Sunday, November 19, 2017

鼻竇炎 Sinusitis

根據最新研究指出,鼻竇炎與真菌感染關係密切。真菌感染會引起鼻塞,造成鼻腔和鼻竇腫脹閉合,最終導致鼻竇炎。人體內,無論任何管道被阻塞(如闌尾、膽囊等),都會導致繼發性細菌感染 - 鼻竇也不例外。病發時,鼻腔粘液會變成黃綠色,多數人這時候會去看醫生。醫生很多時會處方抗生素以消除細菌感染,這樣你短期內會感覺好了一些。不幸的是,抗生素會導致鼻腔內的真菌(酵母菌)感染惡化,誘發更多的腫脹和堵塞,再導致更多的細菌感染。這就是為什麼鼻竇炎通常會變成慢性鼻炎。 Mayo Clinic Proceedings報導的一項有趣的研究指出,以前“真菌過敏被認為只涉及少於10%的病例......然而我們的研究表明,真菌可能是幾乎所有這些問題的原因,它不是過敏反應,而是免疫反應。”


為了剷除鼻竇感染的根源,治療真菌/念珠菌感染至關重要。鼻竇炎(甚至慢性鼻炎)通常在接受治療6-12週情況會明顯改善。大蒜(Allium sativum)具有抗真菌特性。益生菌如嗜酸乳桿菌和雙歧桿菌也有助於恢復鼻粘膜細菌的正常平衡。一些研究表明黑接骨木果中的化學物質或有助於減少包括鼻竇在內的粘膜腫脹,並有助於緩解鼻塞。

桉樹油能產生一種奇妙的帶滲透性的揮發物,不會像薄荷油那樣具有刺激性。桉樹油芬香,幾個世紀以來一直用於擴張呼吸道、縮小鼻腔腫脹和減少粘液分泌 - 效果快速也不會令人昏昏欲睡。



Fungal infections cause a stuffy nose, eventually causing the nasal passages and sinuses to swell shut. In the body, any time something gets blocked (e.g., appendix, gallbladder, etc.), it results in a secondary bacterial infection — and the sinuses are no exception. When this happens, your nasal mucus turns yellow-green, and you go to the doctor in pain. They give you an antibiotic, which knocks out the bacterial infection and sometimes leaves you feeling better. Unfortunately, the antibiotic worsens the underlying yeast infection in your nose, causing more swelling and blockages and, therefore, more attacks of bacterial infections. This is why sinusitis in the U.S. usually becomes chronic. An interesting study reported in the Mayo Clinic Proceedings noted that previously “fungus allergy was thought to be involved in less than 10% of cases... our studies indicate, in fact, fungus is likely the cause of nearly all of these problems and that it is not an allergic reaction but an immune reaction.”

Colloidal Silver Nose Spray
Another very helpful over the counter treatment for sinusitis is colloidal silver. It is an anti-infectious agent against both viral and bacterial infections.  Use 1 to 2 sprays in each nostril twice a day for 6-12 weeks.

Check for candida
To get to the root of sinus infections, and eliminate them, treat the underlying fungal/Candida infections. Sinusitis, even chronic, usually responds dramatically to yeast treatment for 6-12 weeks.  Garlic (Allium sativum) has antifungal properties. Probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium may help restore normal balance of bacteria in the nasal mucous membranes. Some evidence suggests that chemicals in elderberry may help reduce swelling in mucous membranes, including the sinuses, and help relieve nasal congestion.

Eucalyptus oil
Eucalyptus oil provides a wonderful penetrating vapor that does not have the tendency to irritate like menthol. Eucalyptus smells great, and has been used for centuries to clear stuffy airways, shrink nasal swelling and reduce secretion of mucus — fast and without causing sedation.

Nasal rinses
Nasal rinses using 1/4-1/2 tsp of salt per cup of lukewarm water will wash billions of bacteria down the sink so your body doesn’t have to fight them.

Avoid antibiotics
Sinus infections likely exist in what are called “Biofilms.” Antibiotics turn short term sinus infections into chronic ones.

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