Monday, November 09, 2020

扯鼻鼾 Snoring












Snoring happens when the tissue of your throat, in a relaxed state, starts vibrating and making noise during sleep.  If the snoring is severe, it can lead to insomnia, disrupt sleep patterns and cause irritability.

However, there are many simple and effective home remedies to rectify the issue.

Fenugreek is an excellent home remedy against snoring caused by digestive issues. Fenugreek also is effective against sleep apnea.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a great home remedy against snoring as it keeps our immune system healthy and keeps the sinuses clear.


Turmeric contains antibiotic and antiseptic properties, which help cure the inflammation and snoring. It will help ease breathing and improve your immunity.

Eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil is one of the most effective remedy for snoring. It will also help fight chest congestion and clear your nose.

Method: Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in the steam inhaler and inhale the steam before hitting the bed. You can also use a container of hot water to inhale steam. Take a bowl of hot water and add in about five drops of eucalyptus oil and inhale the steam. Cover your head with a towel to make it more effective.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

甲狀腺與人生 Thyroid changes your life

你最近感覺呆滯 ?對所有事情失去熱情?鬱悶?焦慮?體重增加而沒有食慾? 對冷暖變化感覺很難受?消化不良?甚至覺得一切都崩潰了, 而你卻無能為力? 一連串症狀, 除了歸咎於香港的現狀,你的甲狀腺可能也是罪魁禍首!






雖然硒不是專門用於製造甲狀腺激素,但人體需要硒將甲狀腺激素從貯藏物轉化為活性成分。最佳劑量是每日100至300 mcg。

這些營養素結合一起使用效果最好。你可能需要幾週的時間才能體會到轉變,也可能需要調校一些劑量,一旦這些營養成分使甲狀腺功能恢復正常, 你將能體驗一種完全不同的生活!

Are you feeling sluggish? Lost your spark?  Depressed? Anxious? Gaining weight with no appetite? Lost all tolerance for cold or heat? Struggling with digestive issues? Or maybe just feel like everything's falling apart, and you've lost your ability to deal? Your thyroid may be blame!

Increasing Thyroid Activity
There are two basic forms of thyroid dysfunction—either you are making too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) or too little (hypothyroidism). 

There is a great deal of interest in suboptimal thyroid function and its impact on health. That means that even little decreases can cause you a lot of distress.

If your mood is not the best, you are tired all the time, and you are gaining weight without changes in your diet, you may have suboptimal thyroid function. Other symptoms can be changes in your skin texture, hair loss or hair dryness, feeling cold all the time, and heavy, sometimes irregular, menstrual cycles.

Supplements for Thyroid Health
Increase Thyroid Activity with Iodine
It only makes sense that the most powerful way to increase thyroid hormone production is to use iodine. 
Iodine comes in many forms, including potassium iodide, molecular iodine, and sodium iodide. All iodine provides benefits.

Provide the Thyroid with the Hormone Building Blocks it Needs with L-Tyrosine
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that is present in several foods, including poultry, fish, milk, yogurt, cheese, peanuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, soy and lima beans, bananas and avocados. Used in a supplement, it is combined with iodine to provide the thyroid with the building blocks it needs to make more thyroid hormone. 

Selenium to Activate Thyroid Hormones 
While selenium is not used specifically to make thyroid hormone, it is required to convert thyroid hormone form the storage to the active form. The optimal dosage is 100 to 300 mcg.

Nutrients That Work Better Together
These nutrients often perform better together. It may take a few weeks to feel the difference, and you may need to experiment with dosages, but these nutrients can make a world of difference in your thyroid function—and your life!

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

健康蘑菇 Mushrooms for Health

所有蘑菇品種都不含脂肪且熱量低。 它們也是維他命B、維他命D和礦物質(如硒(強力抗氧化劑)和鉀(有助降血壓))的來源。

常見蘑菇中,含有稱為β-葡聚醣的有助增強免疫力的物質。 最近的一項研究發現,經常服用白蘑菇提取物具有明顯增強免疫力作用。


適當烹飪通常會增添蘑菇的美味,並增強質感。 可以將蘑菇放湯、做沙律甚至低溫煎煮,都可以保持其味道和健康益處。

All mushroom varieties—and this includes the tasty ones in the produce aisle—are fat-free and low calorie.  They’re also a source of B vitamins, vitamin D, and minerals like selenium (a strong antioxidant) and potassium (great for blood pressure).

Immunity-boosting substances called beta-glucans are abundant in several mushroom species, too. A recent study found significant immune-boosting effects from extract of the commonly consumed white button mushroom.

And recent research found breast-cancer-fighting compounds in maitake, crimini, portabella, oyster, and white button.

Meaty Mushrooms
Cooking usually intensifies the flavor of any mushroom and also enhances the texture. Throw them into soups, sauces, and stir fries for their taste and health benefits.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

小檗鹼(黃連素)和糖尿病 Berberine and diabetes


很多研究都顯示小檗鹼(或稱為黃連素)有調節葡萄糖和脂質代謝的作用。近年一項先導研究充分表明了小檗鹼在治療2型糖尿病患者中的療效和安全性。在研究A中,在為期3個月的試驗中,將36名新診斷為2型糖尿病的成年人隨機分配至接受小檗鹼或二甲雙胍治療(一種主要的西藥降糖藥),服用方法都是每日3次,每次服用500毫克。結果發現小檗鹼的降血糖作用與二甲雙胍相似。服用小檗鹼組的糖化血色素A1c、空腹血糖、餐後血糖和血漿甘油三酸酯水平得到明顯降低。在研究B中,在3個月的試驗中,對48位2型糖尿病控制不佳的成年人補充了小檗鹼的治療。結果發現,從一周開始到試驗結束,小檗鹼能將空腹血糖值和餐後血糖值有效降低。 糖化血色素A1c從8.1%降至7.3%。空腹血漿胰島素和HOMA-IR分別降低了28.1%和44.7%。總膽固醇和低密度脂蛋白膽固醇(LDL-C)也顯著降低。該初步研究得出結論,小檗鹼是一種有效的口服降糖草藥,對脂質代謝具有良好益處。

Berberine has been shown to regulate glucose and lipid metabolism. There is one pilot study demonstrated the efficacy and safety of berberine in the treatment of type 2 diabetic patients. In study A, 36 adults with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes were randomly assigned to treatment with berberine or metformin (500mg three times daily) in a 3-month trial. The hypoglycemic effect of berberine was similar to that of metformin. Significant decreases in hemoglobin A1c, fasting blood glucose, postprandial blood glucose and plasma triglycerides were observed in the berberine group. In study B, 48 adults with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes were treated supplemented with berberine in a 3-month trial. Berberine acted by lowering FBG and PBG from one week to the end of the trial. HbA1c decreased from 8.1% to 7.3%. Fasting plasma insulin and HOMA-IR were reduced by 28.1% and 44.7%, respectively. Total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were decreased significantly as well.  This pilot study concluded that berberine is a potent oral hypoglycemic agent with beneficial effects on lipid metabolism.

Efficacy of Berberine in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Metabolism. 2008 May; 57(5): 712–717.
doi: 10.1016/j.metabol.2008.01.013

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

NAC對病毒的影響 NAC’s Effect on Viruses





顯示減少表觀A / H1N1
NAC對另一種病毒性疾病A / H1N1的有效性研究的作者得出結論,長期服用NAC不能預防感染,但確實可以減少“臨床上明顯的疾病”的發生。

NAC’s Effect on Viruses
A nutrient found in onions may reduce symptoms.

Since the 1960s, the antioxidant n-acetylcysteine (NAC), which is found abundantly in onions has known popularity as an antidote to certain poisons and as a mucus-thinning substance.

Now, with the rapid spread of COVID-19, which has both a longer incubation period and a higher mortality rate than influenza, you may wonder whether particular nutrients can help protect you and those you love. One supplement that is being mentioned is NAC.

Is NAC Effective Against Coronavirus?
Not Tested Against COVID-19
There is as yet no research on NAC’s effect on the virus that causes COVID-19. One flu study showed “significantly fewer influenza-like episodes and days of bed confinement” for a group that had taken 600 milligrams (mg) of NAC twice a day for six months, as opposed to a placebo group.

Shown to Reduce Apparent A/H1N1
Authors of research on NAC’s effectiveness against another viral illness, A/H1N1, concluded that long-term administration of NAC did not prevent infection, but it did reduce the incidence of “clinically apparent disease.”

“Attenuation of influenza-like symptomatology and improvement of cell-mediated immunity with long-term N-acetylcysteine treatment” by S. De Flora et al., European Respiratory Journal, 7/97

“Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19),”, updated 3/19/20

“Medical and dietary uses of N-acetylcysteine” by S. Salamon et al., Antioxidants, 5/19

“Nutraceuticals have potential for boosting the type 1 interferon response to RNA viruses including influenza and coronavirus” by Mark F. McCarty and James J. DiNicolantonio, Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases,, 2/20

Monday, March 30, 2020

甲狀腺的腫大或功能異常 Thyroid Problems


多種維他命和補充劑-包括碘( 巨藻)、維他命D、硒、酪氨酸、鋅、鐵和硫胺素均有助於甲狀腺健康。


維他命 D
維他命 D缺乏症與橋本甲狀腺炎和甲狀腺功能低下的風險增加有關。





硫胺素/ 維他命 B1
硫胺素- 維他命 B1-有助於將碳水化合物代謝為能量。當水平低時,您會感到疲勞並且難以集中精力。硫胺素缺乏症在包括甲狀腺疾病在內的自身免疫性疾病患者中更為常見。

A number of vitamins and supplements — including iodine(kelp), vitamin D, selenium, probiotics, tyrosine, zinc, iron, and thiamine — can be helpful to your thyroid health.

Iodine is a building block and primary raw material for thyroid hormone production. Your thyroid gland needs iodine from your diet in order to produce thyroid hormone.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency is linked to an increased risk of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and to hypothyroidism.

The mineral selenium helps your thyroid produce thyroid hormone, convert T4 into T3, and can lower thyroid peroxidase antibodies.

The amino acid tyrosine is essential to the production of thyroid hormone, as well as T4 to T3 conversion.

The mineral zinc is important for processing of thyroid hormone, T4 to T3 conversion, and in supporting thyroid function. Low levels of zinc are a known trigger for hypothyroidism.

The mineral iron is crucial to the healthy functioning of your thyroid and hormones. Specifically, low iron levels are associated with higher risk of subclinical hypothyroidism and reduced T4 and T3 levels.

Thiamine/vitamin B1
Thiamine — vitamin B1 — helps to metabolize carbohydrates into energy. When levels are low, you feel tired and have difficulty concentrating. Thiamine deficiency is more common in people with autoimmune diseases, including thyroid conditions.

Wednesday, December 04, 2019

皮膚乾燥痕癢 天然保健之選

維他命E既可以作為口服補充劑,也可以作為乾性皮膚的外用保濕療法。口服時, 維他命E的強大抗氧化特性可幫助保護皮膚免受進一步傷害。 維他命E外用面霜或潤膚露針對面部和其他部位皮膚,可以幫助防止水分流失,保持皮膚潤滑有彈性。

沙棘果油中的化合物能有效改善皮膚健康, 外用和內服均合適。 一些研究表明沙棘果油可以防止皮膚乾燥,並幫助皮膚減緩燒傷、凍傷和褥瘡的影響。


一些研究表明, 服用益生菌可以減少體內更多有害微生物的數量。腸道細菌與皮膚之間的聯繫是當前研究的熱門話題,目前所認識是益生菌有助於增強免疫系統,從而減少發生皮膚不適的可能性。

魚油中含有奧米茄3脂肪酸,被認為可以幫助改善皮膚狀況,尤其是濕疹引致的皮膚乾燥。 “白三烯B4”是體內與炎症密切相關的化合物。幸運的是,魚油似乎可以減少體內白三烯的含量,從而改善這種狀況。

Top Supplements for Dry and Itchy Skin

Vitamin E
Vitamin E can be used as both a supplement and as a topical remedy for dry skin. When taken orally, vitamin E's powerful antioxidant properties can help to protect the skin from further damage. When used topically, as a facial oil, it can help to prevent water loss from the skin, keeping it moisturized.
Sea buckthorn oil
Compounds in sea buckthorn oil may boost your skin health when applied directly. There's also some evidence that sea buckthorn oil may prevent skin dryness and help your skin heal from burns, frostbite and bedsores

Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil is one of the best natural sources of an omega 6 fatty acid known as gamma linolenic acid (GLA). GLA, in turn, offers many anti-inflammatory benefits within the body. As many cases of itchy skin are at their core an inflammatory response it so follows that many people find evening primrose oil to be beneficial.

Some research also suggests that larger colonies of these good bacteria can also reduce populations of more harmful microorganisms within the body.  The link between gut bacteria and the skin is a hot topic of research at the moment, with the current understanding being that probiotics help to strengthen the immune system, making it less likely for uncomfortable skin outbreaks to occur.

Fish Oil
Fish oil, which contains omega 3 fatty acids, is also believed to help with skin conditions, most notably eczema. “Leukotriene B4” is a compound in the body which is closely associated with inflammation. Fortunately, fish oil seems to reduce levels of leukotriene in the body, thus improving such conditions.

Thursday, November 07, 2019

八款最佳天然抗過敏補充劑 The 8 Best All-Natural Supplements for Fall Allergies

秋天一到身體容易產生過敏反應, 這裏介紹八款最佳天然抗過敏補充劑:


益生菌可以改變腸道中的菌群, 強化免疫系統,並可以舒緩人體過敏反應。

2. 維他命 D

研究表明, 維他命D對涉及產生過敏症的免疫功能產生深遠影響, 能有效紓緩病情。


槲皮素是一種生物類黃酮,常見於紅酒、西柚 、洋蔥、蘋果、紅茶以及少量的葉類綠色蔬菜和豆類中。它具有抗炎和抗氧化的作用,並抑制組胺的產生,從而避免觸發過敏反應。











The 8 Best All-Natural Supplements for Fall Allergies

1. Probiotics

Probiotics modify the intestinal flora in the gut, support the immune system and can alter the natural course of an allergy.

2. Vitamin D

Research shows that vitamin D exerts profound effects on immune functions involved in the development and course of allergies.

3. Quercetin

Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that is found in red wine, grapefruit, onions, apples, black tea and, in lesser amounts, leafy green vegetables and beans. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activity, and inhibits the growth of histamine, which can trigger an allergic response.

4. Stinging Nettle

Over the years, researchers have collected plenty of data to prove that stinging nettle – a plant named for the prickly hairs that grow on its leave and stems – is effective against seasonal allergy symptoms and can be used to treat anaphylaxis, migraines, cluster headaches and allergic arthritis.

5. Astragalus

Astragalus is an herb with a long history of use in traditional Chinese medicine. It boosts the immune system, reduces inflammation and has been used to treat chronic asthma.

6. Peppermint Essential Oil

Because peppermint acts as an expectorant and has the power to discharge phlegm and reduce inflammation, peppermint oil can be used to unclog the sinuses and relieve scratchy throats.

7. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus oil produces a cold sensation in the nose that helps to improve airflow, opening up the lungs and sinuses.

8. Lemon Essential Oil

Lemon oil is one of the best essential oils for allergies because it supports lymphatic system drainage, inhibits the growth of bacteria and boosts immune function.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

一個關於丁香的有趣研究 A research about Clove Extract for Prediabetics

最近一項先導性研究發現, 丁香對糖尿病患者非常有用!




一般來講糖尿病前期,空腹血糖多數可以保持正常,但飯後血糖值比較難控制。 一般人除非能大幅改善飲食和生活習慣,否則會有30%的前期糖尿病患者於3至5年後便漸變成 II型糖尿病患者。


In a pilot study, a standardized clove extract was tested on healthy people and those with prediabetes.  The study results found lower after-meal blood sugar in healthy adults and prediabetics supplemented with polyphenol-rich clove extract.

In the prediabetic part of the study, fasting glucose levels were also lowered in the clove-supplemented participants.

These findings indicate that a standardized clove extract can benefit aging individuals who have less-than-optimal glucose control.

Prediabetics may have "normal"  fasting blood sugar levels, but often can't properly handle glucose after a meal. Unless they make substantial changes to their diet and lifestyle, up to 30% of prediabetics will go on to develop type II diabetes in only three to five years.

Studies have shown that polyphenols, health-promoting nutrients, found in plants, lower the risks of multiple diseases. One particularly valuable clove extract contains a minimum of 30% total polyphenols, likely to have benefits for glucose metabolism in adult humans.


1. Despres JP, Lamarche B, Mauriege P, et al. Hyperinsulinemia as an independent risk factor for ischemic heart disease. N Engl J Med. 1996 Apr 11;334(15):952-7.
2. Garcia-Carretero R, Vigil-Medina L, Mora-Jimenez I, et al. Cardiovascular risk assessment in prediabetic patients in a hypertensive population: The role of cystatin C. Diabetes Metab Syndr. 2018 Sep;12(5):625-9.
3. Mijajlovic MD, Aleksic VM, Sternic NM, et al. Role of prediabetes in stroke. Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2017;13: 259-67.
4. Mohan R, Jose S, Mulakkal J, et al. Water-soluble polyphenol-rich clove extract lowers pre- and post-prandial blood glucose levels in healthy and prediabetic volunteers: an open label pilot study. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2019 May 7;19(1):99.
5. Available at: Accessed July 25, 2019.
6. Available at: Accessed July 25, 2019.
7. Available at: Accessed May 15, 2019.

Monday, July 29, 2019

女性膀胱感染 Women Bladder Infections

女性膀胱感染 Women Bladder Infections

膀胱感染,也稱為“膀胱炎”,在女性中非常常見,因為從身體外部到膀胱內部的通道比較短(相對於男性)。這使細菌更容易進入膀胱。雖然大多數細菌感染可以透過每次排尿時被沖洗乾淨,但大腸桿菌結構上有“魔術貼形狀的粘性墊”,使它們能夠粘在膀胱壁上 - 因此它們不會被沖洗掉。

有些膀胱感染沒有任何症狀,但更常見的情況通常伴隨強烈的排尿衝動(尿急),經常排尿(即使尿液很少),並且排尿時有被火灼的感覺(醫學上稱為排尿困難)。尿液中通常不會見血, 但如果發生這情況就必須盡快求醫 。



D-甘露糖 D-Mannose
服用補充劑D-Mannose。它是一種健康的糖, 透過尿液排泄。D-甘露糖能塗覆大腸桿菌的“魔術貼切形狀的吸盤”,使它們不會粘在膀胱上。當你小便時,細菌會立即被洗掉!劑量為每3小時1000mg,直至感染消失。為防止複發性膀胱感染,可每日服用500-1000mg(性生活後服用尤為重要)。如果需要,可以使用更高的劑量,並且可以安全地長期使用。它對益生菌沒有影響,因此沒有抗生素的毒性。

補充維他命C 500毫克,每天2至6粒。


Women Bladder Infections

Bladder infections, also called "cystitis," are very common in females because the opening from the outside of the body to inside the bladder is very short. This makes it easier for bacteria to get into the bladder. While most bacterial infections simply get washed out each time you urinate, the E. coli have little "Velcro-like sticky pads" on them that allow them to stick to the bladder wall — so they don't wash out.

Although bladder infections can occur without symptoms, more often they trigger an intense urge to urinate (urgency), urinating frequently (even when there is little urine), and burning on urination (called dysuria). Blood visible in the urine is less common, and warrants a trip to the doctor.

Here are natural treatments you can do for bladder infections:

General Diet Advice
Drink water
Drink plenty of water to wash out the infection.

Recommended Supplements
Take the supplement D-Mannose. It is a healthy sugar which is excreted in the urine. It coats the "Velcro-like sticky fingers" of the E. coli bacteria so that they can't stick to the bladder. Then the bacteria wash right out when you urinate! The dose is 1000mg every 3 hours while awake till the infection is gone. To prevent recurrent bladder infections, take 500-1000mg twice daily (especially after sex). Higher dosing can be used if needed and it can safely be used long term. It has no effect on healthy bacteria, and therefore has none of the toxicity of antibiotics.

Vitamin C
Add vitamin C 500 mg 2-6x during the day.

Bathroom habits
The bacteria come from the anal area, so when you wipe after a bowel movement, wipe in a direction toward your back and away from the bladder. Otherwise, you're offering the bacteria a free ride to your bladder.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

研究發現益生菌有助改善糖尿指數 Probiotic improves diabetes markers


40名患有2型糖尿病的成年人參加了這項實驗,其中一半每日服用一片乾酪乳桿菌(Lactobacillus casei),其他人服用安慰劑。 在研究期的開始和結束時分別為病人抽取血液樣本作檢查,并得出以上結論。


A common probiotic bacteria appears to improve the health of people with type 2 diabetes.  Fasting blood sugar, insulin concentration, and insulin resistance all decreased significantly in a new eight-week trial.
Forty adults with Type 2 diabetes participated, with half taking daily capsules of Lactobacillus casei and the others taking a placebo.  Blood samples were accessed at the beginning and the end of the study period.
Other health markers also improved in the probiotic group, including weight and body mass index.

Iran Biomed J. 2019 Jan;23(1):68-77. Epub 2018 May 27.
The Effects of Lactobacillus casei on Glycemic Response, Serum Sirtuin1 and Fetuin-A Levels in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Khalili L1, Alipour B2, Asghari Jafar-Abadi M3, Faraji I4, Hassanalilou T1, Mesgari Abbasi M5, Vaghef-Mehrabany E6, Alizadeh Sani M7.

#Lactobacillus casei #Probiotics #Type 2 diabetes mellitus

扯鼻鼾 Snoring

當喉嚨組織在放鬆狀態下開始振動並在睡眠中發出聲音時,就會扯鼻鼾。如果扯鼻鼾情況嚴重,則可能導致失眠、破壞睡眠質素並引起煩躁。 幸而有許多簡單有效的天然補救措施可以舒緩這問題。 胡蘆巴 胡蘆巴是一種很好的天然療法,可防止因消化問題引起的扯鼻鼾。胡蘆巴對睡眠呼吸暫停也有效。 維他命C...