Friday, December 28, 2012

單味印度草藥 多重益處(二) Single Herbs. Multiple benefits.(Part 2)

三果實 (Triphala):三果實能加強消化力,也有溫和通便作用,含印度醋栗、訶子和油欖仁三種果實成分。三果實的排便作用不會產生依賴性,並促進消化道健康。


姜黃(Haridra, Turmeric)

茜草 (Manjishtha)

香膠樹(Shuddha guggula)


刺毛黧豆 (Kapikachhu,Mucuna Dopa)
:刺毛黧豆有助改善情緒和發揮壯陽作用。 它也有助於增加精子數量。





: Triphala strengthens weak digestion and exerts gentle laxative action through extracts of Indian Gooseberry, and Chebulic and Berlleric Myrobalans.  Triphala is non-habit forming, and helps ensure that the digestive tract works at the optimal level.

: Bael has digestive, anthelmintic, and anti-inflammatory properties.  Bael is useful in treating diarrhoea, dysentery, and worm infestations.

: Haridra offers anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.  Haridra is useful in skin infections and allergies.

:  Manjishtha helps detoxify blood and treats sun spots, pimples, and dark spots effectively.  Manjishtha protects the skin tissue from the damage caused by infections.

Shuddha guggula
: Shuddha guggulu helps lower blood cholesterol levels.  Shuddha guggulu have a well-established role in regulating lipid metabolism thus support weight control and body fat reduction.

: Panarnava helps reduce the misery of urinary tract infections(UTIs) in susceptible women.  Punarnava supports a healthy urinary system.

: Kapikachhu helps improve mood and exerts aphrodisiac qualities.  Kapikachhu helps boost sperm count.

: Gokshura helps improve male sexual desire and performance.  Gokshura increases blood flow to penis, thus improves the quality of erection.

: Tagara promotes sleep in people with sleep disturbance.  Tagara helps calm nervous unrest and emotional troubles.  Tagara is safe for long-term use and non-habit forming.

: Meshashringi helps reduce one's craving for sweet foods.  Meshashringi helps in lowering blood sugar levels, and is useful for prodiabetics, diabetics, and obese diabetics.

:Vasaka provides respiratory comfort with mucolytic, bronchodilatory and expectorant properties.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

單味印度草藥 多重益處(一) Single Herbs. Multiple benefits.(Part 1)












Single Herbs.  Multiple benefits.

Neem:Neem has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal qualities.  It boosts the immune system from within and helps maintain a clear, blemish free and healthy skin.

Brahmi:Brahmi is renowned for its calming effect on the mind.  It enhances general mental alertness and also improves memory.

Karela:Karela is very useful in regulating carbohydrate metabolism.  It normalizes insulin secretion and keeps blood sugar in control.

Lasun:Lasun is used to control excess conversion of liqids and cholesterol.

Tulsi:Tulsi has both anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties.  It helps cure respiratory disorders, seasonal fever and is also effective in cough, cold and sore throat.

Arjuna:Arjuna promotes blood circulation and strengthens cardiac muscles.  It is very beneficial for the heart.

Ashwagandha:Ashwagandha is an herbal anti-stress agents.  It calms and revitalizes the mind.  It also combats stress disorders like hypertension and anxiety disorder.

Amla:Amla(Amlaki) is a nature's storehouse of Vitamin C.  It also contains antioxidants.  It promotes immunity, aids digestion and is useful in treating respiratory tract infections as well as cough and cold.

Shallaki:Shallaki plays a useful role in relieving joint aches and arthritic pains.  It maintains and supports healthy joints.

Guduchi:Guduchi builds the body's resistance to infections.  Guduchi helps enhance the activity of white blood cells, and improves the immune system.

Shatavari:In nursing women, shatavari supports lactation by regulating the hormonal secretion.  Shatavari improves postpartum health.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

草本香料有助維護人體健康 Healing Spices: Protect Health Year-round





Healing Spices: Protect Health Year-round
Cooking with herbs and spices provides far more than tasty food. Powerful plant compounds in these seasonings help fight cancer, diabetes, and heart disease, while working to relieve pain and the discomforts associated with seasonal bouts of colds and flu.  Many herbs and spices—like ginger, oregano, and thyme—help fight foodborne pathogens to prevent those annoying digestive “bugs” that no one wants to deal with over the holidays. Others, like turmeric (containing curcumin, which gives curry its yellow color), have been  shown to be protective against alcohol-related liver damage.

Healing Herbs & Spices
Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) can be used for indigestion. It contains cineole, an antiseptic that’s effective against bad breath,  congestion, and flatulence.
Cayenne (Capsicum spp.) Antibacterial that fights food poisoning and helps prevent cardiovascular disease and respiratory infections.
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum spp.) Antimicrobial and antioxidant that also improves insulin sensitivity while lowering cholesterol and triglycerides.
Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) High in antioxidants; also antiseptic and antispasmodic. Oil is safe and effective for toothache.
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is used for indigestion and flatulence.
Eucalyptus (E. globulus) Antiseptic and decongestant useful in aromatherapy and steam inhalation; also available in capsules and teas. 
Garlic (Allium sativum) Antimicrobial beneficial for colds and nasal congestion; fights clogged arteries and lowers blood pressure. May also help fight cancer, treat diabetes, Raynaud’s disease, and yeast infections.   Can counteract probiotics, so take separately.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale) Antimicrobial useful in food preparation and oral health; antioxidant that significantly lowers lipids, aids circulation, and may help relieve arthritic knee pain. Effective for morning and motion sickness. This popular spice has been safely used medicinally for millennia.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza spp.) Take standard licorice for respiratory infections; use deglycyrrhizinated (DGL) products for digestive problems. Most widely used herbal remedy in the world after ginger.
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) Aromatic resin; antiseptic tincture for canker sores, cuts, and gum disease.
Oregano (Origanum vulgare) Antimicrobial effective against foodborne pathogens, even antibiotic-resistant bacteria; may be useful against several cancers. Has 20 times the antioxidant activity of other herbs; a potent anti-inflammatory.
Peppermint (Mentha x piperita) Antibacterial and antispasmodic; helps dissolve gallstones.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Contains phenols with anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant benefits. In some research, helps fight cataracts and possibly Alzheimer’s disease.
Sage (Salvia officinalis) is used for upset stomach; may enhance memory.
Star anise (Illicium verum) is used as a bronchial expectorant and to soothe gastrointestinal complaints.
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) Antimicrobial effective against a variety of bacteria and fungi; useful for coughs.
Turmeric (Curcuma longa) Contains curcumin that reduces inflammation and risk for Type 2 diabetes; may help fight Alzheimer’s disease, Crohn’s disease, depression, heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis, and tumor growth.  Black pepper greatly improves turmeric’s absorption in the body.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

阿育吠陀印度草藥生活方式帶您輕松入睡 Get a Good Night’s Sleep: The Ayurvedic way







Get a Good Night’s Sleep: The Ayurvedic way
Many people have sleep problems. Without adequate sleep, we are at risk for many diseases. Ayurveda, an ancient science of healthcare, offers sage advice in the slumber department.

Dosha Sleep Styles First, it is important to understand the typical quality of sleep experienced by each dosha (energy type).
Vata individuals tend toward interrupted sleep. This is due to their nervous and anxious nature, and most insomnia tends to originate from a vata imbalance. This vata-type insomnia can stem from excessive thinking and worrying as well as hypersensitivity to people and surroundings.
Pitta individuals may get moderate to little sleep, but it is sound. An example would be the efficient owner of a large company who functions well on four hours of sleep and a power nap. A pitta-type insomnia, though, can result from unresolved emotions like anger, resentment, and jealousy.
Kapha individuals tend towards heavy, prolonged, and excessive sleep, which further exacerbates the sluggishness of their natural constitution. Kaphas rarely experience insomnia. They will derive health benefits from purposefully shortening their sleeping time and not napping during the day.

How much is enough?
Ayurvedic practitioners often recommend between six and eight hours of sleep a night. A kapha may need less, while a vata may need more. When aiming for longer sleep, it is important that it be had before sunrise to be in harmony with nature. A vata-dominant person could also nap in the afternoon if overwhelmed or depleted. Most Ayurvedic lifestyle recommendations include instructions to be in bed by 10 pm, asleep by 11 pm, and up by 6 am. How do we make that happen?

Aids to Slumber
Ayurveda recommends setting aside time in the evening to quietly review the day. This practice helps to release the tensions and concerns of the day and to empty the mind of bothersome thoughts. Yoga asanas are valued, but no stimulating or aerobic poses should be done. Oil massage of the head—especially with grounding sesame oil—followed by a warm bath promotes a sound sleep. Applied to the feet of a vata-dominant person, the sesame oil anchors and calms. Follow by a warm bath for best results. For some vata-dominant types, heavier food for dinner helps. In Ayurveda, that means whole grains, root vegetables, dairy, and boiled rice with milk and ghee. The last meal of the day should sustain you until breakfast but not cause gastric distress. Singing, chanting, listening to calm music, and placing oneself in joyful circumstances are good preparations for sleep. Pitta-aggravated insomniacs may benefit from using soft natural botanicals to calm their irritation before bed. The bed must be conducive to sleep and free of disturbances by animals or children. The room should be cool and dry, comfortable and uncluttered, with as few electronic lights, noises, or vibrations as possible. Leave the television and computers outside the bedroom. Many people get disturbed by the evening news. Avoid this influence before bed, along with stimulating music, movies, and video games. Read something calming or inspiring, or listen to music for a few minutes. Prayer and meditation are the preamble to sleep for many. Prayer is where you do most of the talking, meditation is where you are listening! If, with all these lifestyle recommendations, you still need help with peaceful slumber, Ayurveda recommends drinking warm milk. If dairy intolerant, use warmed rice, coconut, almond, or other nut milks. To this, you can add a pinch of nutmeg and/or gotu kola.

Herbal Remedies Ashwagandha (one to four capsules) taken with warmed milk and a bit of raw sugar helps the body cope with stress and leads to deep, untroubled sleep. Medicated bhringaraj oil applied to the scalp or hairline calms the mind and excessive mental activity. Jatamansi and valerian herbs can also sedate and work for some. Chamomile tea is a good standby for all three doshas. You may need to experiment to see what works best for you. Sweet dreams!

Friday, October 19, 2012

氨基酸與運動健身 Amino-Acid and Fitness Connection








Amino-Acid and Fitness Connection
For decades, athletes (especially bodybuilders) have used amino-acid supplements as ergogenic aids (something that increases muscular work capacity) and to help meet athletic goals.

Essential Amino Acids
An essential amino acid is one that your body needs but does not manufacture; you must obtain it through diet. When essential amino acids are present in the diet, the body is able to make an adequate supply of nonessential amino acids. One study finds that when people take 6 grams of essential amino acids in the right proportions one or two hours after resistance training, the result is an increase in muscle protein synthesis. When they’re taken before weight training, the increase in muscle protein synthesis is even greater. When used in the right proportions and taken at the right times, essential amino acids can significantly increase muscle protein synthesis.

Branched-Chain Amino Acids
The branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)—leucine, isoleucine, and valine—maintain muscle tissue by preventing breakdown during exercise. They’re commonly used by athletes to ensure a quick recovery after a workout. BCAAs also supply energy to the heart and skeletal muscles. Several studies suggest that supplementation with BCAAs has an ergogenic effect in people who exercise, including an increase in lean body mass. Research also shows that highly trained athletes using BCAAs are able to avoid the significant loss in body weight and decrease in peak power experienced by those not taking them. Even untrained individuals using BCAAs experience a significant increase in fat-free mass and grip strength.

Arginine has several important roles in your body. Its most popular use as an ergogenic supplement is its ability to augment nitric oxide levels, possibly helping to enhance your performance. Nitric oxide increases blood flow to working muscles, which in turn leads to increased oxygen transport and delivery of fuel to skeletal muscle. Supplemental arginine is thought to augment nitric oxide production, leading to an increase in blood flow.

Ornithine is  derived from the breakdown of arginine. It helps build muscle and reduce body fat, especially when combined with the amino acids arginine and carnitine. Ornithine is also needed for the formation of citrulline, proline, and glutamic acid, three amino acids that help supply energy to every cell in the body.  Ornithine is often combined with arginine as a muscle-building supplement.

There is no magic pill that works without exercise to promote muscle growth and improve performance. But when combined with a healthful diet, amino acids may help you achieve your sports-nutrition goals.

Friday, October 12, 2012

幫助注意力集中的營養補充劑 Supplemments to help you stay focused.


必需脂肪酸是值得重視的補充劑。兒童和成年人如果缺乏足夠的必需脂肪酸,經常會有皮膚乾燥、脫髮、指甲變脆、上臂皮膚不平滑,同時伴有過敏、口渴或小便頻繁等癥狀,這些也是患有ADHD病人的普遍癥狀。研究表明,兒童注意力缺乏癥可能是由於缺乏奧米加-3脂肪酸,這些包括EPA和DHA。最近的一項安慰劑對照臨床研究發現,75名兒童服用奧米加-3和奧米加-6必需脂肪酸後注意力缺乏癥的癥狀得到明顯減輕。3至6歲兒童建議每日服用250毫克EPA和DHA混合配方,7歲至11建議服用 500毫克,12歲以上可服用1000毫克。

脂肪酸構成了大腦大部分結構,但腦部也依賴適當礦物質才能正常工作。這些重要的礦物質又以鈣和鎂最為重要,它們有助大腦發揮各種作用,同時安定人心。具體來說,飲食中缺乏鎂與多動癥、自閉癥和兒童抑鬱癥等關系密切。 著名醫生和作者Carolyn Dean醫生說:“西醫或許會為這些孩子處方利他林Ritalin或百憂解Prozac等藥物,但更天然的選擇是考慮補充足夠的鎂。“ 注意力缺乏癥孩子可能需要額外補充礦物質,因為他們一般腎上腺素水平偏高礦物質消耗較大。建議每日補充檸檬酸鎂。




An assortment of herbs and supplements feed and calm the brain and body, and help enhance attention. These, in combination with a few simple but crucial dietary guidelines, can start to shift the balance from mental seesaw to steady equilibrium. 

Essential fatty acids deserve our full attention. Kids and adults who aren’t getting enough EFAs often have symptoms that include dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, or small raised bumps on the upper arms, accompanied by allergies, thirst, or a frequent need to urinate—many of the same symptoms as those suffering from ADHD. Research shows that children with ADHD may be particularly deficient in omega-3 EFAs such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). A recent placebo-controlled study of 75 children treated with omega-3 and omega-6 EFAs showed “meaningful reduction of ADHD symptoms.” Try a blend of EPA and DHA at 250 mg for ages 3 to 6; 500 mg for ages 7 to 11; and 1,000 mg for those 12 years and older. 

While fatty acids make up the bulk of the brain, proper brain function also depends on a handful of important minerals. Of these calcium and magnesium are the main movers and shakers, while at the same time having a calming effect. Specifically, a magnesium-deficient diet has been linked to ADHD, autism, and childhood depression. “Instead of reaching for Ritalin or Prozac for kids, consider whether they’re getting enough magnesium first,” says Carolyn Dean, MD, ND, and author of The Magnesium Miracle. Hyperactive kids may need extra amounts due to higher levels of adrenalin. Try to take magnesium citrate daily. 

Kids and grownups who want better focus and concentration can explore traditional remedies such as ginkgo (G. biloba), which improves the flow of blood to the brain and central nervous system, enhancing memory and mental function. Ginseng boosts attention and helps the body cope with stress. In a recent open trial, children 3 to 17 years old who were already on ADHD medication were given a proprietary blend of American ginseng and ginkgo; 74 percent showed improvement within four weeks. The ancient Ayurvedic remedy gotu kola (Centella asiatica) is used to heal and rejuvenate the brain, and has been shown to improve concentration in rats. Valerian root extract has demonstrated powerful results without side effects, particularly for boys with hyperactive behavior; it also helps with insomnia. And several studies suggest that Pycnogenol, an extract of French maritime pine bark, may be effective in treating ADHD. In a recent study, children 6 to 14 years old given 1 mg per kg of body weight each day showed “a significant decline in hyperactivity and inattention compared to baseline and to placebo,” according to a report in HerbClip, the journal of the American Botanical Council. 

The amino acid gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA) can help calm the body without side effects; try 750 mg daily. Dimethylaminoethanol (DMAE) helps adults with concentration, learning, and memory by improving the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain. 

VITAL VITAMINS: Finally, for all-around support, a multivitamin and mineral complex will supply you and your kids with the necessary nutrients for overall health and well-being. In addition, vitamin C with bioflavonoids serves as a general antistress remedy for adults and children.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

尿道炎天然療法 Natural Support for UTIs



西醫治療尿路感染主要使用抗生素,而小紅莓則是具研究證實能有效維持泌尿系統健康的天然化合物。早期研究確定其所含馬尿酸(hippuric acid)能幫助保持尿液酸度,近期研究更顯示小紅莓的有效成分能防止大腸桿菌粘上膀胱壁。研究人員認為,小紅莓所含天然原花青素有效抑制大腸桿菌感染。研究人員得出結論,“小紅莓提供了最具成本效益的天然預防泌尿道感染良方。”


Natural Support for UTIs
UTIs affect drastically more women than men.  The kidneys make urine by filtering waste products in the blood. They send the wastes down the ureter to the bladder to be emptied via the urethra. Thanks to female anatomy, bacteria normally present around the anus may come into contact with the urethral opening and then travel upwards to the bladder, causing infection. Another reason more women than men contract UTIs is that the female’s urethra is shorter than the male’s. Women who are menopausal also have increased risk of a UTI, without estrogen’s protective effects. 

Symptoms of UTIs include: more frequent urges to urinate a burning sensation during urination cloudy, strong-smelling urine or a little blood in the urine some passage of small amounts of urine. 

Natural Support 
Besides antibiotics, which are typically prescribed in UTIs, cranberry  is the premier natural compound researched for its role in urinary tract health. Early studies on the cranberry determined its content of hippuricacid helped maintain the acidity level in urine, while more recent research shows its ability to prevent Escherichia coli from sticking to the bladder walls. Researchers believe that the naturally occurring proanthocyanidins in cranberries are responsible for inhibiting the adherence of E. coli.  The researchers concluded, “Cranberry tablets provided the most cost-effective prevention for UTI.” 

Research also points to probiotics. Probiotic bacteria strains Lactobacillus rhamnosus and L. reuteri have been found most effective in preventing UTIs. Results from a meta-analysis suggest that “supplementation with particular probiotic strains may be effective in helping reduce the likelihood of recurrence of UTIs in women.” 
                                                                                   Other Helpful Supplements  
Uva ursi(bearberry): Take 250 to 500 mg three times a day for at least five days.
Garlic, vitamin C,dandelion,N-acetylcysteine and marshmallow root may also help.

Friday, September 07, 2012

礦物質鎂是避免肌肉痙攣的關鍵營養素 Magnesium is the key to avoiding muscle cramps

美國著名脊醫和營養專家大衛·帕斯卡爾,曾經為很多優秀運動員和奧運選手提供專業意見,他指出肌肉痙攣(抽筋)的主要成因是缺乏了礦物質鎂這種重要營養物質。他說: “許多優秀運動員第一次來我這裏,都發現有礦物質和電解質失衡等情況。”帕斯卡爾服務的一些運動員曾經在2008年奧運會贏了20枚獎牌。他指出: “他們往往經歷肌肉痙攣和肌肉拉傷等情況。當我建議他們服用鎂和液體多種維他命、微量礦物質等補充劑後,肌肉痙攣得到舒緩,肌肉拉傷情況明顯減少。“




David Pascal, DC, a chiropractor and nutrition expert who advises Olympians and other athletes, attributes muscle cramps to a deficiency of important nutrients. “Many of the elite athletes I work with first come to me with mineral and electrolyte imbalances.” says Dr. Pascal, whose clients won 20 medals at the 2008 Summer Olympic Games. “They tend to have a history of muscle cramps and pulled muscles. When I put them on a supplement program of magnesium and a multivitamin with trace minerals, the gramps go away and muscle pulls decrease.”

Magnesium is often paired with calcium in supplements. Calcium causes muscles to contract, and magnesium helps them relax. Magnesium also works to maintain a balance of sodium and potassium, along with about 350 other bodily processes.

“If you are an athlete who takes your sport seriously . . . I believe you must supplement your diet with magnesium, a liquid multivitamin, trace minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and a dash of sodium and potassium,” says Dr. Pascal.

Did You Know?
Proper hydration helps ward off muscle cramps.

Friday, August 31, 2012

益生菌與體重管理 Probiotics & Weight Control








Studies have shown that healthy bacteria, called probiotics, play a role in strengthening the immune system, improving dental hygiene, combating Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and diarrhea, and preventing urinary tract infections.

The missing link?
Farmers and ranchers have long known that there is a connection between bacteria and fat metabolism. They discovered that sick cows that are given antibiotics, which kill both the “good” and the “bad” microbes, gain considerable weight. Today, it is common practice in the agriculture industry to fatten up healthy cattle by mixing low-dose antibiotics with regular portions of feed.

If antibiotics that destroy microbes help organisms hold on to fat, can a daily influx of probiotics have the opposite effect, helping the body burn more fat instead of storing it?

Mice on yogurt
Massachusetts Institute of Technology scientists Eric Alm, PhD, and Susan Erdman, DVM, MPH , recently tested the theory with two groups of laboratory mice. The control group was fed normal rodent food, while the variable group was served the same diet, plus a mouse-sized helping of vanilla yogurt with live probiotic cultures.

This past May, the MIT researchers determined that not only are the mice who ate yogurt with probiotics thinner and sleeker, but they have much shinier fur—and the males have developed a certain “swagger.” Furthermore, the slim and shiny yogurt-eating mice mated faster and produced a larger number of offspring.

Most probiotics are consumed in either fermented dairy products such as yogurt and kefir or in dietary supplements (in pills or capsules). Bacteria that are dried and stabilized in pills remain alive but become active only when they are reintroduced into a moist environment.

If mice and cow waistlines are any indication, that weightloss cocktail might already be available.

Friday, August 17, 2012

氨基葡萄糖(葡萄糖氨)和軟骨素是什麼?Glucosamine and Chondroitin: What are They?





Glucosamine and Chondroitin: What are They?

Glucosamine is involved in building tendons, bones, and ligaments, as well as skin and nails. Our bodies make it from the simple carbohydrate glucose and the amino acid glutamine. Glucosamine is found in the structures of the joints in high concentrations, and it’s also available as a supplement. As we age, our ability to produce adequate amounts of this substance diminishes, and some researchers theorize that this is one of the causes of osteoarthritis.

Chondroitin plays an important role in the formation of cartilage, where it is found naturally. In the joints, chondroitin acts as a cushion and helps to maintain healthy joint cartilage. It also appears to have some anti-inflammatory properties.

Research has shown that taking a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin may ease pain by as much as 25 percent for those with moderate to severe arthritis. Chondroitin and glucosamine are usually taken together. Because these supplements are not fast-acting, you may not see improvements for several weeks.

Use caution with chondroitin if you’re taking anticoagulants or a daily aspirin. If you have diabetes, be aware that glucosamine can influence blood sugar levels. As always, consult your pharmacist.

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

維持荷爾蒙平衡解決更年期不適 Supplements for Hormonal Balance







Supplements for Hormonal Balance

Need help for hot flashes, headaches, and other menopausal discomforts? Try these supplements!

For mood swings, try ashwagandha, black cohosh, dong quai, B vitamins, and licorice root.

For hot flashes, seek relief with black cohosh, kudzu, licorice root, and soy protein.

To perk up your sex drive, turn to ashwagandha, black cohosh, and passionflower.

Feeling down? Try supplementing with black cohosh, B vitamins, chaste berry, ginkgo biloba, omega 3s, and passionflower.

Headaches can be helped with magnesium and soy protein.

Monday, August 06, 2012

男性更年期 Men Menopause aka Andropause



Men Menopause aka Andropause

Unlike female menopause (which occurs over a relatively short period of time), male menopause—or andropause—is a longer, slower event in which testosterone levels decrease steadily each decade after 40.

Less testosterone takes a toll on muscle mass, libido, and energy while upping the risk of depression. Combining exercise with a magnesium supplement works particularly well to uphold testosterone levels.

Thursday, August 02, 2012

聖約翰草(貫葉連翹) St. John’s Wort





St. John’s Wort

St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) has long been used to treat depression and related conditions.

What does it treat?
St. John’s wort is most commonly associated with the relief of mild to moderate depression, as well as anxiety and sleeplessness. The National Institutes of Health notes that the extract “improves mood, and decreases anxiety and insomnia related to depression,” and is as effective as many prescription drugs in the short-term treatment of mild depression.

It has other applications as well. A British study found St. John’s wort promising in treating the physical and behavioral symptoms of women diagnosed with mild premenstrual syndrome. Researchers in Spain concluded that St. John’s wort, because of its antioxidant properties, may reduce the degeneration of neurons caused by Parkinson’s disease.

How does it work?
Hypericin, a component of St. John’s wort, increases the amount the body can metabolize of the neurotransmitter serotonin and the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin. Hyperforin, also found in the herb, helps keep neurotransmitters working longer in the body, thus contributing to emotional stability.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

椰子油與糖尿病 Coconut Oil and Diabetes



雖然很多健康專家警告說應避免飽和脂肪,但現在越來越多研究指出椰子油有助降低患糖尿病風險。自然療法醫生布魯斯·法伊夫說,椰子油有助減少對胰腺的壓力,為細胞提供能量,而且容易被人體吸收,並能增強胰島素的作用和提高代謝率。他補充: “因為椰子油有助穩定血糖水平和協助瘦身減肥”他特意指出“椰子油可能是唯一對糖尿病患者有益的食用油,患者更應多吃。”



- 每日服用多達1000微克的鉻,以增加葡萄糖耐受性和平衡血糖水平
- 每日服用多達400毫克來自印度的草藥武靴葉能提高胰島素產量和控制高血糖
- 每日服用300至1200毫硫辛酸,能提高胰島素敏感性,降低糖尿病神經病變等癥狀
- 每日服用100至300毫克硫酸釩,能有效提高2型糖尿病患者的血糖耐受性。




Preventing Diabetes
Diabetes rates are increasing worldwide. In China and India, which have more diabetic patients than other countries, diabetes is an illness of affluence and modernization. Those who can afford sweets and a sedentary lifestyle are most affected.

People with diabetes and those at risk should avoid sweet foods (particularly candies, cookies, pastries, and sodas), refined carbohydrates (like white bread and many processed foods), alcohol, and caffeine. A natural diet high in fiber, whole grains (complex carbohydrates), fresh fruits and vegetables, and high-quality fats helps protect against or treat diabetes.

The Right Fats
Although most health experts warn patients away from saturated fats, a growing number now recommend coconut oil for those with or at risk for diabetes. For example, Bruce Fife, ND, says that coconut oil reduces stress on the pancreas, helps supply energy to cells, is easily absorbed, enhances insulin action, and increases metabolic rate. “Because it helps stabilize blood glucose levels and aids in shedding excess body weight,” he adds, “coconut oil is probably the only oil a diabetic patient should eat.”

The recommended dose for adults is 2 to 3 tablespoons per day, added to food or used in its preparation. Start with a small amount, such as 1 teaspoon daily, and gradually increase to the recommended amount.

Useful Herbs and Supplements
Sweet and hot spices including cinnamon, cloves, cayenne pepper, and ginger have been shown to keep blood sugar levels balanced. A number of nutritional supplements also work to reduce diabetic complications. James F. Balch, MD, recommends the following:

- up to 1,000 micrograms (mcg) of chromium to increase glucose tolerance and balance blood sugar levels
- up to 400 milligrams (mg) Gymnema sylvestre, an herb from India that improves insulin production and blood sugar levels
- 300 to 1,200 mg alpha lipoic acid, which enhances insulin sensitivity and decreases the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy
- 100 to 300 mg vanadyl sulfate, which improves glucose tolerance in Type 2 diabetes.

Holistic practitioners also recommend vitamin C (1,000 mg two or three times daily), magnesium (500 to 750 mg; reduce dosage if loose stools result), CoQ10 (according to label directions), vitamin E (800 to 1,200 IU daily), psyllium (up to 5 grams daily with plenty of fluids), bitter melon (200 mg twice daily), garlic (300 to 450 mg twice daily), and bilberry (160 mg twice daily).

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of Canadians with well-controlled Type 2 diabetes finds that Korean red ginseng (Panax ginseng) improves blood sugar and insulin regulation safely. And a new randomized clinical trial in Iran suggests that daily supplementation with milk thistle (Silybum marianum) significantly lowers fasting blood sugar levels.

Preventing diabetes requires effort, but nutrition and exercise are proven strategies that save legs, eyes, and lives. Even if you’re at high risk, you can avoid the diabetes epidemic starting today.

Monday, July 16, 2012

保護視力補充劑 An Eye on Vision Supplements




β-胡蘿蔔素(維他命A的一種形式),維他命C和E,以及礦物質鋅都是對眼睛健康非常重要的營養素。 2010年一項有關抗氧化劑、微量營養素和植物化合物對抗眼疾的研究結論是,補充維他命A,C和E以及鋅可有效預防高風險的老年黃斑病變。其他研究表明,缺乏維他命C和E與青光眼有密切聯繫


葉黃素和玉米黃質是具有抗發炎特性的強力抗氧化劑,兩者是組成眼部黃斑色素的重要成分 - 這是保持視網膜正常工作和視力敏銳的關鍵因素。研究表明,補充這兩種天然類胡蘿蔔素(蔬菜或水果中主要的紅、黃、橙和綠色)能減少視覺疲勞癥狀,提高視力,尤其是光線對比敏感度(例如需要長時間面對電腦熒光幕)有大幅提升。


See into the future
Whether you think of them as windows to the soul or as complex ocular organs, the eyes are our principal means of taking in the world.

Luckily, there are steps we can take to increase the chances that our vision stays clear and sharp as we age.
Get regular eye exams, exercise, and eat a balanced diet. To help protect your sight and prevent diseases of the eye including glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and cataracts, incorporate these supplements into your daily regimen.

The View on Vitamins
Beta carotene (a form of vitamin A), vitamins C and E, and the mineral zinc are all important nutrients for healthy eyes. A 2010 study of the effects of antioxidants, micronutrients, and plant chemicals on the progression of eye diseases concluded that supplements of vitamins A, C, and E, along with zinc, may work to prevent advanced age-related macular degeneration in people at high risk for the disease. Other research indicates there may be a link between glaucoma and deficiencies in vitamins C and E.

Ogle Omegas
Found in fish, flaxseed, canola, and walnut oils, omega-3 fatty acids may lower the risk of cataracts and prevent the progression of macular degeneration. A 10-year study of 3,654 elderly Australians indicates that diets including fish and omega 3s may protect against early age-related macular degeneration. A shorter study, in which healthy people ages 45 to 77 were given 90 days of supplementation with either a placebo or the omega 3 docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), found that those in the DHA group who wore corrective lenses experienced sharper vision after the treatment.

Ante Up with Antioxidants
With anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, lutein and zeaxanthin make up the pigment of the macula — a part of the retina that’s critical to sharp vision. Studies have shown that supplementation with these two carotenoids—natural red, yellow, orange, and green pigments found in fruits and vegetables—can help reduce symptoms of visual fatigue and improve vision, particularly contrast sensitivity, in people who spend long hours in front of a computer screen.
They can also help protect your eyesight into the future. A scientist at the Pennsylvania College of Optometry reviewed studies on dietary supplements to promote eyesight and eye health, and concluded that the research supports the use of lutein and zeaxanthin “to promote optimal visual function and decrease risk for AMD and cataracts.”

Beyond Cool
Most of us are diligent when it comes to protecting our skin from the harmful rays of the sun.
Luckily, you can lessen your chances of developing these eye problems and look hip at the same time, just by putting on sunglasses.

Friday, July 13, 2012



營養學家拉尼亞巴泰奈.英裏Rania Batayneh解釋:"你的身體有天然排毒機制,透過肺、肝、腎和皮膚等各器官協調工作。"她建議采用整全食物療法有助促進身體排度工作。

她指出:"整全食物療法的原理是盡量選擇吃天然食品、避免人工甜味劑和酒精,每餐享用風味新鮮的飯菜。在飯菜加入天然香草(例如薑黃)既不含鹽(鈉)又能為食物增添美味!" 薑黃中的主要成分是薑黃素,此成分不但有助消化,也有助肝臟解毒和凈化。

每日堅持整全飲食,天然排毒身體好。建議選擇有機食品(因為這些食物毒素含量較少), 並要多喝水。




Your body is constantly clearing out toxins.  Unfortunately, your body can’t always keep up with the toxin load of the modern world.
“Your body naturally detoxifies itself though your lungs, liver, kidneys, and skin,” explains nutritionist Rania Batayneh, MPH. She recommends a whole-foods approach to cleansing.

Nourishing Habits
“A whole-foods cleanse is based on eating natural foods, eliminating artificial sweeteners and alcohol, and nourishing your body with fresh meals filled with flavor. Herbs and spices (like turmeric) add a lot of flavor with no sodium,” she notes. The main component of turmeric, called curcumin, aids digestion and helps with liver detoxification and cleansing.

You can simply support your body’s innate detoxification mechanisms on a daily basis. For example, choose organic foods since they have fewer toxins than conventionally grown foods, and drink plenty of water.

Supplemental Help
Another gentle way to support your body’s detoxification efforts is to consume “green foods,” such as spirulina or wheat grass. Green foods, aside from being rich in antioxidants, take some of the load off the liver, which is the body’s hardest-working detox organ.
The herb milk thistle is also well-regarded for bolstering liver function. In fact, this herb has a 2,000-year history of use as a liver supporter. A compound in milk thistle called silymarin is widely considered the active constituent. Research has shown silymarin to improve liver function. Milk thistle can be particularly helpful after using certain medications, since most medications are processed through the liver. Antibiotics and the pain reliever acetaminophen (Panadol) can create toxic byproducts in the liver. Taking milk thistle
after a course of antibiotics or while using acetaminophen can help clear those toxins from the liver. Silymarin has even been shown to regenerate injured liver cells. 

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

五種緩解關節炎疼痛的好方法 5 Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain


1 減肥消脂

2 保持活躍

3 攝取健康的脂肪

4 雞蛋衣有益

5 嘗試一些草藥

Supplements, herbs, and exercise can help
Arthritis  typically cause pain, swelling, and tenderness. The condition progresses and can become debilitating as cartilage that protects the ends of the bones gradually wears away. But exercise and dietary changes can significantly help alleviate discomfort.

1 Lose Weight
This is the first step toward easing arthritis pain. Being overweight is directly linked to osteoarthritis of the knee, which is the most common form of the disease.
Losing weight can also reduce stress on weight-bearing joints. In fact, each one-pound increase in weight translates to a two- to three-pound increase in the overall force on the knees.

2 Get Moving
Low-impact exercises such as cycling and swimming 30 minutes a day are great for arthritis patients. Walking, water aerobics, and tai chi are other good options. Staying active can keep joints from stiffening and help manage pain. And stronger muscles keep joints from rubbing against each another.

3 Eat Healthy Fats
The Arthritis Foundation says diet is increasingly seen as an antidote to arthritis pain. Omega-3 fatty acids appear to be particularly beneficial. The body converts them to anti-inflammatory compounds. Krill oil supplements
have recently been shown to be effective in easing pain and swelling caused by arthritis. Flaxseed oil also combats inflammation.

4 Be an Egghead
Eggshell membrane contains compounds that are necessary for maintaining healthy joint and connective tissues.
A study published in 2009 found that taking 500 milligrams daily led to significant reductions in joint pain and inflexibility.

5 Try These Herbs
Two herbs from India appear to reduce chronic pain and inflammation: Curcumin is an active compound in the spice turmeric, and boswellia is a tree that emits a medicinal resin. Curcumin was shown to be at least as effective as ibuprofen at relieving knee osteoarthritis pain in a recent study. It also appears to protect cartilage from breakdown. Boswellia is an effective pain-reducer and anti-inflammatory agent.

Wednesday, July 04, 2012

胰臟癌胰腺酶酵素另類療法 Pancreatic Enzyme Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer


切除手術和化療或許能為病人延長兩年壽命,但大多數情況癌細胞已經擴散 - 傳統醫生一般估計病人的存活期為三個月。

在美國,西醫尼古拉斯·岡薩雷斯(Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D.)對胰臟癌采用另類自然療法,涉及使用高劑量胰腺酶治療。尼古拉斯醫生在紐約市私人執業,專門治療末期胰臟癌病人。以下對話取自與他的訪談:







Pancreatic cancer is a malignant neoplasm originating from transformed cells arising in tissues forming the pancreas.

Surgery and chemotherapy may extend this lifespan by an additional two years, but in the most advanced cases - where the cancer has metastasized, or spread throughout the body - conventional doctors usually give patients about three months to live.

But not Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. Using a controversial and little-understood therapy involving pancreatic enzymes, Dr. Gonzalez, in private practice in New York City, has given life to patients other doctors have given up for dead. Here are some of the questions extracted from the interview with him:

Q: How does enzyme therapy fight cancer?

A: Studies suggest that pancreatic enzymes, in addition to aiding in digestion, also have significant cancer-fighting properties. When taken in high doses, these animal-derived pancreatic enzymes, like chemotherapy, seem to stop tumor cells from dividing so that they cease growing or die. How this process specifically works is unclear.

Q: How are the enzymes administered?

A: The enzymes are taken by mouth in pill form. The exact number of pills taken depends on a patient's individual circumstances, but on average, patients receive about 60 enzyme pills per day, plus roughly 100 vitamin, mineral, and other nutritional supplements each day for two to three weeks. A five-day break from all pills follows.

Q: Is enzyme therapy a cure for cancer?

A: We can't yet call it a cure but we've had some encouraging study results. In a small pilot study of 11 patients, nine (81 percent) survived one year, five (45 percent) survived two years, and at this time, four have survived three years. These results are far above the 25 percent survival at one year typical of pancreatic cancer patients. Larger studies are being done to further test the effectiveness seen so far.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

黑櫻桃(車厘子) Black Cherry





Black Cherry
Black cherries, also known as wild cherries, are common ingredients in many foods and drinks.

Why do people take black cherry?
Cherries may have antioxidant properties. In lab studies, antioxidants appear to protect cells from damage that leads to disease, including the formation of plaques in arteries.

One small study found that people who drank cherry juice suffered less muscle damage as a result of exercise.  Cherry juice blends may help with insomnia, possibly as well as valerian.

There’s some evidence that black cherry bark may work as a cough suppressant. It’s a common ingredient in over-the-counter cough medicines.

扯鼻鼾 Snoring

當喉嚨組織在放鬆狀態下開始振動並在睡眠中發出聲音時,就會扯鼻鼾。如果扯鼻鼾情況嚴重,則可能導致失眠、破壞睡眠質素並引起煩躁。 幸而有許多簡單有效的天然補救措施可以舒緩這問題。 胡蘆巴 胡蘆巴是一種很好的天然療法,可防止因消化問題引起的扯鼻鼾。胡蘆巴對睡眠呼吸暫停也有效。 維他命C...