Thursday, January 03, 2019

補充適當營養 靈魂之窗有保障 Common Eye supplements





蝦青素來自一種叫做雨生紅球藻的微藻, 遇上乾旱環境這種微藻便會產生豐富的蝦青素自我保護,免受強烈紫外線侵害 。 由於蝦青素的抗氧化功能比玉米黃素和葉黃素更強,因此許多研究人員認為蝦青素是針對眼睛的最佳抗氧化劑。


維他命D對乾眼症有保護作用。研究發現,身體缺乏維他命D有機會引致眼部退化, 嚴重者甚至會導致失明,並誘發眼部的自身免疫力疾病。 營養學家建議服用維他命D同時 , 最好也服用檸檬酸鎂,因為維他命D需要有足夠的鎂才能在腎臟轉化和被利用。


臨床研究證實鎂補充劑可降低眼壓 (IOP)。在一項臨床研究中顯示,10名青光眼患者每天服用121.5 毫克鎂,持續一個月後,眼部的血液供應量和視力得到明顯改善。


維他命E是一種強效抗氧化劑,有助保護眼部細胞免受自由基引起的氧化損傷。建議每天服用200-400 IU的維他命E.








葡萄籽提取物提供了兩種抗氧化劑~ 原花色素和低聚原花色素,可降低各種退化性眼疾的風險。



Main Dietary Nutrients & Nutritional Supplements To Promote Eye Health

1.) Lutein and zeaxanthin are primarily found in green leafy vegetables, with kale and spinach. Lower concentrations of both nutrients are also found in orange- and yellow-coloured fruits and vegetables. Studies have found health benefits for lutein at a dose of 10 mg per day, while for zeaxanthin at 2 mg per day.

2.) Astaxanthin is produced by the microalgae Haematococcus pluvialis when its water supply dries up, forcing it to protect itself from UV radiation. Astaxanthin is far more powerful an antioxidant than both lutein and zeaxanthin. Many researchers believe it to be the most powerful antioxidant for eye health.

3.) Vitamin D has a protective role in the development of dry eyes and its deficiency appears to be linked with higher risk of blindness and age-related eye degeneration as well as with autoimmune conditions that affect eyes. You are recommended to take with magnesium citrate as vitamin D requires magnesium for its conversion in kidneys.

4.) Magnesium supplements have been shown to lower intraocular eye pressure (IOP). In a clinical study, 10 gaucoma patients were given 121.5 mg magnesium twice a day for a month. After a month the blood supply to the eye and their field of vision improved.

5.) Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that contributes to the protection of the eye cells from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. About 200-400 IU of vitamin E per day is recommended.

6.) Ginkgo biloba extract appears to improve preexisting visual field damage in some patients with Normal Tension Glaucoma. According to another study,Ginkgo biloba improves ocular blood flow, indicating its potential therapeutic benefits in the treatment of glaucoma.

7.) Vitamin A and beta-carotene help protect the eyes from infections, prevent dry eyes and night blindness. Zinc contributes to the normal immune system function and absorption of vitamin A. It also assists various antioxidants in reducing oxidative damage in the eyes.

8.) Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA & EPA) have shown to be beneficial for individuals with dry eye syndrome and macular degeneration. It may also help proper drainage of intraocular fluid from the eye, decreasing the risk of increased eye pressure.

9.) Grape Seed is a source of two powerful antioxidants proanthocyanidins and oligomeric proanthocyanidins that are known to reduce the risk of various degenerative eye problems.

10.) Bioflavonoids protect blood vessels, including delicate capillaries in the retina and help improve blood circulation in the eye.

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