維他命E既可以作為口服補充劑,也可以作為乾性皮膚的外用保濕療法。口服時, 維他命E的強大抗氧化特性可幫助保護皮膚免受進一步傷害。 維他命E外用面霜或潤膚露針對面部和其他部位皮膚,可以幫助防止水分流失,保持皮膚潤滑有彈性。
沙棘果油中的化合物能有效改善皮膚健康, 外用和內服均合適。 一些研究表明沙棘果油可以防止皮膚乾燥,並幫助皮膚減緩燒傷、凍傷和褥瘡的影響。
一些研究表明, 服用益生菌可以減少體內更多有害微生物的數量。腸道細菌與皮膚之間的聯繫是當前研究的熱門話題,目前所認識是益生菌有助於增強免疫系統,從而減少發生皮膚不適的可能性。
魚油中含有奧米茄3脂肪酸,被認為可以幫助改善皮膚狀況,尤其是濕疹引致的皮膚乾燥。 “白三烯B4”是體內與炎症密切相關的化合物。幸運的是,魚油似乎可以減少體內白三烯的含量,從而改善這種狀況。
Top Supplements for Dry and Itchy Skin
Vitamin E
Vitamin E can be used as both a supplement and as a topical remedy for dry skin. When taken orally, vitamin E's powerful antioxidant properties can help to protect the skin from further damage. When used topically, as a facial oil, it can help to prevent water loss from the skin, keeping it moisturized.
Sea buckthorn oil
Compounds in sea buckthorn oil may boost your skin health when applied directly. There's also some evidence that sea buckthorn oil may prevent skin dryness and help your skin heal from burns, frostbite and bedsores
Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil is one of the best natural sources of an omega 6 fatty acid known as gamma linolenic acid (GLA). GLA, in turn, offers many anti-inflammatory benefits within the body. As many cases of itchy skin are at their core an inflammatory response it so follows that many people find evening primrose oil to be beneficial.
Some research also suggests that larger colonies of these good bacteria can also reduce populations of more harmful microorganisms within the body. The link between gut bacteria and the skin is a hot topic of research at the moment, with the current understanding being that probiotics help to strengthen the immune system, making it less likely for uncomfortable skin outbreaks to occur.
Fish Oil
Fish oil, which contains omega 3 fatty acids, is also believed to help with skin conditions, most notably eczema. “Leukotriene B4” is a compound in the body which is closely associated with inflammation. Fortunately, fish oil seems to reduce levels of leukotriene in the body, thus improving such conditions.