Monday, May 22, 2017

便秘 Constipation


服用500毫克或以上維他命C 同樣具有輕瀉作用。如果服用超過2000毫克,建議使用緩衝型維他命C。
每日1至3次,每次服用500毫克 泛酸能直接刺激腸道功能,解決便秘煩惱。泛酸也對肌膚有保濕作用,女士們立即體現一下吧!

It is healthy to have at least one bowel movement daily. If the food you consumed stays in your body for too long, it would be rotten and toxic. So what can you do if you come across constipation?

Eat veggies and whole grains.
If you are eating too little fiber, eat more veggies and whole grains. Start the day with a bowl of whole-grain cereal. 

Stay hydrated. 
Unless you want to try pushing out hard little rocks, you want to stay well hydrated. Sodas and sugar will make the problem worse. Tea works and has a mild laxative effect to boot. Keep a glass of water on hand and check in with your mouth and lips every so often. If they are dry, you’re dehydrated and it's time to drink.

Recommended Supplements
For symptomatic relief, there are several natural laxatives that are healthy.

The mineral magnesium draws water into your bowel, helping to loosen the stool. You can take up to 800 milligrams (mg) a day for a few days here and there. Most likely your constipation problem will be solved.  You can also take 200-400 mg every day  and your whole body will feel better.

Vitamin C 
In doses over 500 mg, vitamin C can have a laxative effect. If taking over 2,000 mg a day, use a buffered vitamin C.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)
Pantothenic acid 500 mg 1-3x day directly stimulates bowel function. Pantothenic acid has moisturizing effects on the skin as well.  Ladies you want to try?

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