Tuesday, June 02, 2020

健康蘑菇 Mushrooms for Health

所有蘑菇品種都不含脂肪且熱量低。 它們也是維他命B、維他命D和礦物質(如硒(強力抗氧化劑)和鉀(有助降血壓))的來源。

常見蘑菇中,含有稱為β-葡聚醣的有助增強免疫力的物質。 最近的一項研究發現,經常服用白蘑菇提取物具有明顯增強免疫力作用。


適當烹飪通常會增添蘑菇的美味,並增強質感。 可以將蘑菇放湯、做沙律甚至低溫煎煮,都可以保持其味道和健康益處。

All mushroom varieties—and this includes the tasty ones in the produce aisle—are fat-free and low calorie.  They’re also a source of B vitamins, vitamin D, and minerals like selenium (a strong antioxidant) and potassium (great for blood pressure).

Immunity-boosting substances called beta-glucans are abundant in several mushroom species, too. A recent study found significant immune-boosting effects from extract of the commonly consumed white button mushroom.

And recent research found breast-cancer-fighting compounds in maitake, crimini, portabella, oyster, and white button.

Meaty Mushrooms
Cooking usually intensifies the flavor of any mushroom and also enhances the texture. Throw them into soups, sauces, and stir fries for their taste and health benefits.

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