Sunday, November 04, 2018

五款促進血液循環的營養補充劑 Five Supplements for Circulation

臨床研究表明葡萄籽提取物是一種天然血管擴張劑。它有助於血管放鬆,從而改善血液流動。葡萄籽提取物蘊含一種稱為原花青素OPC的天然化合物, 研究證明有助於降低腦氧化應激作用,這有助於保持腦細胞更年輕和更健康。

辣椒作為草藥使用已有悠久歷史, 有助舒緩牙痛和頭痛,但它也可以幫助改善血液循環,這要歸功於一種叫做辣椒素的成分。事實上,在你吃辣椒或其營養補充劑的那一刻,它幾乎可以立即改善你的血液流動。

德國醫生喜歡使用銀杏葉來改善患者的血液循環,以及其他多種健康問題。 銀杏葉被認為可以改善記憶力,促進大腦血液循環,以及幫助哮喘患者舒緩症狀。它還能令血液更快地輸送到心臟,甚至可以增強血管彈性。

4. 蜂花粉

5. 山楂

Five Supplements for Circulation
1. Grape seed extract
Grape seed extract is known to be a vasodilator. It helps the blood vessels relax, which improves blood flow. Compounds from grape seed extract called oligomeric proanthocyanidins (OPC) have also been shown to help lower brain oxidative stress, which helps keep the brain cells younger and healthier.

2. Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper has been used for thousands of years for everything from toothaches to headaches, but it can also help improve circulation, thanks to an ingredient called capsicum. As a matter of fact, the minute you eat cayenne pepper or take a supplement, it improves your blood flow almost instantly.

3. Ginkgo Biloba
German doctors actually use Gingko Biloba to improve their patients’ circulation, along with multiple other health issues. It is thought to improve memory due to increased circulation in the brain, as well as help patients with asthma. It also helps blood get to get the heart faster and even strengthens the blood vessels.

4. Bee Pollen
Many people take bee pollen supplements to combat allergies and colds, but most don’t know that they can also help with circulation. Bee pollen contains an antioxidant called rutin that can strengthen the blood vessels and potentially help prevent blood clots that can lead to serious health problems or even death. It may even help prevent the hardening of your arteries.

5. Hawthorn
Hawthorn has been known to increase circulation by making your heart healthier. Hawthorn may also improve your heart’s rhythm by increasing your heart muscle health.

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