Friday, May 31, 2019

柏金遜症- 透過天然成分支持神經元和線粒體健康 Parkinson's Disease - Natural Ingredients to Support Neuronal and Mitochondrial Health


常規治療栢金遜症主要針對症狀的改善,而未有提供對腦部黑質體神經的保護, 黑質神經細胞持續死亡導致病情惡化。事實上,許多天然成分與傳統療法相結合可能具有互補作用。




刺毛黧豆 Mucuna pruriens(Kapikachhu)

我們的身體和大腦通過分泌大麻素與受體結合,形成控制睡眠、食慾、情緒和很多其他作用。這些大麻素受體在基底神經節中數量特別多。研究人員認為, 補充天然大麻素與大腦受體結合,有助改善柏金遜症或幫助緩解症狀。

多項研究發現飲用大量咖啡的人較少機會患上栢金遜症 。綠咖啡豆提取物含有比泡製咖啡更多的活性抗氧化劑, 或有助預防這種疾病。

另外, 咖啡所含的咖啡因很容易穿過血腦屏障並阻斷粘附受體,一些有趣的研究表明,咖啡因本身可能也是一種有效的抗柏金遜症藥物。

我們已知柏金遜症患者的血漿和血小板CoQ10水平較低, 補充輔酶q10或有助改善病情。


一些動物研究顯示,肌酸因其“促線粒體”作用,可有效預防或減緩栢金遜症的惡化 。肌酸對細胞能量管理至關重要。肌酸缺乏與神經損傷也有關係。

挪威的研究人員提出了令人信服的證據,證明柏金遜症患者體內缺乏 omega-3脂肪酸。

維他命 D
柏金遜症患者血液維他命D水平較低, 適量補充或有預防作用 。

綠茶及其活性化合物兒茶素(EGCG) 或可作為預防柏金遜症的神經保護劑, 綠茶飲用量的增加與栢金遜症發病率降低有關。

薑黃素是香料黃薑的衍生物,通過其對體內NF-κB系統的有效調節,是一種天然的炎症抑製劑。 有研究發現薑黃素能發揮顯著的神經保護作用。

補充益生菌顯著改善便秘問題,並減少腹脹和腹痛的發生率, 這些都是柏金遜症患者常見的腸胃問題。

Conventional treatment of Parkinson's disease relies heavily on targeting amelioration of symptoms, without providing neuroprotection against continual cell death in the substantia nigra. On the other hand, a variety of natural ingredients have been shown to support neuronal health and promote mitochondrial function in a variety of ways. Many natural ingredients may have a complementary effect in combination with conventional therapies.

Tyrosine and phenylalanine are amino acid precursors to dopamine.  Vitamin B6, zinc, and the adrenal hormone DHEA also have been shown to increase dopamine formation in the brain.

Mucuna pruriens (Kapikachhu) is a vine whose seeds contain a high concentration of naturally occurring L-DOPA and a variety of other psychoactive compounds. Compounds in Mucuna seeds mimick the action of carbidopa and complement the action L-DOPA in the central nervous system.

CBD oil
Our bodies make natural cannabinoids that control sleep, appetite, mood and other processes by binding to receptors throughout the body and brain. These receptors are found in particularly high numbers in the basal ganglia, a circuit of brain cells that controls movement and is affected in Parkinson’s. Because the cannabinoids in hemp bind to the receptors in our body and brain, researchers  believe that they could bind to brain receptors to modify the course of PD or help ease symptoms of disease.

Coffee Consumption
Several epidemiological studies have found that those who consume large amounts of coffee are much less likely to develop Parkinson's disease.  Green coffee extract contains more of the active antioxidant compounds than brewed coffee, and may be a promising option for Parkinson's disease patients.

Intriguing research suggests that caffeine itself may be a potent anti-Parkinson agent. Upon ingestion, caffeine readily crosses the blood-brain barrier and blocks adenosine receptors, an effect responsible for many of its pharmacologic actions

Plasma and platelet levels of CoQ10 are known to be low in patients with Parkinson's disease, suggesting a systemic deficiency state.

Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ)
Pyrroloquinoline quinone, or PQQ, is a highly bioactive compound present in a vast range of cell types, and research suggests boosting PQQ levels may improve mitochondrial function, inhibit oxidative stress, and support neurological health.

Creatine  is vital to cellular energy management. Creatine deficiency is associated with neurological damage. Several animal studies have shown creatine, because of its "pro-mitochondrial" effect, to be effective in preventing or slowing the progression of Parkinson's disease

Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Researchers in Norway have presented convincing evidence of a systematic omega-3 deficit in Parkinson's disease,

Vitamin D
Several studies have shown that higher levels of vitamin D protect against the onset of Parkinson's disease symptoms. Also, that patients diagnosed with Parkinson's have lower serum vitamin D levels than those without the disease.

Green Tea
Increased tea consumption is correlated with reduced incidence of Parkinson's disease. There is tremendous scientific interest in green tea and its active compound Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) as a neuroprotectant in Parkinson's disease

Curcumin, a derivative of the spices turmeric, through its potent modulation of the NF-kappa B system is a natural inhibitor of inflammation. It prevents chemically induced changes in lab models of Parkinson's disease and exerts significant neuroprotection

Scientists interested in protecting brain tissue and enhancing the quality of life in aging individuals have directed their attention towards resveratrol.

In a recent clinical trial, forty Parkinson's patients complaining of constipation were treated with probiotics for five weeks. Probiotic therapy significantly increased the number of normal stools as well as reduced the incidence of bloating and abdominal pain.

Monday, May 27, 2019

消化酵素能有效幫助消化 Enzymes Promote Optimal Digestion

許多人都會有消化不良的情況,例如腹脹和有胃氣。 但一般人未必意識到, 這種情況除了為我們帶來不適 ,也會影響關鍵營養素的吸收。 隨著年齡增長, 身體分泌消化酵素的功能會有所減弱, 這個問題就更加嚴重。


通過適當補充消化酶和益生菌, 可以從根本上解決胃腸道不適和營養吸收不良的情況。

Many people today suffer from the symptoms of poor digestion, such as bloating and gas. What they may not realize is that this digestive insufficiency also compromises the absorption of key nutrients.
Poor digestion is often caused by decreasing levels of digestive enzymes, as well as a chronic imbalance of beneficial organisms in the gastrointestinal tract.
It is possible to address both of these underlying causes of gastrointestinal distress and poor nutrient absorption by properly supplementing with both digestive enzymes and the probiotics.

扯鼻鼾 Snoring

當喉嚨組織在放鬆狀態下開始振動並在睡眠中發出聲音時,就會扯鼻鼾。如果扯鼻鼾情況嚴重,則可能導致失眠、破壞睡眠質素並引起煩躁。 幸而有許多簡單有效的天然補救措施可以舒緩這問題。 胡蘆巴 胡蘆巴是一種很好的天然療法,可防止因消化問題引起的扯鼻鼾。胡蘆巴對睡眠呼吸暫停也有效。 維他命C...