Tuesday, August 15, 2017

戰勝疲勞 Fight Fatigue


當你感到心神遲鈍時,人參(Panax spp)是草藥好幫手。中國人參使用了數千年,不僅能提高能量,還能改善性慾,調節血糖水平,保護肝臟免受毒素侵害。花旗參(P. cinquefolius)也有類似功效。

刺五加 Eleuthero(Eleutherococcus senticosus)是人參的近親植物,臨床研究證明可以提高能量水平。長時間工作或需要輪班工作的人士補充刺五加能迅速讓身體更有活力和體質得到平衡。這草藥更可以幫助喜歡運動提升耐力、增強體力,同時也能幫助身體在劇烈運動後能恢復得更快。

紅景天(Rhodiola rosea)已被證明能提升身體能量和活力。由於服用後很快便能感受藥效,對那些需要快速補充能量的人來說,紅景天特別有用。紅景天也有助持久提升身心能量。

Being in constant battle mode can result in reduced energy levels that leave us feeling burned out. Before you reach for another cup of coffee, consider stimulating plant-root adaptogens that can give you an energy boost without the caffeine.

Ginseng (Panax spp.) is the go-to herb when you feel sluggish. Used for thousands of years in traditional Chinese medicine, Asian ginseng (P. ginseng) not only boosts energy but can also improve libido, regulate blood sugar levels, and protect the liver from toxins. The same is true for American ginseng (P. cinquefolius).

Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) is a close relative of ginseng and has been shown to boost energy levels. People who work long hours or atypical shifts may feel more energized and balanced when supplementing with eleuthero. This herb can be helpful for athletes, as it boosts endurance and increases stamina while also helping the body recover faster after strenuous activity.

Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) has demonstrated its ability to boost energy and vitality. Because of its fast action, it is especially helpful for those who need a quick pick-me-up. It also provides long-term physical and mental energy.

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