苦艾是一種味道非常苦澀的植物, 因此而得名。 苦 艾作為藥用草本歷史悠久 。它對於肝臟、膽囊和消化系統都有滋補作用,其活性成分更具有殺菌作用。對於那些消化不良的人仕,艾草具有顯著的舒緩作用。艾草可以增加胃酸和膽汁分泌,改善消化和加強營養物質的吸收。經常服用,可以幫助身體回復健康和充滿活力,對應長期患病後的康復期尤為重要。
苦艾的葉子和花芽可以用作驅蟲劑、抗炎藥、防腐劑、解痙劑、抗腫瘤藥、驅風劑、利膽藥、調經劑、退熱劑、 安眠藥 、興奮劑和健胃藥等, 功效多不勝數。 一般情況下 , 苦艾會在開花前收割,待曬乾後便可使用。
雖然苦艾有眾多益處, 使用上卻要謹慎,此植物適宜作為短期治療用途,宜服用較低劑量;如有疑問,應在服用前咨詢醫護人員的意見。不建議兒童或孕婦服用。
順勢療法處方也有採用苦艾製作,大多取用苦艾葉。 功能有刺激膽汁和胃液分泌 ,有助治療肝臟和膽囊疾病。
Wormwood is a very bitter plant with a long history of use as a medicinal herb. It is valued especially for its tonic effect on the liver, gallbladder and digestive system, and for its vermicidal activity. It is an extremely useful medicine for those with weak and under-active digestion. It increases stomach acid and bile production, improving digestion and the absorption of nutrients. If taken regularly, helps the body return to full vitality after a prolonged illness.
The leaves and flowering shoots are anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitumor, carminative, cholagogue, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hypnotic, stimulant, stomachic and other tonic uses. The plant is harvested as it is coming into flower and then dried for later use.
Use with caution, the plant should be taken internally in small doses for short-term treatment only, preferably under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. It should not be prescribed for children or pregnant women.
A homeopathic remedy is made from the leaves. It is used to stimulate bile and gastric juice production and to treat disorders of the liver and gall bladder.
苦艾的葉子和花芽可以用作驅蟲劑、抗炎藥、防腐劑、解痙劑、抗腫瘤藥、驅風劑、利膽藥、調經劑、退熱劑、 安眠藥 、興奮劑和健胃藥等, 功效多不勝數。 一般情況下 , 苦艾會在開花前收割,待曬乾後便可使用。
雖然苦艾有眾多益處, 使用上卻要謹慎,此植物適宜作為短期治療用途,宜服用較低劑量;如有疑問,應在服用前咨詢醫護人員的意見。不建議兒童或孕婦服用。
順勢療法處方也有採用苦艾製作,大多取用苦艾葉。 功能有刺激膽汁和胃液分泌 ,有助治療肝臟和膽囊疾病。
Wormwood is a very bitter plant with a long history of use as a medicinal herb. It is valued especially for its tonic effect on the liver, gallbladder and digestive system, and for its vermicidal activity. It is an extremely useful medicine for those with weak and under-active digestion. It increases stomach acid and bile production, improving digestion and the absorption of nutrients. If taken regularly, helps the body return to full vitality after a prolonged illness.
The leaves and flowering shoots are anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antispasmodic, antitumor, carminative, cholagogue, emmenagogue, febrifuge, hypnotic, stimulant, stomachic and other tonic uses. The plant is harvested as it is coming into flower and then dried for later use.
Use with caution, the plant should be taken internally in small doses for short-term treatment only, preferably under the supervision of a qualified practitioner. It should not be prescribed for children or pregnant women.
A homeopathic remedy is made from the leaves. It is used to stimulate bile and gastric juice production and to treat disorders of the liver and gall bladder.