Thursday, March 02, 2017

介紹兩種天然抗過敏草藥 Two Natural Remedies for Allergies


槲黃素 Quercetin (俗稱洋蔥素)似乎是最普遍有效的天然過敏治療方。槲黃素是一種生物類黃酮,天然存在於蘋果、茶葉、紅洋蔥和紅葡萄中。


蕁麻膠囊(Nettles )在過敏的臨床研究中表現相對良好,能作為溫和的抗組胺草藥用於預防和治療某些人的症狀。蕁麻值得嘗試,因為它非常安全,負擔得起,並有一些良好的“副作用”,例如它蘊含礦物質,能鹼化體質,有助利尿。

For the best results, start taking supportive remedies like quercetin and nettles before allergy season hits.

Quercetin seems to be the most universally effective natural allergy remedy anecdotally. The bioflavanoid is found naturally in apples, tea, red onions, and red grapes.

It seems to have antihistamine, antioxidant properties and works best preventively. Start taking the capsules a few weeks before and throughout your usual allergy season.

Nettles (Urtica dioica) in freeze-dried capsules has performed relatively well in clinical studies for allergies, and seems to work as a mild antihistamine to prevent and treat symptoms for some people. It’s worth trying because it’s extremely safe, affordable, and has some nice “side effects” as a mineral-rich, alkalizing, diuretic food herb.

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