Thursday, June 01, 2017

褪黑激素真的有助睡眠 Melatonin Really Helps You Fall Asleep





Take a melatonin tablet (or liquid melatonin) and a pleasant and unmistakable drowsiness makes its presence known in a matter of minutes.

And while one can easily fall into a deep and peaceful slumber, melatonin's effects are mild enough to allow one to change one's mind and stay awake, or choose to sleep without worry of being unable to rouse oneself in the event of an emergency.

Nor is melatonin addictive or have any of the other potentially dangerous side effects attributed to sleeping pills, tranquilizers and sedatives.

Sleep with melatonin is restful and refreshing.  It may be necessary to consume another dose if one wakes three to four hours after taking it, due to the hormone's short half-life in the body. Delayed release tablets are suggested in these situations. 

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