Wednesday, October 18, 2017

擊退流感 Fight the Flu




黃芪 Astragalus: 增強免疫力。

紫錐花 Echinacea: 在流感開始時最有用。免疫力提升劑,也能抗病毒和抗炎。

黑接骨木 Elderberry: 含有抗病毒蛋白質;可用於治療流感和其他病毒性呼吸系統疾病。

尤加利油 Eucalyptus: 具有抗病毒和免疫力提升作用,有效舒緩鼻塞。

大蒜 Garlic: 可減少鼻塞,緩解上呼吸道症狀。

薑 Ginger: 在印度草藥學(阿育吠陀)和中醫藥中非常重要的草本用藥;促進發汗,舒緩流感引起的寒戰感、發燒和頭痛等。

蜂蜜 Honey:有效舒緩呼吸道感染症狀。喝一杯熱檸蜜,迅速緩解咳嗽和發燒不適。

檸檬 Lemon:具抗病毒特性;富含維他命B和C;檸檬汁可以殺死細菌並防止病毒傳播。

甘草 Licorice: 緩解喉嚨痛和咳嗽不適;也能提升免疫力。

橄欖葉 Olive leaf: 提取物具有抗流感病毒的活性。

牛至油 Oregano oil: 用於咳嗽和其他上呼吸道症狀,味道辛辣但效果奇佳。

茶樹油 Tea tree oil: 用於香熏療法,可減少流感症狀、抵抗感染、減少發燒;也強化身體免疫系統。

Do you have the flu? If your symptoms include chills, high fever, sore throat, dry cough, sneezing, runny nose, weakness, body aches, muscle pain, nausea, and headache . . . the answer is yes.

A number of botanical remedies as below can offer relief.

Astragalus: Strengthens immune system.

Echinacea: Useful at onset of flu. An immune stimulant, it’s also antiviral and anti-inflammatory.

Elderberry: Contains antiviral proteins; useful for treating flu and other viral respiratory disorders.

Eucalyptus: A strong decongestant with antiviral and immune-stimulating properties.

Garlic: Can reduce nasal congestion and ease upper respiratory symptoms.

Ginger: Important in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine; promotes sweating; ginger preparations are useful for chills, fever, and headaches that accompany flu.

Honey: Effective for treating respiratory flu symptoms. In a cup of hot water with lemon, honey eases cough and fever.

Lemon: Antiviral properties; rich in vitamins B and C; lemon juice can kill germs and keep viruses from spreading.

Licorice: To soothe sore throats and coughs; also stimulates the immune system.

Olive leaf: Extract exhibits antiviral activity against flu.

Oregano oil: Useful for coughs and other upper respiratory symptoms.

Tea tree oil: Used in aromatherapy, tea tree oil may reduce flu symptoms, fight infection, and reduce fever; also stimulates immune system.

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