Tuesday, May 20, 2014

五種消炎止痛類草藥 Five Anti-Inflammatory Herbs



1 )白柳樹皮 White Willow Bark


2 )乳香 Boswellia


3 )魔爪草 Devil's Claw


4 )薑黃素 Curcumin


5 )生薑 Ginger


If you suffer from an inflammation-related condition such as arthritis, neck and back pain, or tendonitis, adding anti-inflammatory herbs to your health regimen may help you manage your pain.

Herbs for Pain Relief:

1) White Willow Bark

Containing aspirin-like compounds, white willow back was found to be as effective as conventional medicine in lessening pain among people with mild to fairly severe knee and hip problems in a 2008 study. White willow bark may also alleviate acute back pain, joint pain, and osteoarthritis.

2) Boswellia

Sourced from a resin found in the bark of frankincense trees, boswellia has been shown to thwart chemical reactions involved in inflammation. Practitioners of ayurvedic medicine have long used boswellia to treat arthritis; the herb may also benefit people with inflammatory bowel disease.

3) Devil's Claw

Traditionally used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, devil's claw may also soothe pain resulting from osteoarthritis, tendonitis, and back and neck troubles. In a 2007 study of 259 people with rheumatic conditions, researchers found that 60% of study members either reduced or stopped their pain medication after eight weeks of taking devil's claw. The herb also appeared to improve the participants' quality of life.

4) Curcumin

Another ayurvedic remedy known to tame arthritis pain, curcumin is a compound found in the curry spice turmeric. In an animal-based study published in 2007, scientists discovered that curcumin can overpower pro-inflammatory proteins called cytokines. The compound may also help decrease pain associated with autoimmune disorders and tendonitis.

5) Ginger

While sipping ginger tea can help relieve cold-related congestion, supplementing with ginger may deliver long-lasting health effects. Research indicates that ginger may calm arthritis pain, possibly by lowering your prostaglandin levels. One 2005 study even suggests that ginger could reduce pain and inflammation more effectively than non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (such as aspirin).

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