Sunday, June 04, 2017

工作疲勞頸梗膊痛有辦法 Important Supplements to Take for Shoulder and Neck Pain



Vitamin B-5, or pantothenic acid, is called an anti-stress vitamin, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. Vitamin B-5 plays a part in the manufacturing of stress-related hormones. These hormones are produced in the adrenal glands that sit above your kidneys. Pantothenic acid is also necessary in making red blood cells and nerve functioning. Maintaining both of these systems may insure faster healing of sore neck and shoulder muscles.

Poor posture due to bone deficiencies may be a cause of pain in the neck and shoulder region. The journal "Spine" states that vitamin D deficiency is a major cause of osteomalacia, a common metabolic condition affecting bone mineralization. Adequate supplementation of vitamin D in the diet appears to alleviate the condition, the study concludes. Vitamin D works with calcium in your body to produce strong bones; that may help correct posture and lessen the strain on aching shoulder and neck muscles.

Maintaining strong neck and shoulder muscles may help in preventing pain in that area. Vitamin C plays a role in synthesizing collagen, the framework for muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Regular exercise such as yoga, taichi and etc may also improve your neck and shoulder strength.

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