Friday, July 14, 2017

解決痔瘡煩惱 Natural ways to relieve hemorrhoids

在Google 的關鍵字搜尋裡,有關“痔瘡”這字眼的查詢名列前茅,可想而知痔瘡多麼困擾我們的生活。

如何才能避免痔瘡發生? 天然的方法比西藥治療更為有效。 以下幾點可作為參考:

假葉樹butcher’s broom有助舒緩靜脈曲張和痔瘡腫痛,改善靜脈細胞彈性。


According to Google Zeitgeist, which tracks and analyzes more than 1 trillion online queries, “hemorrhoids” topped the list of health complaints.

How do you avoid hemorrhoids altogether? It turns out that natural remedies are the most effective. Follow these steps for relief.

Eat high-fiber foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, psyllium in water).
Drink plenty of fluids.
Exercise regularly.
Take bioflavonoids which are thought to decrease inflammation.
Try butcher’s broom. It has a long history of treating hemorrhoids and varicose veins by toning the integrity of veins and shrinking swollen tissue.
Triphala, which is an Ayurvedic compound of three fruits, is a well-known “bowel tonic." It relieves constipation without being a harsh stimulant.  

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