瘤藥、驅風劑、利膽藥、調經劑、退熱劑、 安眠藥 、興奮劑和健胃藥等, 功效多不勝數。 一般情況下 , 苦艾會在開花前收割,待曬乾後便可使用。

雖然苦艾有眾多益處, 使用上卻要謹慎,此植物適宜作為短期治療用途,宜服用較低劑量;如有疑問,應在服用前咨詢醫護人員的意見。不建議兒童或孕婦服用。

順勢療法處方也有採用苦艾製作,大多取用苦艾葉。 功能有刺激膽汁和胃液分泌 ,有助治療肝臟和膽囊疾病。

Wormwood is a very bitter plant with a long history of use as a medicinal herb. It is valued especially for its tonic effect on the liver, gallbladder and digestive system, and for its vermicidal activity. It is an extremely useful medicine for those with weak and under-active digestion. It increases stomach acid and bile production, improving digestion and the absorption of nutrients. If taken regularly, helps the body return to full vitality after a prolonged illness.

The leaves and flowering shoots are anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitumor, carminative, cholagogue, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hypnotic, stimulant, stomachic and other tonic uses. The plant is harvested as it is coming into flower and then dried for later use.

Use with caution, the plant should be taken internally in small doses for short-term treatment only, preferably under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. It should not be prescribed for children or pregnant women.

A homeopathic remedy is made from the leaves. It is used to stimulate bile and gastric juice production and to treat disorders of the liver and gall bladder.

Monday, November 19, 2018

牛磺酸促進腦細胞再生和改善身體健康 Taurine Boosts Brain Cell Regeneration & Supports Whole-Body Health


牛磺酸是“體內最重要的物質之一”。 但隨著年齡的增長,牛磺酸水平逐步下降。



- 心血管健康
- 胰島素敏感性
- 免疫系統的調節
- 中樞神經系統的調節
- 肝功能
- 眼睛健康
- 聽力功能

Taurine Boosts Brain Cell Regeneration & Supports Whole-Body Health

Taurine is "one of the most essential substances in the body". But as we age, taurine levels decline.

Research has found that taurine can promote new cell formation in the area of the brain associated with learning and memory.

Taurine also enhances neurites, tiny projections that help brain cells communicate with each other.

Past research has also shown the ability of taurine to maintain and support:
-Cardiovascular health
-Insulin sensitivity
-Modulation of the immune system
-Regulation of the central nervous system
-Liver function
-Eye health
-Hearing function

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

大蒜與心臟健康 The Garlic bulb and Heart Health




著名草藥學家James A. Duke博士稱大蒜為“能用於任何心臟或循環系統疾病的主要植物。”


經發酵的老蒜提取物(Aged Garlic Extract)常用於治療慢性冠狀動脈疾病和緩慢鈣化(導致動脈硬化)等問題。一項關於停經後婦女心血管疾病的研究顯示,服用老蒜提取物配合適量運動,對調節低密度膽固醇(俗稱壞膽固醇)有正面作用。


The Garlic bulb and Heart Health

A staple in diets around the world, from the Mediterranean to China and the Middle East, garlic has also been used medicinally since ancient times.

Garlic has been studied for heart disease, blood pressure, cholesterol, and cancer. According to the National Institutes of Health, it’s also been used to treat diabetes, hay fever, colds, and flu.

Herbalist James A. Duke, PhD, calls garlic “our premier plant for virtually any heart or circulatory condition.”

Garlic’s cardiovascular (CV) protection works like threefold armor: it cuts cholesterol and triglycerides, lowers blood pressure, and protects against atherosclerosis (clogged arteries).

Aged garlic extract (AGE) has been used to treat patients with chronic coronary artery disease and to slow calcification (which leads to hardened arteries). In a study of CV disease in postmenopausal women, a program of AGE combined with exercise had a major impact on LDL (bad) cholesterol.

A recent 12-week study showed that two capsules daily (480 mg total) significantly reduced participants’ systolic (top number) blood pressure.


“Aged Garlic Extract Reduces Blood Pressure in Hypertensives …,” K. Ried et al., Eur J Clin Nutr, 11/21/12

“Fresh Garlic Extract Induces Growth Arrest … Breast Cancer Cells,” S. Modem et al., Genes Cancer, 2/12

National Institutes of Health, nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus

Sunday, November 04, 2018

五款促進血液循環的營養補充劑 Five Supplements for Circulation

臨床研究表明葡萄籽提取物是一種天然血管擴張劑。它有助於血管放鬆,從而改善血液流動。葡萄籽提取物蘊含一種稱為原花青素OPC的天然化合物, 研究證明有助於降低腦氧化應激作用,這有助於保持腦細胞更年輕和更健康。

辣椒作為草藥使用已有悠久歷史, 有助舒緩牙痛和頭痛,但它也可以幫助改善血液循環,這要歸功於一種叫做辣椒素的成分。事實上,在你吃辣椒或其營養補充劑的那一刻,它幾乎可以立即改善你的血液流動。

德國醫生喜歡使用銀杏葉來改善患者的血液循環,以及其他多種健康問題。 銀杏葉被認為可以改善記憶力,促進大腦血液循環,以及幫助哮喘患者舒緩症狀。它還能令血液更快地輸送到心臟,甚至可以增強血管彈性。

4. 蜂花粉

5. 山楂

Five Supplements for Circulation
1. Grape seed extract
Grape seed extract is known to be a vasodilator. It helps the blood vessels relax, which improves blood flow. Compounds from grape seed extract called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) have also been shown to help lower brain oxidative stress, which helps keep the brain cells younger and healthier.

2. Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper has been used for thousands of years for everything from toothaches to headaches, but it can also help improve circulation, thanks to an ingredient called capsicum. As a matter of fact, the minute you eat cayenne pepper or take a supplement, it improves your blood flow almost instantly.

3. Ginkgo Biloba
German doctors actually use Gingko Biloba to improve their patients’ circulation, along with multiple other health issues. It is thought to improve memory due to increased circulation in the brain, as well as help patients with asthma. It also helps blood get to get the heart faster and even strengthens the blood vessels.

4. Bee Pollen
Many people take bee pollen supplements to combat allergies and colds, but most don’t know that they can also help with circulation. Bee pollen contains an antioxidant called rutin that can strengthen the blood vessels and potentially help prevent blood clots that can lead to serious health problems or even death. It may even help prevent the hardening of your arteries.

5. Hawthorn
Hawthorn has been known to increase circulation by making your heart healthier. Hawthorn may also improve your heart’s rhythm by increasing your heart muscle health.

Monday, October 29, 2018

對抗流感秘訣:改變生活方式,提高免疫力 Lifestyle and Your Immune System


研究人員發現,睡眠時間不足7小時的人士, 與安睡八小時以上人士比較,患感冒的風險將增加三倍。而睡眠效率低的人患病的可能性比普通人多達五倍。


研究表明, 黑接骨木果能夠預防病毒感染。其他研究發現對細菌感染也有類似的預防效果。

草藥學家建議使用相對高劑量的草本提取液 - 最理想是從感染一開始便使用, 然後每一至兩小時使用一次 , 直至到病情獲得舒緩 。


一些研究發現血液中維他命D含量低與傳染病的風險和嚴重程度有密切關係, 這些包括兒童和成人的流感、呼吸系統疾病和免疫缺陷。


益生菌還產生稱為細菌素的物質,其作為天然抗生素以殺死致病微生物。益生菌也有效提高白血球功能,來增強整體免疫功能。 當益生菌微生物組在你的腸道蓬勃生長, 便能形成一個完善抵禦感染和疾病的天然生化系統。

Please consider two of the most important ways to boost your resistance naturally: Get a good night’s sleep and wash your hands regularly. Researchers have found that sleeping less than seven hours triples your risk of catching a cold versus eight hours of shut-eye. People with poor sleep efficiency are more than five times more likely to get sick.

Meanwhile, hand washing helps prevent 20 percent of everyday infections like colds and 30 percent of diarrhea-related illness.

Supplements for Immunity
Research shows that elderberry is able to prevent viral infections. Other research suggests a similar benefit against bacteria.
In a recent study of Australians on long, overseas flights, taking elderberry extract significantly reduced the duration and severity of colds compared to those taking a placebo, cutting both by more than half.

This herb has a long history of use for infection, particularly bacterial infections and sepsis.
Herbalists use relatively high doses of the fresh plant tincture—ideally the root—taken every waking hour or two from the first tickle of an infection until it passes.

Vitamin C
Taking larger amounts of a vitamin C supplement may lead to shorter colds. Most studies examining the effects of the vitamin have used a dosage of 1 gram (g) per day, but researchers have recently found better results with higher amounts.

Vitamin D
Several studies link low vitamin D levels to an increased risk and severity of infectious disease, including the flu, respiratory ailments, and immunodeficiency for both children and adults.

Probiotics produce organic compounds that increase intestinal acidity; this inhibits the reproduction of many disease-causing bacteria.

Probiotic bacteria also produce substances called bacteriocins that act as natural antibiotics to kill undesirable microorganisms. Probiotic bacteria enhance overall immune function by boosting disease-fighting cells such as phagocytes, lymphocytes, and natural killer cells. The end result—when your probiotic microbiome is flourishing—is a system that is better able to fight off infection and disease.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

褪黑激素(melatonin)有助乳癌治療 Melatonin and Breast Cancer

褪黑激素(melatonin)有助乳癌治療 褪黑激素是一種幫助誘導良好睡眠的荷爾蒙,晚間光綫減弱後,人體會分泌褪黑激素令人產生睡意。 除此之外,多年來褪黑激素一直應用於治療乳腺癌相關症狀。 最新研究揭示了褪黑激素具有抗癌特性,實驗室研究表明,它可以減緩乳腺癌的生長和擴散。 目前已有足夠臨床證據顯示,在常規乳腺癌療法中添加褪黑激素可以提高治療效果並減少副作用的產生。 研究表明,褪黑激素有助預防導致乳腺癌的好幾種危險因素,包括某些環境因素、肥胖和晚間長期暴露於強光等誘因。 Melatonin and Breast Cancer Melatonin, a hormone known for inducing a good night’s sleep, has been used for many years in the treatment of symptoms associated with breast cancer. New research reveals melatonin’s anticancer properties, and lab studies show that it can slow the growth and spread of breast cancer. The addition of melatonin to conventional breast cancer therapies has been shown to boost effectiveness and reduce side effects. Studies show that melatonin can help protect against breast cancer risk factors, including certain environmental exposures, obesity, and being exposed to light at night. References 1, Subramanian A, Kothari L. Suppressive effect by melatonin on different phases of 9,10-dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene (DMBA)-induced rat mammary gland carcinogenesis. Anticancer Drugs. 1991;2(3):297-303. 2, Cos S, Sanchez-Barcelo EJ. Melatonin, experimental basis for a possible application in breast cancer prevention and treatment. Histol Histopathol. 2000;15(2):637-47. 3, Cos S, Sanchez-Barcelo EJ. Melatonin and mammary pathological growth. Front Neuroendocrinol. 2000;21(2):133-70. 4, Hill SM, Blask DE. Effects of the pineal hormone melatonin on the proliferation and morphological characteristics of human breast cancer cells (MCF-7) in culture. Cancer Res. 1988;48(21):6121-6. 5, Sanchez-Barcelo EJ, Cos S, Fernandez R, et al. Melatonin and mammary cancer: a short review. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2003;10(2):153-9. 6, Hill SM, Belancio VP, Dauchy RT, et al. Melatonin: an inhibitor of breast cancer. Endocr Relat Cancer. 2015;22(3):R183-204. 7, Lissoni P, Barni S, Mandala M, et al. Decreased toxicity and increased efficacy of cancer chemotherapy using the pineal hormone melatonin in metastatic solid tumour patients with poor clinical status. Eur J Cancer. 1999;35(12):1688-92. 8, Onseng K, Johns NP, Khuayjarernpanishk T, et al. Beneficial Effects of Adjuvant Melatonin in Minimizing Oral Mucositis Complications in Head and Neck Cancer Patients Receiving Concurrent Chemoradiation. J Altern Complement Med. 2017;23(12):957-63. 9, Wilson ST, Blask DE, Lemus-Wilson AM. Melatonin augments the sensitivity of MCF-7 human breast cancer cells to tamoxifen in vitro. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1992;75(2):669-70.

Monday, October 08, 2018

了解更年期 Understanding Menopause

更年期是生理上和生活上的一種改變, 所有女性都無可避免需要經歷這個階段。



雌激素對女性最明顯的影響可見於乳房、子宮和卵巢這些“女性化” 組織。 但其實雌激素還影響身體的其他組織,包括骨骼、大腦、心臟和血管組織、皮膚,甚至肺部和脂肪組織。


有些女性會通過荷爾蒙補充療法緩解更年期症狀,但更多女性選擇服用一些天然草本產品, 效果更佳而且沒有副作用。


Understanding Menopause 
Menopause is a change of life that no woman can avoid.

It’s characterized by symptoms that may include hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, sleep disturbances, vaginal dryness, and more.

Most of these symptoms are brought on by a decline in a primary female hormone, estrogen.

Estrogen is known for its “feminizing” properties on the breast, uterus, and ovaries. It also affects tissues throughout the body, including bone, brain, heart, and vascular tissues, skin, and even lung and fat tissues.

The sharp and often sudden drop in estrogen drives most menopausal symptoms.

Many women relieve menopausal symptoms with hormone therapies, but more women are comfortable with natural herbs that can do the same job.

Here is a list of the herbs for menopausal women:
Red Clover
Black Cohosh
Dong Quai
Evening Primrose Oil
Soy Isoflavones

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

降低胃潰瘍和胃炎的風險 Reduce Risk of Stomach Ulcers and Gastritis

幽門螺桿菌(H. pylori)是胃炎和胃潰瘍或十二指腸潰瘍的主要成因。而發現這一因果關係的兩位科學家亦因此獲得了2005年度諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎。





另外,一種名為羅伊氏乳桿菌(L. Reuteri)的特定益生菌菌株也被證明可以減少幽門螺桿菌滋長。


Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a major cause of gastritis and ulcers.1-7

The two scientists who discovered this were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.8

Infection with the H. pylori bacteria is often without symptoms.1

H. pylori affects almost 50% of the population.5,9 It boosts the risk of stomach cancer10 by two- to six-fold,1 and can cause gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.11-14

Standard treatment for H. pylori involves a powerful antibiotic combination,15 but antibiotic resistance has reduced overall efficacy.16,17

Japanese researchers have developed a combination of zinc and carnosine that removes H. pylori while healing the damage it has caused.

A specific probiotic strain called Lactobacillus reuteri has also been shown to reduce H. pylori bacteria.

This non-drug approach can safely inhibit H. pylori, heal the stomach lining, lower inflammation, and alleviate chronic stomach problems.

1, Available at: http://www.cdc.gov/ulcer/files/hpfacts.pdf. Accessed July 16, 2018.
2, Available at: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/176156-overview. Accessed July 16, 2018.
3, Available at: http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/infectious-agents/h-pylori-fact-sheet. Accessed July 16, 2018.
4, Lopes D, Nunes C, Martins MC, et al. Eradication of Helicobacter pylori: Past, present and future. J Control Release. 2014;189:169-86.
5, Malfertheiner P, Megraud F, O’Morain CA, et al. Management of Helicobacter pylori infection--the Maastricht IV/ Florence Consensus Report. Gut. 2012;61(5):646-64.
6, Meurer LN, Bower DJ. Management of Helicobacter pylori infection. Am Fam Physician. 2002;65(7):1327-36.
7, Wu TS, Hu HM, Kuo FC, et al. Eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection. Kaohsiung J Med Sci. 2014;30(4):167-72.
8, Available at: https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/2005/press.html. Accessed July 13, 2018.
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扯鼻鼾 Snoring

當喉嚨組織在放鬆狀態下開始振動並在睡眠中發出聲音時,就會扯鼻鼾。如果扯鼻鼾情況嚴重,則可能導致失眠、破壞睡眠質素並引起煩躁。 幸而有許多簡單有效的天然補救措施可以舒緩這問題。 胡蘆巴 胡蘆巴是一種很好的天然療法,可防止因消化問題引起的扯鼻鼾。胡蘆巴對睡眠呼吸暫停也有效。 維他命C...