Wednesday, April 10, 2019

細胞自噬機制與長壽 Autophagy and longevity


現實中 ,燃燒煤炭或石油之類也能產生能量以供我們所需, 例如發電、推動汽車和機器等等 。但燃燒作用的殘留物會污染環境並損害生物健康。 如何減少污染已成為目前最難解決的問題之一。

在人體的細胞能量代謝過程中, 同樣的事情也不斷發生,能量循環同樣造成有毒殘留物堆積於體內, 影響我們健康。

可幸的是,細胞具有天然排毒功能, 就是透過一種叫做細胞自噬的機制。



最近眾多研究表明,幾乎所有能延長健康壽命的方法都是透過激活體內細胞自噬機制而運作, 協助細胞去除毒素和廢物。



最近熱烈討論的 「斷食」便是其中一種方式,能激活自噬機制,有助於減緩衰老過程,並積極促進細胞更新。

但要經常斷食有難度? 這裏提供另外一些改善自噬機制的自然方法,包括補充礦物質鋰和絞股藍提取物等AMPK 活化物。


當AMPK被激活,它通過自噬過程發信號通知細胞去除內部污染物。這使得細胞更年輕, 運作更暢順 。

順帶一提,我們也可以通過AMPK活化物減少腹部脂肪積存。 有了AMPK 活化物,傳說中的「消腩丸 」不再是傳說!

Autophagy and longevity

To remain alive, your cells generate a continuous flow of energy.

When energy is produced by burning hydrocarbons such as coal or oil, the result is residual waste pollutants that damage living beings.

A similar event occurs during cellular energy metabolism. Left behind in the energy cycle is toxic debris.

The primary way cells “clean house” is via autophagy.

Autophagy defines a natural process whereby cells clear damaged proteins and other metabolic waste products.

An emerging body of evidence points to imbalanced autophagy as a driver of premature aging.

Recent discoveries show that almost every intervention proven to extend healthy lifespan involves activation of autophagy (removing toxic cellular waste).

Restoring balanced autophagy is a critical factor in reversing biological aging.

How to Restore Autophagy

Fasting activates autophagy, which helps slow down the aging process and has a positive impact on cell renewal.

How about if you can't possibly do fasting from time to time?  There are natural methods to improve autophagy that include supplementation with lithium and gynostemma extract.

One of the safest and most effective methods to optimize autophagy is by activating an enzyme in our cells called AMPK.

When AMPK is activated, it signals cells to remove internal pollutants via the process of autophagy.

This enables cells to function in a more youthful manner, as evidenced by reduced abdominal fat stores in many people using AMPK-activating compounds.

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