Wednesday, July 11, 2012

五種緩解關節炎疼痛的好方法 5 Ways to Ease Arthritis Pain


1 減肥消脂

2 保持活躍

3 攝取健康的脂肪

4 雞蛋衣有益

5 嘗試一些草藥

Supplements, herbs, and exercise can help
Arthritis  typically cause pain, swelling, and tenderness. The condition progresses and can become debilitating as cartilage that protects the ends of the bones gradually wears away. But exercise and dietary changes can significantly help alleviate discomfort.

1 Lose Weight
This is the first step toward easing arthritis pain. Being overweight is directly linked to osteoarthritis of the knee, which is the most common form of the disease.
Losing weight can also reduce stress on weight-bearing joints. In fact, each one-pound increase in weight translates to a two- to three-pound increase in the overall force on the knees.

2 Get Moving
Low-impact exercises such as cycling and swimming 30 minutes a day are great for arthritis patients. Walking, water aerobics, and tai chi are other good options. Staying active can keep joints from stiffening and help manage pain. And stronger muscles keep joints from rubbing against each another.

3 Eat Healthy Fats
The Arthritis Foundation says diet is increasingly seen as an antidote to arthritis pain. Omega-3 fatty acids appear to be particularly beneficial. The body converts them to anti-inflammatory compounds. Krill oil supplements
have recently been shown to be effective in easing pain and swelling caused by arthritis. Flaxseed oil also combats inflammation.

4 Be an Egghead
Eggshell membrane contains compounds that are necessary for maintaining healthy joint and connective tissues.
A study published in 2009 found that taking 500 milligrams daily led to significant reductions in joint pain and inflexibility.

5 Try These Herbs
Two herbs from India appear to reduce chronic pain and inflammation: Curcumin is an active compound in the spice turmeric, and boswellia is a tree that emits a medicinal resin. Curcumin was shown to be at least as effective as ibuprofen at relieving knee osteoarthritis pain in a recent study. It also appears to protect cartilage from breakdown. Boswellia is an effective pain-reducer and anti-inflammatory agent.

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