看似違反常理,但油份的確可以用來對抗暗瘡。 摩洛哥堅果油便是其中一種對付暗瘡的秘密武器。 這種深層滋養的油份富含有益的必需脂肪酸和抗氧化劑,維他命E含量也很高,對受損和發炎的皮膚甚有裨益。
正確使用摩洛哥堅果油的方法,是先濕潤雙手,然後在睡前用手塗抹一點點堅果油於患處。 濕潤的雙手可以將油份塗抹得更均衡。
Although it seems counterintuitive, oil can be used to fight oil. Moroccan argan oil is a secret weapon when it comes to fighting acne. This deeply nourishing oil is rich in beneficial essential fatty acids and antioxidants. It’s also high in vitamin E, which is good for damaged and inflamed skin.
To use Moroccan argan oil, dampen your hands and then apply just a tiny bit to your face before bed. Your wet hands will help spread a small amount of oil easily.
Regular use of Moroccan argan oil can significantly reduce oiliness.
A few drops of antiseptic essential oils such as tea tree, lavender, sandalwood, and oregano mixed in pure water and sprayed or blotted onto the skin can be helpful.
正確使用摩洛哥堅果油的方法,是先濕潤雙手,然後在睡前用手塗抹一點點堅果油於患處。 濕潤的雙手可以將油份塗抹得更均衡。
Although it seems counterintuitive, oil can be used to fight oil. Moroccan argan oil is a secret weapon when it comes to fighting acne. This deeply nourishing oil is rich in beneficial essential fatty acids and antioxidants. It’s also high in vitamin E, which is good for damaged and inflamed skin.
To use Moroccan argan oil, dampen your hands and then apply just a tiny bit to your face before bed. Your wet hands will help spread a small amount of oil easily.
Regular use of Moroccan argan oil can significantly reduce oiliness.
A few drops of antiseptic essential oils such as tea tree, lavender, sandalwood, and oregano mixed in pure water and sprayed or blotted onto the skin can be helpful.