Monday, March 30, 2020

甲狀腺的腫大或功能異常 Thyroid Problems


多種維他命和補充劑-包括碘( 巨藻)、維他命D、硒、酪氨酸、鋅、鐵和硫胺素均有助於甲狀腺健康。


維他命 D
維他命 D缺乏症與橋本甲狀腺炎和甲狀腺功能低下的風險增加有關。





硫胺素/ 維他命 B1
硫胺素- 維他命 B1-有助於將碳水化合物代謝為能量。當水平低時,您會感到疲勞並且難以集中精力。硫胺素缺乏症在包括甲狀腺疾病在內的自身免疫性疾病患者中更為常見。

A number of vitamins and supplements — including iodine(kelp), vitamin D, selenium, probiotics, tyrosine, zinc, iron, and thiamine — can be helpful to your thyroid health.

Iodine is a building block and primary raw material for thyroid hormone production. Your thyroid gland needs iodine from your diet in order to produce thyroid hormone.

Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency is linked to an increased risk of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and to hypothyroidism.

The mineral selenium helps your thyroid produce thyroid hormone, convert T4 into T3, and can lower thyroid peroxidase antibodies.

The amino acid tyrosine is essential to the production of thyroid hormone, as well as T4 to T3 conversion.

The mineral zinc is important for processing of thyroid hormone, T4 to T3 conversion, and in supporting thyroid function. Low levels of zinc are a known trigger for hypothyroidism.

The mineral iron is crucial to the healthy functioning of your thyroid and hormones. Specifically, low iron levels are associated with higher risk of subclinical hypothyroidism and reduced T4 and T3 levels.

Thiamine/vitamin B1
Thiamine — vitamin B1 — helps to metabolize carbohydrates into energy. When levels are low, you feel tired and have difficulty concentrating. Thiamine deficiency is more common in people with autoimmune diseases, including thyroid conditions.

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