Friday, December 07, 2018

薑黃素使癌細胞凋亡 Curcumin Starves Cancer Cells to Death

薑黃素是一種天然多功能多酚, 由於有更多研究顯示薑黃素能預防和治療癌症, 薑黃素日益受到科學界重視。





根據根黃素的多種作用機制, 科學家清楚地表明薑黃素應該可以作為任何綜合性癌症化學預防方案的核心要素。

Curcumin is a powerful, multi-functional polyphenol that is gaining increasing recognition for its cancer chemopreventive properties.

A new study shows that curcumin sharply restricts cancer cells’ ability to extract energy from glucose in the blood.

This mechanism is especially appealing for cancer chemoprevention because it would target the great majority of cancers.

Previous studies also show that curcumin can reduce inflammation, prevent chemical stress, shut down cancer-promoting pathways, and interfere with malignant cells’ growth and development.

This confirms previous studies showing that curcumin has specific effects against colorectal, breast, prostate, lung, and liver cancers.

These multiple mechanisms of action make it clear that curcumin should be a central element of any comprehensive cancer chemoprevention regimen.

1. Available at: Accessed September 21, 2018.
2. Bianchi G, Ravera S, Traverso C, et al. Curcumin induces a fatal energetic impairment in tumor cells in vitro and in vivo by inhibiting ATP-synthase activity. Carcinogenesis. 2018 Sep 21;39(9):1141-50.

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