Wednesday, November 29, 2017

白血病先兆 Leukemia Symptoms: Know the Signs

經常發燒、疲憊不堪,甚或有關節疼痛和淋巴腫賬等不適。 這些症狀表面上看有些似流感或其他感染的跡像,但這些也是白血病患者常見的症狀。白血病的其他症狀包括容易出血或瘀傷、反复流鼻血和皮膚出現小紅點等。

一般而言,白血病屬於人體血液組織的癌症(骨髓是其中一種血液組織)。 白血病的體徵因癌症類型而異, 在某些情況下,白血病早期可能沒有明顯症狀。

由於許多白血病症狀比較模糊,可能由其他疾病(癌變或非癌變)引起,所以必須盡快讓醫生對其進行評估。 一個及時而準確的診斷意味著更早可以開始治療,挽回一命。

You’re feverish and fatigued. Your joints ache, and your lymph glands have swollen. Sounds like you have signs of the flu or any number of infections. But they’re also common leukemia symptoms.  Other symptoms of leukemia are easy bleeding or bruising, recurrent nosebleeds and tiny red spots in your skin.

In general terms, leukemia is cancer of your body’s blood-forming tissues, such as the bone marrow. Signs of leukemia vary, depending on the type of cancer you have; in some cases, leukemia causes no symptoms early on.

Since many leukemia symptoms are vague and may be caused by other conditions—cancerous and non-cancerous—it’s important to have them evaluated by your physician. A prompt, accurate diagnosis means an earlier start to treatment that may save your life.

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