Friday, November 10, 2017

草藥排毒:牛蒡與沒藥 Herbal detox: Burdock and Myrrh

牛蒡的使用歷史悠久,用於排清肝臟毒素和滋養血液。 服用後,它有發汗的特性,也會增加小便次數。 牛蒡是其中一種最有效的排毒藥草。





Burdock (Arctium lappa) has been an important ancient herb used for cleaning the liver and building the blood. If taken internally, it could get you sweaty and urinating. Think of burdock as a toxic elimination herb.

Helps with: acne, diabetes, eczema, psoriasis and it has anti-cancer properties.

Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha) has long been used as a cleansing agent due to its effective antifungal and antiseptic properties.

Helps with: aromatherapy, athlete’s foot, yeast, colds, cuts, oral care, hemorrhoids and sore throats.

The resin (the sticky substance) is used.

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扯鼻鼾 Snoring

當喉嚨組織在放鬆狀態下開始振動並在睡眠中發出聲音時,就會扯鼻鼾。如果扯鼻鼾情況嚴重,則可能導致失眠、破壞睡眠質素並引起煩躁。 幸而有許多簡單有效的天然補救措施可以舒緩這問題。 胡蘆巴 胡蘆巴是一種很好的天然療法,可防止因消化問題引起的扯鼻鼾。胡蘆巴對睡眠呼吸暫停也有效。 維他命C...