Thursday, April 20, 2017

蘇格蘭新健康指引:應該每日補充維他命D All Scots advised to take vitamin D says new health guidance



大多數人體內的維他命D是由陽光對皮膚的作用產生。 但現在使用防曬霜非常普及,往往阻止皮膚產生所需要的維他命D.
缺乏維他命D可導致骨軟化症 - 引起嚴重的骨痛和肌肉酸痛。

Scots should consider taking vitamin D supplements all-year round, but particularly in autumn and winter, according to new health advice.

The vitamin is crucial for the production of healthy bones and low levels can lead to rickets in children.
Topping up vitamin D levels could also help prevent multiple sclerosis.

For most people, the bulk of their vitamin D is made from the action of sunlight on their skin.  However the use of sunscreen prevents the creation of vitamin D in the skin.
Vitamin D deficiency can lead to osteomalacia - causing severe bone pain and muscle aches.

For example, people whose skin receives little exposure to the sun, or who always cover their skin to go outside, should take the supplements throughout the year.

Asian people should also consider the supplements all-year round.

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