Wednesday, December 06, 2017

安眠的天然補充劑 Some natural sleep-aid supplements







Those who want to explore herbal sleep aids—and especially those who want to wean themselves off sleeping pills—have many options to consider. Valerian root, for example, is a natural sedative whose use dates back to ancient Greece. In recent years, its effectiveness has been supported by research. In addition to valerian root, many other nutrients can also improve sleep, including gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA (a naturally occurring chemical that dampens brain activity), and L-theanine (an amino acid found in green tea leaves that induces brain waves connected to relaxation).

One of the most popular herbs for sleep is lavender, which has been used throughout history for healing and relaxation. There is scientific evidence to support what the ancients knew. A Thai study found that smelling lavender helps us relax by slowing down our heart rate, decreasing our blood pressure, and lowering skin temperature. Other studies have found sleep quality improved in a room scented with lavender or when lavender oil was sprinkled on pajamas or pillows. And in Germany, lavender tea has been approved by their equivalent of the FDA as a treatment for insomnia.

Some tips
Before bed, take a hot bath with Epsom salts. Have pajamas, nightdresses, even T-shirts dedicated to sleep. Sometimes a cup of chamomile or lavender tea is warm and comforting before going to bed. 

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