Friday, March 03, 2017

她的健康 —— 子宮肌瘤篇 Health for Her: Fibroids





An extremely common condition in women, fibroids are benign growths in the uterus.

Uterine fibroids can lead to a number of symptoms, including pressure in the abdomen and heavy menstrual periods. In some cases, fibroids can even contribute to infertility issues. About a quarter of women with fibroids will experience difficulties getting pregnant.

Diagnosing fibroids is not extremely difficult. Some can be felt during a routine pelvic exam while others may require the use of ultrasound, laparoscopy or even a hysteroscopy to determine the fibroids exact location. If your fibroids are interfering with your life in some way, herbal supplements can be taken to combat fibroid symptoms .

Because fibroids are in fact tumors, many women may be concerned about whether or not their fibroids will lead to cancer. While there is connection between the two, it is extremely rare for fibroids to develop into cancerous growths. Typically, a fibroid is noticed long before it has a chance to become cancerous.

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