Monday, October 23, 2017

何謂鼻炎? What Is Rhinitis?





蠶蟲酵素 Serrapeptase 是有效對付鼻炎的天然補充劑,能徹底消除發炎症狀和收乾粘液分泌。這大大舒緩了炎症反應和細胞組織的各種不適,讓身體的自身免疫系統能正常地應對和處理外來刺激。

It is an inflammation of the nose, resulting in the generation of large amounts of mucus. Its common symptoms are stuffy nose, runny nose, and sneezing. The discharge from the nose can come through the front of the nose. It can also drain through the back of the nose, a condition called post-nasal drip.

The most common kind  is allergic rhinitis, which is usually triggered by airborne allergens. In addition, allergic rhinitis may cause other symptoms, such as sneezing and nasal itching, coughing, headache, fatigue, malaise, and cognitive impairment.

What Causes This Condition?
Various factors include:

Allergies frequently produce a runny nose. In these cases, the discharge will be clear or occasionally white.
Infection causes nasal discharge. This will be a purulent discharge most commonly colored yellow or green.
Irritation to the nose can cause discharge. This discharge is most commonly clear or white; many people experience it when exposed to nasal irritants.
Many individuals exposed to cold air or smoke will have nasal discharge. This is known as Irritative Rhinitis.

Serrapeptase helps immensely as it clears out all of the inflammation and mucus. In addition, by clearing away this problem inflammation and tissue, it enables the body’s own immune system to deal more easily with irritation.

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