1.眼睛乾澀。當眼睛未能產生足夠淚水分泌, 成因有很多,包括身體缺少水份,身體發熱, 攝取過多咖啡因 ,血液含糖分過高, 更年期不適或受藥物影響等。 與此同時, 如果身體缺乏維奧米加3奧米加7 非飽和脂肪酸 與維他命D和A等, 亦會造成眼睛乾澀。當然現代人長期使用手提電話或電腦,或者是更重要的成因。
2.青光眼。 青光眼可造成視覺神經受損,嚴重可導致視力減弱甚至失明。多數青光眼病例是由眼壓增加引起的,眼壓增加導致視神經纖維被破壞而影響視力。然而,約有25%病例在眼壓正常時仍會出現青光眼症狀。 研究顯示, 這種情況與眼壓無關,實際上是自身免疫系統導致神經病變(自身免疫系統相互攻擊並損害視覺神經)。
3.白內障。 表徵是眼球混濁 ,導致視力模糊。這是最常見的退化性眼部疾病,通過手術可矯正視力。
4.黃斑部退化病變。當黃斑部(眼睛正後方視網膜的主要聚焦區域) 退化並停止運作 ,病人逐漸喪失用於觀察細節的能力,是50歲以上人士最常見的眼部退化問題。
5.糖尿病視網膜病變。 糖尿病人由於血糖水平長時間處於高水平而引起的視網膜毛細血管破壞(即眼睛中最微細血管)。如果不及時治療,可導致永久失明。
6.圓錐角膜病變。 主要症狀是眼角膜變薄 ( 這問題年青人尤為常見)導致各種視力問題,包括近視、視力模糊或影像重疊、散光和對強光過敏。
7. 眼球折射光不正常(主要由眼球形狀改變引致):
- 近視(近視) - 接近的物件看得清楚,遙遠的物件看起來模糊;
- 遠視(遠視) - 接近的物體看不清楚, 遙遠的物件反而看得清晰;
- 散光 - 視像變形而且模糊;
- 老花 - 隨年齡增長, 眼部晶片硬化和括約肌失去彈性,導致遠視(近距離物體難以看清楚)。
最常見的眼部營養補充劑包括葉黃素、玉米黃素、維他命b雜和胡蘿蔔素等等, 銀杏葉提取物除了補腦, 對改善眼部問題也很有幫助。
The following are the most common eye conditions, please spend some time to read :
1. Dry eyes. This problem occurs when eyes are unable to produce enough tears (complex mixture of water, mucus, and fatty oils). Possible causes may include dehydration, central heating, caffeine, excessive sugar in the blood, hormonal imbalance during menopause, some medications, and especially deficiency of omega 3, omega 7, vitamin D and A.
2. Glaucoma - damaged eye’s optic nerve leading to a vision loss and blindness. It is believed that most cases of glaucoma are caused by an increased pressure in the eye which gradually damages the nerve fibres that are essential to vision. However, in about 25% cases glaucoma develops when eye pressure is normal. There is evidence that this non-pressure related damage to the optic nerve is actually a form of an autoimmune neuropathy > (own immune system attacks and damages the optic nerve).
3. Cataract - clouding of the lens that often blurs vision. It is the most common age-related eye problem. It is usually treated with a surgery.
4. Macular degeneration – when the macula (the sharp focusing area at the back of your eye) begins to break down and stop working. The result is a gradual loss of the central, ‘sharp’ vision that you use for seeing detail, It is the leading cause of vision loss in people over 50.
5. Diabetic retinopathy - caused by chronic high blood sugar levels which damage retinal capillaries (smallest blood vessels found in the eye). If left untreated it will gradually lead to a permanent vision loss.
6. Keratoconus - thinning of the cornea (most prevalent among younger people) which leads to various vision problems including near-sightedness, blurred or double vision, astigmatism, and increased sensitivity to light.
7. Refractive errors (mostly caused by changed shape of the eye):
- Near-sightedness (myopia) - faraway objects look blurry;
- Far-sightedness (hyperopia) - near objects are not clear;
- Astigmatism – images are stretched out and blurry;
- Presbyopia – an age-related hardening of lens and loss of elasticity leading to long-sightedness (difficulty to clearly see close objects).
1.) Lutein and zeaxanthin are primarily found in green leafy vegetables, with kale and spinach. Lower concentrations of both nutrients are also found in orange- and yellow-coloured fruits and vegetables.
1.眼睛乾澀。當眼睛未能產生足夠淚水分泌, 成因有很多,包括身體缺少水份,身體發熱, 攝取過多咖啡因 ,血液含糖分過高, 更年期不適或受藥物影響等。 與此同時, 如果身體缺乏維奧米加3奧米加7 非飽和脂肪酸 與維他命D和A等, 亦會造成眼睛乾澀。當然現代人長期使用手提電話或電腦,或者是更重要的成因。
2.青光眼。 青光眼可造成視覺神經受損,嚴重可導致視力減弱甚至失明。多數青光眼病例是由眼壓增加引起的,眼壓增加導致視神經纖維被破壞而影響視力。然而,約有25%病例在眼壓正常時仍會出現青光眼症狀。 研究顯示, 這種情況與眼壓無關,實際上是自身免疫系統導致神經病變(自身免疫系統相互攻擊並損害視覺神經)。
3.白內障。 表徵是眼球混濁 ,導致視力模糊。這是最常見的退化性眼部疾病,通過手術可矯正視力。
4.黃斑部退化病變。當黃斑部(眼睛正後方視網膜的主要聚焦區域) 退化並停止運作 ,病人逐漸喪失用於觀察細節的能力,是50歲以上人士最常見的眼部退化問題。
5.糖尿病視網膜病變。 糖尿病人由於血糖水平長時間處於高水平而引起的視網膜毛細血管破壞(即眼睛中最微細血管)。如果不及時治療,可導致永久失明。
6.圓錐角膜病變。 主要症狀是眼角膜變薄 ( 這問題年青人尤為常見)導致各種視力問題,包括近視、視力模糊或影像重疊、散光和對強光過敏。
7. 眼球折射光不正常(主要由眼球形狀改變引致):
- 近視(近視) - 接近的物件看得清楚,遙遠的物件看起來模糊;
- 遠視(遠視) - 接近的物體看不清楚, 遙遠的物件反而看得清晰;
- 散光 - 視像變形而且模糊;
- 老花 - 隨年齡增長, 眼部晶片硬化和括約肌失去彈性,導致遠視(近距離物體難以看清楚)。
最常見的眼部營養補充劑包括葉黃素、玉米黃素、維他命b雜和胡蘿蔔素等等, 銀杏葉提取物除了補腦, 對改善眼部問題也很有幫助。
The following are the most common eye conditions, please spend some time to read :
1. Dry eyes. This problem occurs when eyes are unable to produce enough tears (complex mixture of water, mucus, and fatty oils). Possible causes may include dehydration, central heating, caffeine, excessive sugar in the blood, hormonal imbalance during menopause, some medications, and especially deficiency of omega 3, omega 7, vitamin D and A.
2. Glaucoma - damaged eye’s optic nerve leading to a vision loss and blindness. It is believed that most cases of glaucoma are caused by an increased pressure in the eye which gradually damages the nerve fibres that are essential to vision. However, in about 25% cases glaucoma develops when eye pressure is normal. There is evidence that this non-pressure related damage to the optic nerve is actually a form of an autoimmune neuropathy > (own immune system attacks and damages the optic nerve).
3. Cataract - clouding of the lens that often blurs vision. It is the most common age-related eye problem. It is usually treated with a surgery.
4. Macular degeneration – when the macula (the sharp focusing area at the back of your eye) begins to break down and stop working. The result is a gradual loss of the central, ‘sharp’ vision that you use for seeing detail, It is the leading cause of vision loss in people over 50.
5. Diabetic retinopathy - caused by chronic high blood sugar levels which damage retinal capillaries (smallest blood vessels found in the eye). If left untreated it will gradually lead to a permanent vision loss.
6. Keratoconus - thinning of the cornea (most prevalent among younger people) which leads to various vision problems including near-sightedness, blurred or double vision, astigmatism, and increased sensitivity to light.
7. Refractive errors (mostly caused by changed shape of the eye):
- Near-sightedness (myopia) - faraway objects look blurry;
- Far-sightedness (hyperopia) - near objects are not clear;
- Astigmatism – images are stretched out and blurry;
- Presbyopia – an age-related hardening of lens and loss of elasticity leading to long-sightedness (difficulty to clearly see close objects).
1.) Lutein and zeaxanthin are primarily found in green leafy vegetables, with kale and spinach. Lower concentrations of both nutrients are also found in orange- and yellow-coloured fruits and vegetables.