Thursday, March 03, 2016













As longer days, lighter evenings and the warmth of spring puts a smile on most people's faces, for many the appearance of spring and summer sunshine can often mean the onset of the dreaded  hay fever season.

What is a hay fever?

Hay fever, also known as seasonal allergic rhinitis,  is an allergic response to inhaled pollen released from local trees, grasses and flowers. It is a common condition affecting one in five people at some point in their life. The allergic response causes inflammation of the mucosal lining of the nasal passages,  throat and eyes,  causing symptoms such as sore eyes, blocked or runny nose, itching and sneezing.

How does the immune system react to hay fever?
In hay fever sufferers the immune system is overstimulated,  perceiving pollen as a foreign invader, causing an inflammatory response and the release of histamine.

The gut mucosal barrier houses approximately 70% of the body’s immune cells and is lined and influenced by a diverse microflora that plays an important role in the development and function of the corresponding immune system.  Imbalanced microflora has been observed in those suffering allergic diseases.  It is not surprising, therefore  that there appears to be a link between the severity of such allergies and the health of our gut.

How can probiotics help with hayfever?
Live bacteria products could benefit hay fever sufferers by moderating the immune system and controlling pathogenic overgrowth.

A Study in 2014 reported that hay fever sufferers given a lactobacilli probiotic for 5 weeks saw significant improvement in quality of life, in particular a reduction in running eyes.  Results of those taking the probiotics alongside anti-histamines were more significant than those taking an antihistamine alone.

Another study in 2011 found that subjects with hay fever,  who consumed a lactobacilli probiotic had lower  nasal congestion and itching. They also produce less inflammatory markers and a reduced immune response.

It has been shown that the microflora is more diverse in  the nasal passages of allergy sufferers.  Which could lead to predominance in pathogenic bacteria and a reduction in protective flora, therefore reducing immune defence.  Although it is not well understood how probiotics have an effect on nasal microflora, some studies have shown benefits. A study testing the effects of probiotics on potential  pathogenic bacteria in the nose find a significant reduction in nasal PPBS in those who consumed probiotics.

It could be said  that it is the balancing of the whole gut ecology with a wide mix of microbes over the long term  that is of greater benefit  than the presence of one individual strain.

When should you start taking probiotics?
It may take some time to influence the gut microflora balance and elevated immune  responses,  especially in the adult population.  It appears that live bacterial products  are more effective in preventing hay fever opposed to treating it.  It is advisable, therefore, to consume probiotics on a continual basis year round,  or at the very least in the lead up to the spring and throughout the summer, in hay fever sufferers.

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