體力衰退, 站立不穩,行動緩慢, 相信很多長者都有類似煩惱。 一般會覺得 「年紀大了, 冇辦法了!」但很少會探究箇中原因。
隨年齡增長 , 人體的肌肉組織變得容易流失, 在醫學上這現象被稱為肌肉減少症。 少肌症不僅使我們虛弱,而且容易摔倒,增加了骨折、行動不便甚至提早死亡的風險。
維他命D3對抗肌肉衰退也很重要, 能讓肌肉力量顯著增強和促進運動表現。
The age-related loss of muscle tissue, called sarcopenia, leaves us not only weakened, but vulnerable to falling, increasing the risk for fractures, immobility, and premature death.
Two supplements have been shown to combat sarcopenia by maintaining or boosting muscle mass and performance.
HMB, a derivative of the common amino acid leucine, has been found to enhance lean muscle mass, prevent its loss, and promote improved muscle function.
Vitamin D3 has important effects on aging muscles, including producing significantly greater muscle strength and exercise performance.
Anyone concerned about maintaining optimal muscle mass, strength, and function into their golden years should consider supplementing with a combination of HMB and vitamin D3.
隨年齡增長 , 人體的肌肉組織變得容易流失, 在醫學上這現象被稱為肌肉減少症。 少肌症不僅使我們虛弱,而且容易摔倒,增加了骨折、行動不便甚至提早死亡的風險。
維他命D3對抗肌肉衰退也很重要, 能讓肌肉力量顯著增強和促進運動表現。
The age-related loss of muscle tissue, called sarcopenia, leaves us not only weakened, but vulnerable to falling, increasing the risk for fractures, immobility, and premature death.
Two supplements have been shown to combat sarcopenia by maintaining or boosting muscle mass and performance.
HMB, a derivative of the common amino acid leucine, has been found to enhance lean muscle mass, prevent its loss, and promote improved muscle function.
Vitamin D3 has important effects on aging muscles, including producing significantly greater muscle strength and exercise performance.
Anyone concerned about maintaining optimal muscle mass, strength, and function into their golden years should consider supplementing with a combination of HMB and vitamin D3.