Wednesday, July 04, 2012

胰臟癌胰腺酶酵素另類療法 Pancreatic Enzyme Therapy for Pancreatic Cancer


切除手術和化療或許能為病人延長兩年壽命,但大多數情況癌細胞已經擴散 - 傳統醫生一般估計病人的存活期為三個月。

在美國,西醫尼古拉斯·岡薩雷斯(Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D.)對胰臟癌采用另類自然療法,涉及使用高劑量胰腺酶治療。尼古拉斯醫生在紐約市私人執業,專門治療末期胰臟癌病人。以下對話取自與他的訪談:







Pancreatic cancer is a malignant neoplasm originating from transformed cells arising in tissues forming the pancreas.

Surgery and chemotherapy may extend this lifespan by an additional two years, but in the most advanced cases - where the cancer has metastasized, or spread throughout the body - conventional doctors usually give patients about three months to live.

But not Nicholas Gonzalez, M.D. Using a controversial and little-understood therapy involving pancreatic enzymes, Dr. Gonzalez, in private practice in New York City, has given life to patients other doctors have given up for dead. Here are some of the questions extracted from the interview with him:

Q: How does enzyme therapy fight cancer?

A: Studies suggest that pancreatic enzymes, in addition to aiding in digestion, also have significant cancer-fighting properties. When taken in high doses, these animal-derived pancreatic enzymes, like chemotherapy, seem to stop tumor cells from dividing so that they cease growing or die. How this process specifically works is unclear.

Q: How are the enzymes administered?

A: The enzymes are taken by mouth in pill form. The exact number of pills taken depends on a patient's individual circumstances, but on average, patients receive about 60 enzyme pills per day, plus roughly 100 vitamin, mineral, and other nutritional supplements each day for two to three weeks. A five-day break from all pills follows.

Q: Is enzyme therapy a cure for cancer?

A: We can't yet call it a cure but we've had some encouraging study results. In a small pilot study of 11 patients, nine (81 percent) survived one year, five (45 percent) survived two years, and at this time, four have survived three years. These results are far above the 25 percent survival at one year typical of pancreatic cancer patients. Larger studies are being done to further test the effectiveness seen so far.

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